Chapter 1 The Study of History
Chapter 1 The Study of History
Chapter 1 The Study of History
■ To account the major events in the history of the Philippines
■ To understand the meaning of history as an academic discipline
and to be familiar with the underlying philosophy and
methodology of discipline
■ To apply the knowledge in historical methodology and
philosophy in assessing and analyzing existing historical
■ To examine and assess critically the value of historical
evidences and sources
■ To appreciate the importance of history in the social and
national life of the Philippines
900 - 1400
■ (900) Indian Kingdom of Tondo established around Bay of Manila
■ (1000) Trade routes established in Sulu by people from Southern Annam
(present day Vietnam)
■ (1200 - 1300) Migrants from Borneo spread into southern Philippines
■ (1240) Arab Tuan Masha'ika introduced Islam to Sulu
■ (1380) Muslim Arabs arrived at Sulu Archipelago, built a mosque in Jolo
■ (1450) Muslim Sultanate of Jolo established on islands betweenBorneo and
■ (1475) Muslim sultanate of Maguindanao founded on Mindanao; Islam spread
throughout the archipelago reaching as far as central Luzon.
TO Issues
Y Sources
History was derived from the Greek word historia which means
“knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation” or
a systematic account of a set of natural phenomena,
whether or not a chronological factoring was a factor in
the account (Aristotle).
History as a discipline existed for around 2,400 years and is as old
as mathematics and philosophy
The term was then adapted to classical Latin where it acquire new
definition. Historia became known as the account of the
past of a person or a group of people through written
documents and historical evidences in chronological order.
The meaning stuck until the early part of twentieth
century. History, then, became an
important academic discipline.
It became the historian’s duty to write about the
lives of the important individuals like
monarchs, heroes, saints, and nobilities.
History was also focused on writing about wars,
revolutions, and other important
Historian’s duty -- to write about the lives of the important
individuals like monarchs, heroes, saints, and
Traditional historians --“no document, no history.”
shallow Draws
boring Shows its relevance insights
in our lives
Memorizing facts Active factor in the
study of society
Questions and Issues in History
What is history?