Codes and Conventions: Sci-Fi and Horror
Codes and Conventions: Sci-Fi and Horror
Codes and Conventions: Sci-Fi and Horror
As we can see, the codes and conventions of both sci-fi and horror posters are
mainly the same with the exception of the aesthetic of the advert. The style of text
and mise-en-scene will generally always fit the genre.
Sci-Fi Poster
The three circled areas give
The tagline ‘One summer can suggestions to where the season is
change everything’ intrigues the going to be set and key areas in
audience and creates an enigma the show.
to make them watch the show.
The title font is significant and
The fact that all the characters are unique to the show which would
on the poster shows the audience be easily recognisable to fans.
the main characters and any new
characters that might appear this The date is made clear at the
season. Direct address is also used bottom of the poster in white,
to draw in the audience. contrasting, bold font. This tells the
audience when the season is
The dark, low-key lighting creates a
being released. This could also
dramatic atmosphere and makes
suggest the season is set around
the poster more attractive and
the American Independence Day
appealing, especially with the
with the release date and the
contrasting bright colours of neon
fireworks which are always seen
lights and fireworks.
on the 4th of July
Horror Poster
The credit block on the poster tells
Typical horror colour scheme the audience which actors are in this
of red, white and black is used season as well as any new or big
to represent the genre of the actors such as Lady Gaga.
Direct address is used to
give the poster a creepy,
sinister feel as the character
The title font is unique to the
is looking right at the
show and recognisable by
the fans