Letter of Complaint
Letter of Complaint
Letter of Complaint
Dear Sir / Madam,
My name is Mark Roberts and I am writing to you regarding a Nokia
camera that I bought at your department store on Sunhill Road,
Dewsbury, on the 5th September.
The camera seemed to work fine in the shop. However, upon
You have bought a new camera but when you got it returning home, it became clear that the shutter mechanism was not
home you found it had some problems. You functioning properly. In addition to this, there was a small scratch on
returned the camera and spoke to the company the lens.
representative a week ago but the camera has still I therefore returned to the shop the following day, on the 6th
not been repaired. September, and spoke to a company representative about the issue. I
Write a letter to the company. left the camera with the assistant and they assured me that they would
In your letter: look into the problem with a view to repairing the camera and get back
•Introduce yourself to me a few days later.
•Explain the situation However, it has now been one week and when I contacted the shop
•Say what action you would like the company to again they said that the camera has still not been fixed and they do not
take know how long it will be.
As I am sure you will understand, it is not acceptable to be waiting for
such a long time for it to be repaired. I would therefore like to
request that I be given a full refund should I not receive the repaired
camera by the end of this week.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Mark Roberts
I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the … (level of service at your hotel/restaurant/ level of customer service
at your hotel during my visit last month).
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the … (standard of accommodation at your hotel).
I am writing to complain about the fact that … (there is no heating in our house)