Laboratory 1: Media, Culture & Staining
Laboratory 1: Media, Culture & Staining
Laboratory 1: Media, Culture & Staining
• Autoclave
Chocolate Agar
Selective Media
- Bacteria that ferment lactose (a type of sugar), produce acidic metabolites which cause the
pH indicator neutral red to turn red.
- These “lactose fermenters” will grow in pink colonies while non-lactose fermenters will be
colorless and clear.
Blood agar (BAP)
Streak pattern 4
A dilution technique
that involves
spreading a loopful of
culture over the
Bacterial growth pattern
surface of an agar
Starting with a mixed
culture, isolation of
different species may be
obtained by streaking
• Bacteria have almost the same refractive
index as water.
• Staining is done for making microbial cells
easier to visualize.
• Simple stains use only one dye that stains
the cell wall of bacteria.
• Differential stains use two stains and
categorize cells into groups.
• Both staining techniques allow the
detection of cell morphologies or shape:
cocci or spherical, bacilli or rods,
coccobacilli, spiral…
• The most common differential stain used in
microbiology is the Gram stain.
Distinguishes between two large groups of microorganisms:
- purple staining, Gram-positive cells
- pink staining, Gram-negative cells
These two types of cells differ significantly in the chemical and physical structure
of their cell wall.
• Bacterial film or smear is made on a glass slide & fixed with gentle heating
• Procedure
1. Flood the smears with crystal violet & let stand for one minute
2. Wash with tap water
3. Flood smears with the Gram’s iodine mordant & let stand for 2 minutes
4. Wash with tap water
5. Decolorize with 95% ethyl alcohol. Caution: Do not over decolorize. Add reagent drop by drop
until crystal violet fails to wash from smear.
6. Wash with tap water
7. Counter stain with safranin for 1 min
8. Blot dry with tissue paper & examine under oil immersion
Acid-Fast Stain
This stains the cells of the genera Mycobacterium and Nocardia, which
cause many diseases in humans, including tuberculosis, leprosy, and
other lung and skin infections.
Cells of these bacteria have large amounts of waxy lipid in their cells
walls, so the Gram stain and other water-based stains don’t work well on
Primary stain: modified carbolfuchsin
Decolorizer: acid alcohol (HCL,
concentrated ethanol)
Counter stain: methylene blue
1. Prepare a heat fixed smear
2. Flood the smear with carbolfuchsin & let it
stand for 5 min at room temp
3. Rinse with tap water
4. Flood the smear with acid alcohol and let
stand for 2 min
5. Rinse with tap water
6. Flood the smear with methylene blue & let
stand for 1-3 min
7. Rinse with tap water
8. Air dry & examine under oil immersion