RF Circuit Design
RF Circuit Design
RF Circuit Design
• Mixer
• Downconversion
• Only one demodulator for different channels
Frequency planning of receiver
• Mixer is non linear device
• i/p 2 frequencies: RF, LO
• o/p frequencies: RF, LO, 2RF, 2LO, RF+LO, RF-LO, 3RF,
• Inband interference
• Image signal: fs+2IF
• Thus IF should be as high as possible
• Higher IF more complex sys, higher cost
• Trade off, solution: double conversion
IP3 problem
• The 3rd order intercept point is the theoritical
point on the RF input v/s IF output curve
where the desired input signal and third order
products become equal in amplitude as the RF
input is raised
• Eg.f1=1020KHz, f2=1040KHz, 2f1-f2=1000KHz
Mixer i/p power