Nazlawi Business College: (Project Schedule Management)
Nazlawi Business College: (Project Schedule Management)
Nazlawi Business College: (Project Schedule Management)
Chapter 6
(Project Schedule Management)
Process Name Inputs output Tools and Techniques
Plan Schedule 1. Project charter 1. Schedule 1. Experts Judgment
Management 2. Project management plan management 2. Data analysis
3. Enterprise Environmental plan 3. Meetings
4. Organizational Process
Define 1. Project management plan 2. Activity list 1. Experts Judgment
Activities 2. Enterprise Environmental 3. Activity attributes 2. Decomposition
Factors 4. Milestone list 3. Rolling wave
3. Organizational Process 5. Change requests planning
Assets 6. Project 4. Meetings
plan updates
Process Name Inputs output Tools and Techniques
Sequence 1. Project management plan 1. Project 1. Precedence
Activities 2. Project documents schedule diagramming
3. Enterprise Environmental network method(PDM)
Factors diagram 2. Dependency
4. Organizational Process Assets 2. Project determination
documents 3. Leads and lags
updates 4. PMIS
Estimate 1. Project management plan 1. Duration 1. Experts Judgment
Activity 2. Project documents estimates 2. Analogous
Duration 3. Enterprise Environmental 2. Basis of estimating
Factors estimates 3. Parametric
4. Organizational Process Assets 3. Project estimating
documents 4. Three-point
updates estimating
5. Bottom up
6. Data analysis
7. Decision making
8. Meetings
Process Name Inputs output Tools and Techniques
Develop 1. Project management 1. Schedule baseline 1. Schedule
Schedule plan 2. Project schedule network analysis
2. Project documents 3. Schedule data 2. Critical path
3. Agreements 4. Project calendars method
4. Organizational assets 5. Project 3. Critical chain
management method
plan updates 4. Resource
6. Project optimization
documents techniques
updates 5. Data analysis
7. Change requests 6. Leads and lags
8. Project 7. PMIS
management 8. Agile release
plan updates planning
Control • Project management 1. Work 1. Data analysis
Schedule plan performance 2. Critical path
• Project documents information method
• Work performance data 2. Schedule forecasts 3. PMIS
• Organizational Process 3. Change requests 4. Resource
Assets 4. Project optimization
management 5. Leads and lags
plan updates 6. Schedule
5. Project compression
• Two activities can have two logical relationships at the same time. However Multiple
relationships between the same activities are not recommended. Usually the relationship with
highest impact is selected
2- Dependency Determination and Integration
• 8- Meetings
• In agile approach sprint/iteration planning discuss backlog items (user
Estimate Activity Outputs:
• 1- Duration Estimates
• Quantitative assessments of the likely number of time periods that
are required to complete an activity, phase or project and it does
not include any lags
• The estimate can include range (value or percentage) (e.g. 7 weeks
± 1)
• 2- Basis of estimates
• Provide clear and complete understanding how the duration
estimate was derived
• 3- Project Documents Updates
• Includes Activity attributes, Assumption log and Lessons learned
Develop Schedule (Planning Process Group)
• Develop Schedule is the process of analyzing activity sequences,
durations, resource requirements, and schedule constraints to create a
schedule model for project execution and monitoring and controlling
• Key benefit of this process is that it generates a schedule model with
planned dates for completing project.
• This process is performed throughout the project
• Developing an acceptable project schedule is an iterative process
• The schedule model determines planned start and finish dates for
activities and milestones
• After activities has been determined, project staff is assigned to
review the activities has no conflict with resource calendars or
• There are factors to consider when estimating the duration
• Law of diminishing returns: When one factor used to determine the effort
required to produce a unit of work is increased while all other factors remain
fixed a point will eventually be reached at which additions of that factor
start to yield progressively smaller or diminishing increases in output.
• Number of resources: Increasing the number of resources to twice the
original number of the resources does not always reduce the time by half, as
it may increase extra duration due to risk
• Advances in technology: Increase in the output of a manufacturing plant
may be achieved by procuring the latest advances in technology may impact
duration and resource needs
• Motivation of staff: Project manager also needs to be aware of Student
Syndrome (procrastination), when people start to apply themselves only at
the last possible moment before the deadline, and Parkinson’s Law where
work expands to fill the time available for its completion
Develop Schedule Inputs
• 1- Project Management Plan
• Includes (Schedule management plan and Scope baseline)
• 2- Project Documents
• Includes (Activity attributes, Activity list, Assumption log, Basis of estimates,
Duration estimates, Lessons learned, Milestone list, Project schedule network
diagrams, Project team assignments, Resource calendars, Resource requirements
and Risk register)
• 3- Agreements