The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China
It is an old Chinese fortification, built and rebuilt between the 5th century BC. C. and the
16th century to protect the northern border of the Chinese Empire during the successive
imperial dynasties from the attacks of the Xiongnu nomads of Mongolia and Manchuria
An immense size
The huge building is in the north of the nation and goes from the
Chinese agglomeration of Beijing to the Gobi desert.
This fortified wall is between 5 and 7 meters long with a height
that varies between 5 and 17 meters, depending on each portion of
the wall.
Travel one 6,700 kilometers. However, satellite studies have
revealed that there are several segments (such as about 1 000 km
more) that, unfortunately, have been left underground. In other
words, the walled structure was even larger than it is now.
The materials used are those available in the surroundings
of the construction. Limestone was used near Beijing. In
other sites it was used granite or fired brick. Basically, it
was a long wall of clay and sand, covered with several
brick walls. That made it very resistant to siege weapon
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