Artificial Neural Network
Artificial Neural Network
Artificial Neural Network
Machine Learning
Hopfield Network
A fully interconnected network of neurons in which each neuron is connected to every other
neuron. The network is trained with input patterns by setting a value of neurons to the desired
pattern. Then its weights are computed. The weights are not changed. Once trained for one or
more patterns, the network will converge to the learned patterns. It is different from other
Neural Networks.
Unsupervised Learning
The input data is used to train the network whose output is known. The network classifies the input data and
adjusts the weight by feature extraction in input data.
Reinforcement Learning
Here the value of the output is unknown, but the network provides feedback on whether the output is right
or wrong. It is Semi-Supervised Learning.
Offline Learning
The adjustment of the weight vector and threshold is made only after all the training set is presented to the
network. It is also called Batch Learning.
Online Learning
The adjustment of the weight and threshold is made after presenting each training sample to the network.
4 Different Techniques of Neural Networks
Classification Neural Network
A Neural Network can be trained to classify a given pattern or dataset into a predefined class. It uses
Feedforward Networks.