DC Comics...
DC Comics...
DC Comics...
DC Comics is an American comic book publisher and
the flagship unit of DC Entertainment, a subsidiary of
the Warner Bros .Global brands and experiences
division of Warner Bros .Which itself is a subsidiary of
AT&T’s WarnerMedia through its studios & Networks
division .
in 1951.
DC movies…
The DC Extended Universe are
Batman (1966).
Superman (1978).
Superman 2 (1980).
Superman 3 (1983).
Supergirl (1984).
DC movies…
Superman 4:The Quest for peace
Batman (1989).
Steel (1997).
Catwoman (2004).
Constantine (2005).
DC movies…
Batman Begins (2005).
Watchmen (2009).
Aquaman (2018).
Shazam! (2019).
Joker (2019).