Role and Status: Dr. Amita Sharma
Role and Status: Dr. Amita Sharma
Role and Status: Dr. Amita Sharma
D R . A M I T A
• According to Young and Mack, “A role is the function of a status”.
• For Kingsley and Davis role refers to “the manner in which a person actually carries out
the requirements of his position”.
• Nature of Role
• 1).Every individual member of social group or society is bound to play social roles . It
means role-playing is obligatory for all members . The number of roles that one plays
depends on the statuses that he/she assumes.
Nature of Roles
• Role is Relational.
• Role taking-Means a person respond by putting himself mentally and imaginatively in the
role of the other person in order to regulate his own behavior.
• Role conflict-Role conflict refers to the conflict experienced by the individual at the time
of role playing. This may be experienced by the individuals at two levels:
Role conflict
• B) Between his own roles and those of other actors . An individual may
experience conflicts within his two roles . An individual may perceive
some incompatibility between the role requirements of two or more roles
when he is playing them together.
• 1. Ralf Linton (1936) defined status simply as a position in a social
system, such as child or parent. Status refers to what a person is,
whereas the closely linked notion of role refers to the behavior
expected of people in a status.
• Achieved status-