The Oedipus Rex
The Oedipus Rex
The Oedipus Rex
The Physical Structure of Greek Theatre
- Greek theatre came out of
the worship of Dionysus
• Theatron –
“the seating place”
terraced area with benches
(built with wood
or stone)
Aeschylus (523-456 B.C.E.)
• 7 of 80 plays remaining
• Contributions
– Introduced chorus
– Second actor
Euripides (480-406 B.C.E.)
• 18 plays survived
• Denies to reveal
• Oedipus blames him plotting against him
• In anger reveals that Oedipus himself is the pollution
of the country
• Group of dancers (15 people)
KREON: By exile or death, blood for blood. It was murder that brought the
plague-wind on the city
• Creon tells Oedipus that the king was killed on the way to Delphi
to consult an oracle
• Went to Delphi
• Kreon enters
• Oedipus requests Kreon to banish him
• Hubris
• Oedipal Complex