Discrete Mathematics: Chapter 1: The Foundations: Logic and Proofs Section 1.4: Predicates and Quantifiers
Discrete Mathematics: Chapter 1: The Foundations: Logic and Proofs Section 1.4: Predicates and Quantifiers
Discrete Mathematics: Chapter 1: The Foundations: Logic and Proofs Section 1.4: Predicates and Quantifiers
• Example 1:
Let P(x ) denote the sentence “x > 0”.
What are the truth values of P(0) and P(1)?
• Example 2:
Let Q(x, y ) denote the sentence “x = y + 3”.
What are the truth values of Q(1,2) and
•• Many
mathematical statements say that a
property is true for all values of a variable,
when values are chosen from some domain
• Examples:
• z(z + 1)(z + 2) is divisible by 6 for all integer z
• is rational for all rational number q
• > 0 for all positive real number r
• Important Note: Domain needs to be specified!
Universal Quantifier
• Universal Quantifier
The universal quantification of P(x) is the
“P(x) for all values of x in the domain.”
The notation ∀x P(x) represents the above
A value of x making the proposition false is called a
Universal Quantifier
•• If
all values in the domain can be listed, say , ,
…, , then ∀ x P(x ) is the same as
P() ⌃ P() ⌃ … ⌃ P()
• Example:
What is the truth value of ∀ x (x ≤ 10 ) when the
domain consists of all positive integers not
exceeding 3?
What is the truth value of P(1) ⌃ P(2) ⌃ P(3)?
Test Your Understanding
• False,
if the domain consists of all real numbers. In particular,
the case
x = 0.5
is a counter-example.
•• Many
mathematical statements say that a
property is true for some value of a variable,
when values are chosen from some domain
• Examples:
• + 1 is a prime for some non-negative integer z
• is rational for some irrational numbers r and s
• Important Note: Domain needs to be specified!
Existential Quantifier
• Existential Quantifier
• The existential quantification of P(x) is the
“P(x) for some value of x in the domain.”
The notation ∃x P(x) represents the above
The proposition is false if and only if P(x) is
false for all values of x.
Existential Quantifier
•• If
all values in the domain can be listed, say , , …, ,
then ∃ x P(x ) is the same as
P() v P() v … v P()
• Example:
Statement When True? When False?
∀x P(x) P(x) is true for every x. There is an x for which P(x) is
∃x P(x) There is an x for which P(x) is P(x) is false for every x.
Quantifiers with Restricted Domain
x < 0 ( > 0 ) means
“For every x in the domain with x < 0, > 0.”
That is, it states “The square of a negative integer is positive.”
The proposition is the same as:
∀ x (x < 0 → > 0 )
• ∃ z > 0 ( = 10 ) means
“There is some z in the domain with z > 0, = 10.”
That is, it states “There is a positive square root of 2.”
The proposition is the same as:
∃ z (z > 0 ^ = 10 )
Precedence of Quantifiers
1. ∀ y ∃ x (x + y = 1 )
2. ∃ x ∀y (x + y = 1 )
The Order of Quantifiers