Health Education: Manuel P. de Los Santos, Ph.D. Professor
Health Education: Manuel P. de Los Santos, Ph.D. Professor
Health Education: Manuel P. de Los Santos, Ph.D. Professor
2. Public Health
- Health promotion is a common function in public health
agencies. Health education relies on public health and health
statistics for epidemiologic information. Determinants of
health problems include the environment, medical care,
personal lifestyle which are often discovered in the public
health realm
Aspects of HE
3. Education
- Refers to the study and practice of teaching and
learning which plays a vital role in the development
of health education. Leaning theory, educational
psychology, human development, pedagogy,
andragogy, curriculum development, measurement,
and testing are all rooted in the education literature
Importance of HE
1. Enhance knowledge awareness
- provides guidance and instruction to all that will help
individuals or group of individuals maintain a high level
of wellness
2. Promotes health, safety, and security of the people
- Promotes personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, and
maintenance of a hazard-free environment for one to
avoid illness, accidents and reduce mortality rate
Importance of HE
3. Develop and improve community resources
- Help individuals gain knowledge, and understanding of the
different community health agencies who can provide health
care services. Likewise develop habits, attitudes, and ideals
that will help them live as healthy individuals and members
of the community and share the tasks of community
building and health care.
Importance of HE
4. Increase productivity and strength of character
-Help develop productive individuals who can adjust
successfully and live happily with social groups to which
they belong. HE further enhances coping patterns that
minimize the effects of stress on individuals and family
5. Disease prevention
- Promotes individual and public health awareness on
prevention of disease using various health care strategies
and for the state to be the home of healthy and productive
Importance of HE
6. Minimize cost
-HE enables the government to attain health objectives at
least cost. Knowledge and awareness of the people
regarding health promotion and disease prevention minimize
health care cost
7. self-reliant behavior
- HE provides information and services necessary in
fostering independent behaviors or self-cafre attitude
conducive to health
The Change Process
Change is inevitable in all aspects of human life, hence there
is continuing need to reevaluate and improve the educational
process in order to meet the evolving needs of learners. The
following guidelines may help affect change in learners
1.Perceive the need for change
- teachers and students must be able to assess their own
need for change. Progress requires modification,
improvement or replacement or obsolete knowledge through
re-education and training
The Change Process
2. Initiate group interaction
-The teacher must initiate and motivate students to
think critically of nursing situations which help
them build a framework for problem-solving
processes, which calls for the following responses:
a.Identify external and internal forces for change
b.State the problem
c.Identify constraints
The Change Process
d. List change strategies or possible approaches to
e. Select the best change strategy
f. Formulate the plan for implementation
g. Develop or select tools for evaluating change
The Change Process
3. Implement the change one step at a time
-Change must be done gradually, one at a time in order to
have an orderly and systematic process of change and to
safeguard undesirable adverse effects of change. Abrupt
change can create further resistance or fear of change
4. Evaluate the overall results of the change process and
make further adjustment
-change helps students identify strengths and weaknesses so
as to provide remedial measures and allow the gradual
process of change to occur with less problems or difficulty
on the part of the teacher and the learner
Strategy for Change
1. thinking-practice strategy – strategy which assumes that
learners are rational beings with mental faculties and
behave according tot heir personal beliefs, interests and
2. Interest and commitment strategy – it assumes that
learners always act consistently with their desire to
change and commitment to socio-cultural norms of
3. Power and self discipline strategy – strategy which
makes learners comply with instructions given by the
teacher as an authoritative figure in order to bring about
Factors affecting Change
1. Culture – determines the beliefs and values important to
the learner that may delineate her potential development
for change
2. Demographics – pertains to the learners’ age, gender,
heredity, and environment which may determine innate
qualities and potentials as well as tendencies and level of
response of the learners to a learning stimulus
Factors affecting
3. Socio-economic conditions and environmental
circumstances – may involve the learner's adaptability,
flexibility, and capabilities in creating change that may
influence the quality and quantity of response to the change
4. State of wellness and development – the learners’ state of
well-being and development relates to his physical,
emotional, intellectual and spiritual health. This affects the
instinctive qualities of the learners’ response to a stimuli and
capability of coping with stress related situations
Concepts of Teaching and
• The following terms are defined for clearer
understanding of meanings and use
1. Education – is an interactive process of
imparting knowledge through sharing,
explaining, clarifying and synthesizing the
substantive content of the learning process
in order to arrive at a positive judgement
and well-developed wisdom and behavior
Concepts of Teaching and
2. Health – is a sense of being physically fir,
mentally stable and socially comfortable. It
encompasses more than the state of being
free of disease.
- It is a condition that permits optimal
functioning of the individual to live most and
to serve best in her personal and social
Concepts of Teaching and
3. Learning – is the acquisition of knowledge
of all kinds such as abilities, habits, attitudes,
values, and skills, primarily to create change
in an individual
- It is a gradual, continuous process
throughout life
Concepts of Teaching and
4. Patient Teaching – is a basic function of
nursing, the concept of patient teaching is
perceived as a legal and moral requirement
of licensed nursing personnel
- A system of activities intended to produce
learning and change in client health behavior
Concepts of Teaching and
5. Teaching – is the process of providing
learning materials, activities, situations, and
experiences that enable the clients or learners
to acquire knowledge, attitudes, values, and
skills in order to facilitate self-reliant
Education Process
• Is a systematic, sequential, logical,
scientifically based, planned course of
action consisting of teaching and learning
• It is a cycle that involves a teacher and a
Education Process
1. Assessment – it is a process which provides the
nurse educator with information regarding the
learners’ knowledge and skills needed to
efficiently and effectively transfer knowledge
and skills to the learners
- Refers to the gathering of data about the learner or
group of learners’ demographic profile, skills
and abilities needed in identifying the most
appropriate teaching strategy
Education Process
2. Planning – is a carefully organized written
presentation of what the learner needs to learn
and how the nurse educator is going to initiate
the teaching process
-It includes culturally-relevant skills for the
-It indicates teaching timeline and specific
sets of learned activities
Education Process
3. Implementation and Application of the
Teaching Plan – the point where the
theoretical and practical aspects of the
teaching-learning process meet as the teacher
applies the plan
- This includes procedures or techniques and
strategies that the teacher will use to best
implement the plan
Education Process
4. Evaluation – the measurement of the
teaching-learning performance of both the
teacher and the learner
- It is constructive and objective with the
purpose of creating effective change in the
behavior of both the teacher and the learner
in terms of input, process and output
Nursing Process
• Provides the necessary tool to enable the nurse to
render quality nursing care to patients.
• Is a scientific and systematic, problem-solving
approach used to identify, prevent and treat actual
or potential health problems and promote
• Is an orderly, systematic manner of determining
the client's problems, making plan or assigning
others to implement the plan, and evaluating the
extent to which the plan has effectively resolved
the problems identified
Purposes of Nursing Process
1. Provides a tool to enable the nurse to render
quality-nursing care to clients
2. Helps identify the client’s health care
needs, and determine priorities of care and
expected outcome
3. Establishes nursing interventions to meet
the needs client-centered goals
4. Provides nursing interventions to meet the
needs of clients
Purposes of Nursing Process
5. Evaluates the effectiveness of nursing care
in achieving client goals
6. Achieves scientifically-based, holistic, and
individualized care
7. Takes the opportunity of working
collaboratively with clients and other
members of the health care team
8. Achieves continuity of care to the clients
Nature of Nursing Process
1. The nursing process is dynamic and
2. It is planned and goal-directed
3. It is an intellectual process
Characteristics of the Nursing
1. Systematic – has an ordered sequence of precise
and accurate activities.
2. Dynamic – provides active interaction and
integration among activities
3. Interpersonal – ensures that nurses are client-
centered rather than task-centered
4. Goal-directed – is a means for nurses and clients
to work together in order to identify specific goals
related to wellness promotion, disease and illness
prevention, health restoration and coping with
altered functioning
Characteristics of the Nursing
5. Universally Applicable – allows nurses to
practice nursing with well or sick people,
young or old, regardless of race, creed or
religion and in any practice setting
Steps in the Nursing Process
1. Assessment – includes gathering of data
about the system, the individual, family, or
community and recording of all needed
information. Data are gathered through
interview, physical examination, research
and review of records
Steps in the Nursing Process
• Purposes of assessment
a. predict, detect, prevent, manage or eliminate
health problems
b. Clarify expected outcomes
c. Develop specific plan
d. Review of records
e. Initiates the intellectual process in sorting and
classifying gathered data, and recognizing
Steps in the Nursing Process
2. Planning – is the formulation of the NCP
on which the nurse works with the client to
set goals and objectives and predict
Steps in the Nursing Process
• Planning is done in order to:
a. detect, prevent and mange health problems
b.Promote well-being and anticipate
potential problems
c. Allocate and utilize possible resources to
achieve desired outcomes
Steps in the Nursing Process
3. Implementation – is the actual
performance of the plan. This helps
determine client’s progress towards meeting
expected outcomes and goals.
Steps in the Nursing Process
4. Evaluation – involves the collection of
pertinent and reliable data about the process
And outcome of care.
- The quality of nursing care that is provided
is analyzed and results are compared with
expected outcome criteria
Steps in the Nursing Process
5. Documentation – establishes a written
record of assessment, the care provided and
the patient’s response which is an integral
part of each step of the nursing process
Education and the Nursing
• Figure 2. page 40
• Tan, Crestita
Nursing Process Education Process
•Focuses on planning •Focuses on planning
and implementation of and implementation of
care based on teaching based on
assessment and assessment and
diagnosis of the physical prioritization of learner
and psychosocial needs of learners’ needs,
of a patient readiness to learn, and
learning styles
Thank You