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The Oedipus Rex

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The Oedipus Rex

The Physical Structure of Greek Theatre
- Greek theatre came out of
the worship of Dionysus

- Major Theatre festival was

called City Dionysia

• Open air space using

sloped hillside for seating

• Sight not great but

acoustics excellent, words
spoken silently in
orchestra could be heard
all the way up.
• Orchestra – “the dancing space” for the chorus,
chief performance space, circular.

• Thymele - An altar (offering place) to Dionysus

was generally placed in the middle of the

• Theatron –
“the seating place”
terraced area with benches
(built with wood
or stone)
Aeschylus (523-456 B.C.E.)

• “The Father of Tragedy”

• 7 of 80 plays remaining

• Winner of the Festival of

Dionysus for 13 times

• Contributions
– Introduced chorus
– Second actor
Euripides (480-406 B.C.E.)

• Won festival for 4


• 18 plays survived

• Famous for Satire

Sophocles (496-406 B.C.E.)

• One of the most

influential writer of
Ancient Greece

• Most probably born in

496-406 B. C.

• Father was wealthy and

influential businessman
• Served his country as an ambassador, general
and treasurer

• He also was a priest, tragic dramatist

• Dramas of Sophocles were written and produced

for drama competition held in a festival
celebrating Dionysus
• Won the contest 24 times

• Wrote more than 120 plays

• Only seven of them have survived

• His best known plays are: Antigone, Oedipus at

Colonus, The Oedipus Rex
Key Facts:

• Title: The Oedipus Rex

• Author: Sophocles
• Type of Work: Tragedy
• Time and Place Written: Around 430 bc, Athens
• Tone: Tragic
• Setting: Thebes
• Protagonist: Oedipus
Oedipus: The King of Thebe
Jocasta: Queen of Thebe
Creon: Oedipus’s brother-in-law
Tiresias: Blind sheer, adviser of the King
Laius: Former King of Thebe, husband of Jocasta
Shepherd: Two shepherds, one from Thebes and
next from Corinth
Polybus and Merope: King and Queen of Corinth
• Oedipus meaning ‘Swollen foot’ in Greek language
• King of Thebes
• Renowned for his intelligence and ability to solve
riddles (of Sphinx)
• Yet blind to the truth about himself
• Left in the mountain with his feet bound
• Kills biological father
• Sleeps with mother
• Experiences great rise and fall in life
• Queen of Thebes, Wife of Laius and Oedipus

• Gives baby to shepherd in order to leave in the jungle

• Mother and wife of Oedipus

• Appears only in the middle of the drama

• Finds out the riddle of Oedipus’s identity before he


• Wants to protect him from the knowledge of his

• Oedipus’s brother-in-law

• Under suspicion of Oedipus

• Oedipus blames him for treason

• Protected by Jocasta in the palace

• Becomes king at the end

• Banishes Oedipus from the Thebes

• Blind sheer
• Adviser of the Laius

• People of Thebes have great faith on him

• Knows the culprit of Laius’s murder

• Denies to reveal
• Oedipus blames him plotting against him
• In anger reveals that Oedipus himself is the pollution
of the country
• Group of dancers (15 people)

• Reacts to the events onstage

• Can be instruction to audience on how to interpret


• Dance on the Orchestra

• Choragus, leader of the chorus, plays active role in

the drama.
First and Second Messenger
First Messenger:
• Shepherd from Corinth
• Informs that Polybus has died and people want
Oedipus to rule Corinth
• Reveals that Polybus and Merope are not Oedipus’s
biological parents

Shepherd from Thebes:

• Shepherd from Thebes
• Handovers baby to shepherd from Corinth
• Reveals that the baby was of Jocasta
• Oedipus steps out of the palace of Thebes

• Greeted by the procession of the Priests

• Citizens carry branches of trees wrapped in wools as

gifts to god

• Oedipus asks why they have gathered

• Priest replies, citizens are there to request Oedipus
to save the Thebes:
O mighty power, we turn to you:
Find us our safety, find us a remedy,
Whether by counsel of the gods or of men.

• Oedipus responds that he has sent Kreon to Delphic


• Kreon arrives and asks King if he wants to hear the

oracle in private

• Oedipus insists all the citizens hear

KREON: Then I will tell you what I heard at Delphi.
In plain words
The god commands us to expel from the land of Thebes
An old defilement we are sheltering.
It is a deathly thing, beyond cure;
We must not let it feed upon us longer.

OEDIPUS : What defilement? How shall we rid ourselves of it?

KREON: By exile or death, blood for blood. It was murder that brought the
plague-wind on the city

OEDIPUS: Murder of whom? Surely the god has named him?

KREON: My lord: Laius once ruled this land,

Before you came to govern us.
• The murderer of Laius who ruled Thebes before Oedipus, is in
Thebes. He must be driven out in order for the plague to end.

• Creon tells Oedipus that the king was killed on the way to Delphi
to consult an oracle

• Only one of them survived

• Oedipus asks if anyone knows the murderer

• The leader of the chorus suggests Oedipus to consult with

Tiresias, a blind prophet

CHORAGOS: But there is one man who may detect the

This is Teiresias, this is the holy prophet
In whom, alone of all men, truth was born.
• Teiresias arrives
• Oedipus requests him to reveal the murderer
• Tiresias answers that he wishes not to reveal the truth

OEDIPUS: What! You know something, and will not tell

You would betray us all and wreck the State?

• Oedipus insists Teiresias tell what he knows

TEIRESIAS: Whether I speak or not, it is bound to

OEDIPUS: Then, If it is bound to come, you are bound to
tell me
TEIRESIAS: No, I will not go on. Rage as you please.
OEDIPUS: Rage? Why not!
And I’ll tell you what I think:
You planned it, you had it done, you all but
Killed him with your own hands: If you had eyes,
I would say the crime was yours, and yours alone.

TEIRESIAS: So ? I Charge you, then, …

You yourself are the pollution of this country.

• Provoked by insult and anger of Oedipus, Teiresias

tells that Oedipus himself is the murderer
• Oedipus mocks Tiresias’s blindness

• Also accuses that Teiresias and Kreon are conspiring to

overthrow him

• In anger Tiresias reveals that Oedipus is blind even

having eyes that the king even does not know who his
parents are

TEIRESIAS: ... Listen to me. You mock my blindness, do

But I say that you, with both your eyes, are blind:
You can not see the wretchedness of your life,
Nor in whose house you live, no, nor with whom.
Who are your father and mother? Can you tell me?
• Furious Oedipus asks him who his parents are
TEIRESIAS: …And I tell you again.
But it will soon be shown that he is a Theban,…
… That man is in Thebes. To your mind he is foreign-
To the children with whom he lives now he will be
Brother and father – the very same; to her
Who bore him, son and husband – the very same.

• Teiresias answers in riddle that the murderer of

Laios will turn out to be both brother and father to
his children, both son and husband to his mother
• Oedipus in anger accuses Kreon of trying to
overthrow him

• Oedipus says that he wants Kreon murdered

• Oedipus’s wife Jocasta arrrives and convinces

neither to kill nor to banish Kreon

• However, he is convinced that Kreon is guilty

• Jocasta tells that all prophesies are wrong

• As a proof she says,
JOCASTE: Here is my proof:
An oracle was reported to Laios once
That his doom would be death at the hands of
his own son –
His son, born of his flesh and of mine!

Now, you remember the story: Laios was killed

By marauding strangers where three highways
But his child had not been three days in this
Before the king had pierced the baby’s ankles
And left him to die on a lonely mountainside.
• Her narrative of murder sounds familiar to him

• Oedipus tells her that he may be the one who killed


• In Corinth, at the banquet, he heard that he was not

the son of king and queen

• Went to Delphi

• Oracle-he would murder his father and sleep with

• Hearing this Oedipus fled home never to return

• On the way to Thebe, harassed by a group of traveler

• Killed people at three-way crossroad where Laios

was killed

• Oedipus calls the shepherd who survived the attack

• A messenger enters, looking for Oedipus

• His father Polybus is dead

• Corinth wants him to rule

• Oedupus arrives and hears

• Enjoys with Jocasta – that half of the prophesy

proved wrong

• However, Oedipus still fears with half of the

prophesy –
JOCASTA: From now on never think of those things
OEDIPUS: And yet – must I not fear my mother’s bed?
JOCASTA: Why should anyone in this world be afraid,
Since fate rules us and nothing can be foreseen?
A man should live only for the present day.
Have no more fears of sleeping with your mother:
How many men, in dreams, have lain with their
No reasonable men is troubled by such things.
OEDIPUS: That is true; only –
If only my mother were not still alive!
• Messenger reveals that Polybus and Merope are
not his natural father mother

• He found him in a mountain near Thebes

• The baby had its ankles pinned together

• Shepherd of Laius left him there

• He wants to hear from Shepherd who he was

• Jocasta begs him to abandon the search

JOCASTA: Listen to me, I beg you: do not do this thing!

OEDIPUS: I will not listen; the truth must be made
JOCASTA: Everything that I say is for your own good!
OEDIPUS: My own good
Snaps my patience, then; I want none of it.
JOCASTA: You are fatally wrong! May you never learn
who you are!
OEDIPUS: Go, one of you, and bring the shepherd here.
• Jocasta runs back into the palace

• Shepherd, witness of Laius’s murder, enters the


• Messenger identifies him as the one who gave him

the child

• But the shepherd refuses to talk

• Oedipus asks him who gave him the child

• He answers, the baby came from the home of Laius

• Jocasta gave him the child because of prophecy

• Oedipus screams and runs into the palace

• Second messenger enters the stage and informs

that, Jocasta committed suicide
• Oedipus got into the room in fury asking for sword
and cursing Jocasta

• Seeing this Oedipus embraced dead body and


• He could not bear to see the world so he pinned his


• As messenger finishes the story, Oedipus arrives

the stage with bleeding eyes

• Kreon enters
• Oedipus requests Kreon to banish him

• Kreon forgives Oedipus for past accusation

• Kreon agrees to exile him from Thebes

• Oedipus requests Kreon to look after his two daughters

• Antigone and Ismene, come forth crying

• He asks Kreon to promise that he will look after them

• Kreon orders guards to take Antigone and Ismene away from


• Kreon tells Oedipus that his power has ended


• Fate (Destiny) Vs Free Will

• Hubris

• Oedipal Complex

• Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and

colors used to represent abstract ideas or

• Oedipus’s Swollen Foot

• The Three-way Crossroads

Oedipus’s Swollen Foot

• Oedipus was handed over to shepherd to leave in

the mountains with his ankles pinned together so
that animal would eat him up

• Injury leaves Oedipus with vivid scar for rest of his


• It symbolizes the way in which fate has marked

him – “Kill his father and sleep with his mother”
The Three-way Crossroads

• Place where king Laius was killed

• A place where choice has to be made,

• moments where decisions will have important

Any Queries ???

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