Obligations With A Period
Obligations With A Period
Obligations With A Period
ART. 1193.
Obligations for whose fulfillment a day
certain has been fixed, shall be demandable only
when that day comes.
Obligations with a resolutory period take
effect at once, but terminate upon arrival of the
day certain.
A day certain is understood to be that which
must necessarily come, although it may not be
known when.
If the uncertainty consists in whether the day
will come or not, the obligation is conditional,
and it shall be regulated by the rules of the
preceding Section.
(2) From the very moment the parties give their acceptance and consent to
the period fixed by the court, said period acquires the nature of a covenant,
because the effect of such acceptance and consent by the parties is exactly
the same as if they had expressly agreed upon it, and having been agreed
upon by them, it becomes a law governing their contract. The period fixed
in a final judgment is res judicata and as such forms an integral part of the
imperfect contract which gave rise to its designation by the court, and
thence, forward part of a perfect and binding contract. Consequently, the
court cannot change it. (Barretto vs. City of Manila, 11 Phil. 624 [1908].)
However, the parties may modify the term by a new agreement.
ART. 1198. The debtor shall lose every right to make use
of the period: