Zombie Apocalypse Project
Zombie Apocalypse Project
Zombie Apocalypse Project
Survival Guide
Integrated Science
Pom, Winner, Poncho, Mono, Peem
01 Infections
04 Food
05 Survival Pack
06 First Aid
07 CPR
Viral Infections
Inhalation, Ingestion, Bites (by insects and other animals), Bodily fluids (blood exchange)
How: It remove or reduce the concentration of unwanted matter, including suspended particles and other
undesirable chemical and biological contaminants from contaminated water to produce safe and clean water
for a specific purpose
Materials: Plastic bottle, Filter paper, Charcoal: take away germs, Smooth sand, Rough sand, Small pebbles, Big
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4
Materials Procedures
Material Procedures
Protein 50 g source: meat, legumes , dairy products, egg (fresh, smoked, or canned)
Fat < 65 g source: vegetable oils, butter, and natural oil in meat and legumes.
Set fire (check if the area is open) Lit up the smoker (Pre heat it)
Put the food on trays and insert them inside the oven Wait until you get the temperature needed for your food
Put the oven close to the fire but not too close so that Put the meat/food on the rack
the food won’t burn
Check and flip the food accordingly
time: 15-30 minutes depending on type and thickness
of food Time(usually low heat): 30 min - 2hrs
Your Survival Pack
Not in any particular order these are the 10 essentials you need for
survival in the wilderness.
1. Lighter - A reliable source of heat for warmth, cooking food, clean water. Also to scare predators
and bugs
2. Knife - Useful for hunting, building shelters, preparing food, protecting yourself and for clearing
3. Clean Water - You might not be able to find a stable source of clean water, so you will need some
just incase.
4. Canned Food - Similar to water, there’s no guarantee that you will find food instantly.
5. First Aid Kid - You never know when you’re going to get hurt, so better be on the safe side.
6. Rope - Useful for raising your shelter of the ground and getting you out of tight situations.
7. Radio - Communication is always important, it can help you determine the best route to take or get
8. Compass - It’s best to always know where you are going, or to know the direction for safety.
9. Diapers - Very useful in sticky situations because you cannot predict what your body might do.
10. Clothing - Scent can sometimes attract other zombies, and hygiene is also important.
First Aid
Viral Infection | Viral Infection Symptoms. (2019, Approximate Roasting Times and Temperatures.
October 11). Retrieved November 27, 2019, from (n.d.). Retrieved from
https://medlineplus.gov/viralinfections.html. https://www.kitchenkapers.com/pages/roasting-ti
Methods of Cooking. (n.d.). Retrieved from .
king/cooking-methods Thompson, J. (2019, April 3). Jack Thompson.
. Retrieved from
Gál, K. (2018, September 19). 15 healthy high- art/
carb foods. Retrieved from .
10.php#vegetables Tilton, B., & Hayes, C. (2019, May 10). How to
. Build a Survival Shelter. Retrieved December 6,
2019, from