Lesson 1 Introduction To Entrepreneurship
Lesson 1 Introduction To Entrepreneurship
Lesson 1 Introduction To Entrepreneurship
What I Need to know
Before we will proceed to our lesson, can you tell me what comes into your mind when you
Write it one fourth sheet of paper and give it to your teacher. (All answers will be accepted)
Concept of Entrepreneurship
The word “entrepreneur” was derived from the French verb
enterprendre, which means “to undertake.” This is pinpointing to
those who “undertake” the risk of enterprise. The enterprise is created
by an entrepreneur and the process is called “Entrepreneurship.”
Entrepreneurs are innovators, willing to take risks and generate new
ideas to make it unique and profitable solutions to the present-day
Relevance of Entrepreneurship to an Organization
1. Innovative entrepreneur - They are those who always make new things by thinking of new
ideas. They have the ability to think newer, better and more economical ideas.
2. Imitating entrepreneurs - They are those who don’t create new things but only follow the
ideas of other entrepreneurs.
3. Fabian entrepreneurs - They are skeptical about changes to be made in the organization.
They don’t initiate but follow only after they are satisfied.
4. Drone entrepreneur - They are those who lives on the labor of others. They are die-hard
conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of business.
5. Social entrepreneurs - They are those who initiate changes and drive social innovation and
transformation in the various fields such as education, health, human rights, environment and
enterprise development.
Career Opportunities of Entrepreneurship
_______________ are people who take the risk, they are innovators