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Adaptive Call Admission Control For Qos Provisioning in Wimax Networks

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M.E. Tele Engg.
Specilization:Communication Engg.
Examination Roll no. M4ETC10-05
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.
Jadavpur Uuniversity,Kolkata

 Introduction
 IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX
 Call Admission Control(CAC)
 Adaptive Bandwidth Degradation CAC (ABD-CAC)
 Trade off analysis
 Adaptive Guard Channel CAC (AGC-CAC)
 Conclusion
 Background and Motivation
 Broadband Wireless Access(BWA)
Promising solution for last mile access
High speed internet access in residential as well as small and
medium sized enterprise sector

 Advantages of BWA
 Ease of deployment and installation
 Much higher data rates can be supported
 Capacity can be increased by installing more base stations
 Challenges for BWA
 Price
 Performance
 Interoperability issues
 IEEE 802.16 is the first industry based standard for BWA
What is WiMAX?
 WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a
standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile wireless
broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL.
 The technology is specified by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers Inc., as the IEEE 802.16 standard.
 WiMAX promises to provide different kinds of services with guaranteed
IEEE 802.16 Standards

802.16 802.16a 802.16- 802.16e-2005

2004(Fixed (Mobile WiMAX)
Date December January June 2004 December
Completed 2001 2003 2005
Spectrum 10-66 GHz < 11 GHz < 11 GHz < 6 GHz

Operation LOS Non-LOS Non-LOS Non-LOS and

Bit Rate 32-134 Mbps Up to 75 Up to 75 Up to 35 Mbps
Mbps Mbps
Cell Radius 1-3 miles 3-5 miles 3-5 miles 1-3 miles
Service Flows supported in WiMAX
Service Flow Designation Defining QoS Parameters Application Examples

Maximum Sustained Rate(MSR)

Voice over IP (VoIP) without silence
Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS) Maximum Latency Tolerance
Jitter Tolerance

Minimum Reserved Rate (MRR)

Maximum Sustained Rate(MSR) Streaming audio and video, MPEG
Real-time Polling Service (rtPS) Maximum Latency Tolerance (Motion Picture Expert Group)
Jitter Tolerance encoded

Minimum Reserved Rate(MRR)

Non Real-time Polling Service (nrtPS) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Maximum Sustained Rate(MSR)

Best Effort Service (BE) Maximum Sustained Rate(MSR) Web browsing, data transfer

Minimum Reserved Rate (MRR)

Extended Real-time Polling Service Maximum Sustained Rate MSR)
(ertPS) Maximum Latency Tolerance VoIP with silence suppression
(included in IEEE 802.16e) Jitter Tolerance
Traffic Priority
IEEE 802.16 QoS Architecture
Basics of Call Admission Control (CAC)
A QoS mechanism that decides whether a new session (connection) can
be established.
This mechanism will ensure that existing sessions’ QoS will not be
degraded and the new session will be provided QoS support.
 HOW ?
A connection is admitted if
 There is enough bandwidth to accommodate the new connection
 The new admitted connection will receive QoS guarantees
 QoS of existing connections is maintained.
Performance parameter of a CAC Scheme

 New Call Blocking Probability (NCBP)

 Handoff Call Dropping Probability (HCDP)
 Bandwidth Utilization (BU)
Impact of these Parameters
 NCBPs and HCDPs gives the level of user satisfaction. Lower the
NCBP and HCDP of a connection higher is the level of user
 BU of the system gives the level of Operator Satisfaction. Higher the
BU higher is the level of operator satisfaction.
 Therefore CAC scheme which has Lower BPs, Lower DPs and Higher
BU of the system is better CAC scheme

I. Reservation Based CAC

II. Non-Reservation Based CAC
Proposed ABD-CAC Scheme
 Non-Reservation Based CAC
 Modified from the FBD-CAC[19]
 Bandwidth guarantee to all the
 Delay guarantee to rtPS connections [4]
 Excellent Bandwidth Utilization
Fixed Bandwidth Degradation-CAC (FBD-CAC)

 In this scheme the bandwidth of lower priority connections are degraded

to accommodate more connections.
 The degradation is done in steps with an initially assigned step size
 Degradation is performed on rtPS and nrtPS connections to allow more
handoff calls.
 To allow more new UGS connections the degraded bandwidth from nrtPS
connections is also allocated to UGS connections.
Example :-
Let B= 1024 kbps
BUGS= 256 kbps
BRTPSMAX = 1024 kbps; BRTPSMIN=512 kbps
BNRTPSMAX= 1024 kbps; BNRTPSMIN=512 kbps
Let at any instant the numbers calls admitted in the system as
given below :-
Nu=15; Nr=3; Nn=5
Total used bandwidth=Nu*BUGS+Nr*BRTPSMAX+Nn*BNRTPSMAX
=10240 kbps.
 When a new UGS call arrives degradation will be
performed on nrtPS connections
 After degradation the Bandwidth available for nrtPS

connection is given by
Let delta=256 kbps
Therefore Bn =768 kbps.
Total used bandwidth=(Nu+1)*BUGS+Nr*BRTPSMAX+Nn*Bn
=9216 kbps
Total bandwidth degraded = Nu*delta =5*256 =1280 kbps.
Disadvantage of FBD-CAC Scheme

 Degradation more than necessary

 Step size initially assigned arbitrarily
 Available bandwidth for rtPS and nrtPS
connections are less
 Computation time is longer because of the
degradation loop
Bandwidth utilization of the system is greatly
Adaptive Bandwidth Degradation(ABD)-CAC scheme

 No fixed step size degradation.

 No need to assigned initial step size.
 Instead calculate the minimum required
bandwidth and then degrade.
 The degradation is adaptive to the required
Example :- When a new UGS connection
arrives degradation is performed to obtain the
minimum required bandwidth as follows:
delta= [{(Nu+1)*BUGS+Nr*BRTPSMAX+Nn*BRTPSMAX} – B]/Nn
=51.2 kbps.
Available bandwidth of nrtPS connections = BNRTPSMAX-delta
=1024-51.2 = 972.8 kbps
Total bandwidth degraded = 5*51.2 = 256 kbps.
Total used bandwidth=(Nu+1)*BUGS+Nr*BRTPSMAX+Nn*Bn
=10240 kbps.
Simulation Setup
 Simulation was performed in MATLAB environment.
 The parameters taken for the simulation are:
 B=10240 kbps.
 f=1 ms

is defined as service arrival parameter

Simulation results

Fig. 3: Comparison NCBP and HCDP of UGS Connections Fig 4: Comparison NCBP and HCDP of rtPS Connections
Simulation results

Fig 5: Comparison NCBP and HCDP of nrtPS Connections Fig 6: Comparison of Bandwidth Utilization of the system
Average Bandwidth Allocated to different services
Long term Average Revenue
In general, service providers expect a CAC policy that can produce the
maximal revenue. The previous study on calculating the long term average
revenue can be expressed as follows [21].

Where nu ,nr and nn are the numbers of UGS, rtPS and nrtPS connections
admitted in to the network.
Bu, Br and Bn are the bandwidth assigned to UGS , rtPS and nrtPS
connection respectively.
reru, rerr and rern are defined as the revenue rates of UGS ,rtPS and nrtPS
connections respectively.
Figure 5: Comparison of Average Revenue of UGS connections Figure 6: Comparison of Average Revenue of rtPS connections
Figure 7: Comparison of Average Revenue of nrtPS connections Figure 8: Percentage increase in long term Average Revenue
Design a tradeoff between HCDP and NCBP
Giving more priorities to hand off calls
deprived the new incoming new calls from its
own cell.
NCBP may be beyond an acceptable limit
 Define Two metrics
1. Grade of Service (GoS)
GoSk=NCBPk+k.HCDPk, k ε {u, r, n}
Where u, r, n denotes UGS, rtPS and nrtPS connections respectively.
k= penalty weight for handoff calls relative to new calls
** Small GoS means better performance
2. Cost function (CF)

CF  w1  GoSu  w 2  GoSr  w3  GoSn

Where w1+w2+w3=1 and different w1, w2 and w3 means different priority of the services. Therefore
the weights are selected such that w1>w2>w3 .
 Define a Degradation threshold variable Bth which is optimized according to the
minimum cost function.
Basic Steps
For a particular arrival rate vary Bth in the
interval 0 < Bth < Bmin
For every value of Bth Calculate CF.
The value Bth that gives the smallest CF is
the optimal value of Bth for that arrival rate.
Simulation results

Figure : Comparison of NCBP of UGS connections Figure : Comparison of NCBP of rtPS connections
Simulation results

Figure : Comparison of NCBP of nrtPS connections Figure : Comparison of HCDP of UGS connections
Simulation results

Figure : Comparison of HCDP of rtPS connections Figure : Comparison of HCDP of nrtPS connections
Adaptive Guard Channel CAC (AGC-CAC)

To consider the effect of AMC on CAC
With AMC, the modulation type of a user’s
connection can be changed dynamically due
to worsening of the channel and the ongoing
connection might fail due to the change of
Cell organization with adaptive modulation
1. Calls are classified into two types
(a) Real time calls (RT)
(b) Non-real time calls (NRT)
** RT calls consist of UGS and rtPS connections and NRT calls consist of
nrtPS connections. This assumptions has little effect on HCDP and
NCBP [].
2. Both the types of calls support two different types modulation scheme
(a) Modulation type 1
(b) Modulation type 2
3. Calls request are of three types
(a) New call request
(b) Handoff call request
(c) Modulation changed call request
Traditional Fixed Guard Channel (FGC)
CAC using AMC
Guard Channels are used to give priorities to the hand
off calls and the modulation changed calls.

Distribution of the available Channel

Guard channels are fixed i.e. decided in the initial

planning of the network.
For a varying traffic load network. This is not an
ideal solution for setting priority.
CAC algorithm
Let C = Total Channel blocks of a BS
Let Cr= required channel blocks of new request.
Let Calloc = currently allocated channel blocks.
Let GC= Amount of Guard Channel
The CAC algorithm is briefly described as below:
If (a new call request arrives)
If (Cr <= (C-GC-Calloc))
Admit the connection;
Reject the connection;
If (a handoff call or modulation changed call request arrives)
If (Cr <= (C-Calloc))
Admit the connection;
Reject the connection;
Adaptive Guard Channel (AGC)-CAC
For making the guard channel adaptive to the arrival rates of the different
calls we define a Grade of Service (GoS) parameter which is defined as
BP_RT = Blocking probability of new RT call
DP_RT = Dropping probability of handoff RT call
BP_NRT = Blocking probability of new NRT call
DP_NRT1 = Dropping probability of handoff NRT call
Procedure for AGC-CAC

For fixed arrival rate vary the value of GC

from 0 upto 50 % of Total channel
Obtain the dropping probabilities and
Blocking probabilities for every value of GC
 Evaluate GoS and the choose value of GC
that gives minimum GoS for that arrival rate.
Simulation setup
1. The total available Channel (Slots) for the
network is divided into 32 blocks i.e. C=32.
2. Consider two types of modulation scheme
for each types of calls i.e. real
time1(rt1),real time 2 (rt2),non-real time1
(nrt1) and non-real time2(nrt2)
3. The number of channel blocks required for
a connection is taken as brt1=2, brt2=1,
bnrt1=4 and bnrt2=2.
4. The traffic configurations are assumed as shown in Table
Traffic load configuration
Simulation results

Fig: Blocking probabilities of real time calls Fig Blocking probabilities of non real time calls
Simulation results

Fig: Dropping probabilities of real time calls Fig: Dropping probabilities of non- real time calls
Simulation results

Fig.: Blocking probabilities of Fig: Blocking probabilities of

modulation changed real time calls modulation changed non-real time calls
Simulation results

Fig : Channel Utilization

 A new CAC scheme called ABD-CAC is proposed that gives an
excellent Bandwidth Utilization of the system.
 The proposed CAC scheme addresses one of the important issues of
wireless communication of efficient utilization of the limited scarce
bandwidth resources
 This is significant in the next generation high bandwidth intensive
multimedia communications.
 ABD-CAC is further modified to achieve fairness among new calls and
handoff calls.
 A new CAC scheme called AGC-CAC with consideration of AMC
effect on CAC process is proposed.
 The proposed CAC scheme serves two purposes
1. It provides an efficient way of deciding the guard channel
which is dynamic and depends on the traffic load.
2. It also gives fairness among the different types of calls.

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