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Unit 3 Information Literacy

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Unit 3
Imagine being in a new school. Everything is unknown to you.

• How do you familiarize yourself with your

new environment?
• How do you get to know everything and
anyone around you?

All these information are important for you to to survive in your

new environment.
Information can be gained through:
 Inquiry
 Experience
 Education
 Signs and symbols

Now, one may think that getting information is easy. However, we

always have to consider if the information we get is true and valid.
Being able to look for the right information in an effective way is a skill
that everyone should have.
Learning Targets
In this unit, you should be able to:
●  Define information needs; can locate, access, assess, organize and communicate information.​
●  Demonstrate ethical use of information.
What questions do we ask to get
the right information needed?

Lesson 1 Information Literacy

How do we check the accuracy of

the information?
 Partner
 Individual  Share your features with each other.
 Star Reporter  Process the activity by asking these questions:
You are given an opportunity to write  What were the most surprising and
a feature article about a very memorable details about the information
important person in your life, alive or presented by your partner?
dead. What details will you present?”  Was your partner able to give you a good
In a small piece of paper, write as background about the person? Why or why
many information as you can about not?
the person. Make sure that these  Did your partner answer all the questions you
pieces of information will answer the have in mind about the person he or she
Who, What, When, Where, How, and chose? Why or why not?
Why questions.  Do you think the information your partner
presented to you is valid, correct, and true?
How so?
Idea behind the 5Ws and 1H:
Who • Helps identify the people or person involved in our topic

What • Helps us know what the topics is all about.

Where • Helps us locate a place

When • To know a specific time and date

Why • Helps us state the reasons behind the information

How • Describes to us the way or manner in which things are done.

The purpose of these questions is to help us gather

important information needed in any topic.
What is Information?
 It comes from the latin word “informare” which means, “formation of the mind
or teaching”.
Information Literacy

The American Library Association has defined this as

abilities that enable a person to “recognize when information
is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use
effectively the needed information.”
Sources and
With the technology nowadays, people have this sense of ease and
comfortability to just search everything on the internet.

The diversity and large quantity of information present in the various media
platforms gives you an overwhelming sense of dilemma.
These, sometimes, ​unfiltered and unchecked
formats and data often raises questions on its ​
authenticity, validity, and​reliability.
Multimedia Sources

Another problem that might arise is due to the availability of

information through multiple media forms like:
 Graphical
 Oral
 Textual
Basis of Information Literacy
Why is it a life skill?
 Helps us keep updated
 Helps us learn new things in
 Helps us communicate
 Helps us in decision-making
 Allow us to find sources of
 Know options how we can
store or share
 Identify trusted and credible

“Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning.”

Lesson 2 Ethical Uses of Information

A collection of information gathered through individual and shared

experiences and education.

This can then be used in different situations, and , as we constantly gain

information, we also build upon what we know -- which is the so called
Knowledge, Power, and Influence

Your knowledge and access to certain types of information gives you

the power to influence others.
Ethics and Plagiarism
Ethics are the rules that tell us whether an action is right or wrong.

As human beings, we are all guided by moral principles.

We should know that using someone else’s work and labelling it as your own
is considered unethical.

If we do this without giving proper credit, it is considered plagiarism.

When to Cite Information?

✗ Common Knowledge  Interpretations

facts and ideas that most literate people facts and ideas that are not generally
would know that does not require a known to everyone, or the information
reference given the nature of it. presented are called interpreted facts.

For example, ​it is common knowledge that These pieces of information may vary
the Earth rotates in its axis and revolves from one place to another thus there is a
around the sun. need to document and cite it accordingly.

It is our moral obligation as human beings to give credit

where credit is due.
Legal Consequences
 The Philippine Copyright Law or  The ​Fair Use Policy,​allows non-
Republic Act No. 8293,​which is profit educational institutions and
partly based on the US copyright libraries to use someone else’s
law, states that any original tangible original and copyrighted work
material with a known creator within specific rules and
whether it be a written book, articles, guidelines.
researches, web pages, pictures or
graphics on the internet or artworks
 In the Philippines, unpublished
are all covered by the copyright law.​ works qualify in the fair use policy
unlike in the US.
Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism
✓ Submit your original work. You need to cite yourself when you use your own words for a
different material.
✓ Enclose everything you have directly lifted from the original material in ​quotation
marks​and cite the source accordingly.
✓ Practice ​paraphrasing​. Make sure you are not just rearranging the words or replacing it
with its synonyms.
✓ Use a journal, notebook, note cards. This is where you can put your annotated
bibliographies that can be useful in organizing information.
✓ Be familiar with the reference style manual assigned to your class.
✓ It would not hurt to consult or get help from your professor, writing center, or the library.

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