Radio Channel
D.1.1.1 Mobility
Mobility in a public telecommunications network is no unequivocal concept. (See
Volume 1, Chapter 6, Subsection 6.2.4.) We differentiate between portability,
movability and (complete) mobility.
Portability represents the simple case in which only the terminal is moved and
then connected again at another point in the network. Movability implies that the
subscriber moves his personal access; for example, when logging onto a data
network from different network positions. Mobility refers to the state of complete
ambulatory capability in which both the terminal and subscriber access can be
moved, while the network automatically keeps track of all movement. In other
words, this means both terminal and service mobility.
Mobility requires radio access via base (or radio base) stations. The physical
access in a mobile network is arranged to enable a terminal to connect itself
anywhere in the network and move about while a call is in progress. (Of course,
the subscriber's subscription must be available at all access points.) This
movability presupposes specially designed access ("cells" instead of connection
points). It also requires that the terminal be able to maintain continuous radio
contact with the network.
D.1.1.1 Mobility
• Portability : terminal is moved.
• Movability : moves his personal access.
• Mobility : terminal and subscriber access can be
Mobility requires radio access via base (or radio base) stations.
D.1.1.2 Primary PLMN functions - Main network elements
It is necessary to be somewhat familiar with the specialised terminology to
understand mobile networks and their functions. Examples of basic concepts
include location updating, roaming, handover and paging. To elucidate these
concepts and the handling of mobile traffic, we should have used animated
illustrations. For practical reasons, we must leave the animation to the reader's
imagination when we refer to Figure D.1.1, which illustrates the salient elements
of a fixed network and of a PLMN.
Mobile networks require functions for network intelligence, even when handling
"ordinary" calls. Figure D.1.1 shows two of these functions: the home location
register (HLR) and the visitor location register (VLR). The figure also makes clear
that access to the PLMN is significantly different from access to fixed networks.
Each base station controller (BSC) includes a switching function allowing it to
switch to another base station as the terminal moves (roaming). In the figure,
imagine the terminal having moved from location area 1 (LA1), through LA2, to
LA3, where it has been called via the associated BSC. The next destination is
LA4. Such movement also involves a number of mobile switching centres
D.1.1.2 Primary PLMN functions - Main network
Basic concept function of PLMN (Figure D.1.1):
• Location updating
• Roaming
• Handover and paging.
Elements of PLMN :
• MSC (Mobile Switching Center)
• HLR (Home Location Register)
• VLR (Visitor Location Register)
• BSC (Base Station Controller)
• LA1, LA2 … (Location Area 1, 2, ….)
Figure D.1.1 Comparison of a fixed network and a PLMN having cells grouped in location areas (LA)
D.1.1.3 An orientation - Common concepts
The following concepts are described in this section :
Cells and base stations - Multiple access
Radio channels between base stations and mobiles -
Control channels and traffic channels
Attachment and detachment
Registration and paging - Location area
Locating and handover
D.1.1.3 An orientation - Common concepts
Some concepts in PLMN :
Base Stations
Multiple access
Radio channels
Control channels and traffic channels
Attachment and detachment
Registration and paging
Location area
Locating and handover
The various network elements - MSC, BTS, HLR, VLR - are clarified in
more detail in Chapter 2, Section 2.3.
Cells and base stations - Multiple access
Radio access offers subscribers a number of radio channels for communication.
However, radio channels are in short supply. To effectively utilise the frequency
spectrum allocated for use by mobile subscribers, every radio channel should be
reusable, which requires well-defined and separate geographical areas that have
access to a range of frequencies. Such areas of service are referred to as cells.
The nomenclature has given rise to the term cellular system that we find in a
system name such as personal digital cellular (PDC).
The number of radio channels in a cell is significantly less than the number of
mobiles, since - in the normal case - only a minority of the mobiles are active at the
same time. The technique used to assign idle traffic channels to calling or called
mobiles is referred to as multiple access. (See also Volume 1, Chapter 5, Section
5.10.) Three variants of multiple access are described in Chapter 4, Subsections
4.3.5 - 4.3.7, of this Part.
Base stations use either omnidirectional or directional antennas. The antenna of an
omnidirectional cell radiates (more or less) an equally strong signal in all horizontal
directions, thereby covering a circular area. A mobile station located in this area will
normally experience good radio contact with the base station. The circle's radius
can be modified by changing the output power of the base station, which in most
cases is done in connection with cell planning (see Chapter 10, Section 10.5). As a
rule, maximum cell size is determined by the mobile's available output power.
• Cells : the coverage of a radio channel (s) transmitted by
an (omni/sectoral) antenna of a base station
• Multiple Access : the technique used to assign idle traffic
channels to calling or called mobiles (there are three
variants of MA)
• Base Stations : TRx + antenna
Base stations use either omnidirectional or directional antennas.
The antenna of an omnidirectional cell radiates (more or less) an equally strong
signal in all horizontal directions, thereby covering a circular area.
The circle's radius can be modified by changing the output power of the base
station, which in most cases is done in connection with cell planning
As a rule, maximum cell size is determined by the mobile's available output
Figure D.1.2 Hexagonal patterns are easy to work with
• Sectoral cell (directional antenna)
• A BS can have three directional antenna covers an angel
of 120o
• To cover a road or highway, one sector is sufficient
• Each cell has it’s own frequencies
• Cell pattern planning related to frequency reuse attern
Radio channels between base stations and mobiles
The mobile telephony service is assigned special operating frequency
ranges (which vary depending on the country and the standards
employed). These frequency ranges are in turn subdivided into radio
channels, commonly 25-30 kHz wide (channel separation). Duplex
mode is employed for traffic over radio access, meaning that the base
stations and the mobiles must be capable of simultaneous transmission
and reception, requiring two frequency ranges sufficiently separated
from one another. The separation between them is referred to as the
duplex separation; its size, determined by technical factors, varies as a
function of the frequency range being used. The combination of two
frequencies (or portions of frequencies) constitutes a duplex radio
channel. As an example, Figure D.1.4 shows frequency assignment and
utilisation for the NMT 450 mobile telephone system.
The channels of a mobile network are divided into two primary groups:
control channels and traffic channels.
Figure D.1.4 Frequency range for NMT 450
Every cell employs at least one channel as a control channel, on which the base
station continuously transmits an identifying signal that is used by the mobiles to
lock into that particular cell. Control channels are also used for paging calls; if
the called mobile is in the cell, it will respond over the same (or another)
channel. The number of control channels in a cell varies as a function of the
access technique employed and the expected call intensity.
Regardless of its location, a mobile that is turned on must maintain constant
radio contact with the network. Both the network and the mobile include special
functionality for this purpose: the roaming function.
Note : in digital cellular (GSM for istance) an RF divided into 8 time
• Attachement and detachement
- Attachement = turn on the power of MS MS estabilishes contact
with the network (MS “access” to the network)
- The network register its movement
- Detachement = turn off the power (occasionally to conserve battery
- The mobile system includes functionality to keep track of of whether
the mobile is ON (attachment) or OFF (detachment)
• Roaming
- Roaming = movement of an MS accordingly of its location (an area at
which an MS that turn on is maintain constant radio contact contact
with the network).
- Both the network and the mobile include special functionality for this
purpose : the roaming function.
Location updating and paging - Location area
A terminal in a fixed network is connected to a fixed access point, which is also
associated with a subscriber number. Information about this association is stored
in the local exchange responsible for the particular access point. If a terminal is
moved, it will normally be assigned a new number depending on which local
exchange it is moved to. This movability places no demands on the network in
terms of routing or connection control.
Fixed access points do not exist in the world of mobile networks. When a mobile is
called, the network must be able to determine its position, and that requires special
intelligence. Registration (or location updating) is the intelligent network function
that keeps track of the mobile's position. Paging is the actual search operation
performed in all or some of the network cells.
Locating and handover
The channel used for a call - or for control - must be capable of being switched
from cell to cell as the mobile traverses the cells. The system must be able to
detect whether or not switching is necessary (normally coinciding with the fact
that signal strength has dropped below a given value or the signal-to-noise
ratio has become unsatisfactory). This function is referred to as locating.The
technical term for actually switching from cell to cell - which preferably occurs
without the user noticing it - is handover.
Handover is addressed in greater detail in Chapter 3 (switching aspects) and
in Chapter 5 (transmission aspects).
D.1.2 Services
D.1.2.1 TelephonyD.1.2.2 Data
D.1.2.3 Telefax
D.1.2.4 Supplementary services
D.1.2.5 Emergency call services
D.1.2.6 Messaging services
Kayaknya sampai sini deh
The basic idea of mobile services is to offer the moving subscriber the
same services that are offered to fixed-network subscribers. Subscriber
movement requires sophisticated solutions to maintain service continuity
throughout the network. Information on the individual subscriber's access
to a specific service and on the status of this service must be transmitted
between the exchanges of the mobile network in step with the movement
of the subscriber.
D.1.2.1 Telephony
The most important function of a mobile network is the creation of a good
and dependable telephone service. Under favourable radio transmission
conditions, the quality of the telephone service is comparable with fixed-
network telephony. Digital mobile networks are capable of delivering
telephony of varying quality, depending on the voice-coding method
employed over radio access. The GSM digital mobile system uses the
terms "full-rate coding" (13 kbit/s) and "half-rate coding" (6.5 kbit/s).
D.1.2.2 Data
The speed normally used by GSM is 9.6 kbit/s, but higher speeds are
being developed (see Chapter 2, Subsection 2.4.4).
The use of modems enables analog systems to offer data services with bit
rates up to 19.2 kbit/s.
D.1.2.3 Telefax
All larger mobile systems support Group 3 telefax.
D.1.4 Security
Networks that utilise radio communications are especially sensitive to
unauthorised use of terminals and to tapping along the radio path. Mobile
networks therefore require the institution of special security measures.
Both the user and the network operator must be protected against any
unauthorised intrusion by a third party. This protection can either consist
of a supplementary service selected by the user; for example, a smart
card (with a personal code) for systems that use such cards, or of various
network functions such as encryption and authentication.
The following functions have been enhanced to protect the network:
Figure D.1.7 The development of PLMN terminals from simple mobile telephones
into intelligent mobile terminals
D.2.2.2 GSM voice coding
The following is a brief description of the voice coding employed by the
mobiles of a GSM system. A number of electronic filters are used to
simulate the operation of the human organs of speech and to extract the
vocal cords' original frequencies, called excitation sequences.
D.2.3 Network elements
D.2.3.1 Network elements for (user) traffic
D.2.3.2 Network elements as databases
D.2.3.3 Network elements for additional network intelligence
D.2.3.4 Network elements for operation and maintenance
D.2.3.5 Network elements for signalling
D.2.3.6 Network elements for transport and transmission
For the most part, the same types of network element are found in all
mobile networks, even if they are named differently in different standards.
In Figure D.2.4,we use GSM as an example.
Figure D.2.4 GSM network elements