Amoebiasis in Wild Mammals: Ayesha Ahmed M Phil. Parasitology 1 Semester 2013-Ag-2712
Amoebiasis in Wild Mammals: Ayesha Ahmed M Phil. Parasitology 1 Semester 2013-Ag-2712
Amoebiasis in Wild Mammals: Ayesha Ahmed M Phil. Parasitology 1 Semester 2013-Ag-2712
• Ayesha Ahmed
• M Phil. Parasitology
• 1st Semester
• 2013-ag-2712
(Swenson 1993)
(Martinez-Paloma 1987,1993)
• Although dogs, cats and primates may be infected, these
infections are rare and unimportant.
Trophozoite stage:
• The Trophozoite or feeding stage lives in the intestinal wall and
dissolve the lining of mucosa by proteolytic (protein digestive)
enzymes. It divides by binary fission. It makes flask shaped
ulcers in the intestinal wall.
Precystic stage
• The pre-cystic stage or minuta form feeds on bacteria and lives as
commensal. They are round and store food material in the form of
glycogen and chromatoid bars. The discharged trophozoite from
the ulcers enters into precystic stage.
• Cystic Stage
• Each pre-cystic stage produces a resistant wall around itself during
unfavourable condition and gives rise to cystic stage.
• They are resistant to desiccation, temperature and chemicals and
are infective stage of entamoeba.
• The cystic stages or cysts from the outer environment are carried
to the alimentary canal of healthy man through contaminated food
and drinks.
• Three types of amebiasis can result from infection
• Luminal amebiasis
• Least severe form that is asymptomatic • Maintaining clean
water is important
• Invasive amebic dysentery in prevention
and weakness.
The stools at first are semi-fluid but soon become watery, blood, and mucoid.
(Kingston 1981)
• Symptoms, history and epidemiology are the keys to diagnosis
• All enteric protozoans pathogens are detected by microscopic
detection of trophozoites or cyst in fresh fecal samples.
• Suspected E. histolytica cases, repeat examination of at least three
consecutive samples is required to increase detection.
• Serological evaluation
• Indirect hemagglutination (IHA)
• Latex agglutination
• Immunofluorescence
Metronidazol Tinidazole Iodoquinol Diloxanide
e furoate
Acts Kills Kills Eradicate Eradicate
on trophozoites trophozoites Luminal- Luminal-
in intestine & in intestine cysts cysts
tissue & tissue
Dose 500-750 mg 600 mg bd 650 mg PO 500 mg PO
PO tid x 5-10 PO x 5 days tid x10days tid x10days
• Pinilla, Análida Elizabeth, Myriam Consuelo López, and Diego Fernando
Viasus. "History of the Entamoeba histolytica protozoan." Revista médica de
Chile 136.1 (2008): 118-124
• Swenson, R.B. 1993. Protozoal parasites of great apes. In Zoo and wildlife
animal medicine. Vol. 3, Current therapy. Ed. M.E. Fowler. Philadelphia, PA:
W.B. Saunders Co., pp. 353–355
• Martinez-Paloma, A. 1987. The pathogenesis of amoebiasis. Parasitology
Today 3:111–118.
• Parasitic disease of wild animals, second edition.
• Kingston, N. 1981. Protozoan parasites. In Diseases and parasites of white-
tailed deer. Ed. W.R. Davidson, F.A. Hayes, V.F. Nettles, and F.E. Kellogg.
Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers Research Station, pp. 193–236