CH 7.9: Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems: The General Theory of A Nonhomogeneous System of Equations
CH 7.9: Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems: The General Theory of A Nonhomogeneous System of Equations
CH 7.9: Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems: The General Theory of A Nonhomogeneous System of Equations
2 2 2 3 9
3 3
y 2 y 2 2e t y2 2te t t 1 c2e t
2 2
Example 1:
Transform Back to Original System (4 of 5)
We next use the transformation x = Ty to obtain the
solution to the original system x' = Ax + g(t):
1 t t 1 3t
x1 1 1 1 y1 1 1 2 e 2 6 k1e
x2 2 1 1 y2 1 1 t 3
te t 1 k 2 e t
3t 1 t 4 t
k1e k 2 e t te
2 3 c1 c2
, k1 , k2
3t 1 t 5 t 2 2
1 k e 2
k e 2t te
2 3
Example 1:
Solution of Original System (5 of 5)
Simplifying further, the solution x can be written as
3t 1 t 4 t
k e k 2 e t te
x1 1 2 3
x2 k e 3t k 1 e t 2t 5 te t
1 2
2 3
1 3 t 1 t 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 4
k1 e k 2 e e te t
1 1 2 1 1 2 3 5
Note that the first two terms on right side form the general
solution to homogeneous system, while the remaining terms
are a particular solution to nonhomogeneous system.
Undetermined Coefficients
A second way of solving x' = P(t)x + g(t) is the method of
undetermined coefficients. Assume P is a constant matrix,
and that the components of g are polynomial, exponential or
sinusoidal functions, or sums or products of these.
The procedure for choosing the form of solution is usually
directly analogous to that given in Section 3.6.
The main difference arises when g(t) has the form uet,
where is a simple eigenvalue of P. In this case, g(t)
matches solution form of homogeneous system x' = P(t)x,
and as a result, it is necessary to take nonhomogeneous
solution to be of the form atet + bet. This form differs
from the Section 3.6 analog, atet.
Example 2: Undetermined Coefficients (1 of 5)
Assume a particular
of the form
v (t ) ate be ct d
v(t ) ate t be t ct d
in for x in our nonhomogeneous system x' = Ax + g,
2 1 2 t 0
x x e t ,
1 2 0 3
we obtain
2 t 0
ate a b e c Aate Abe Act Ad e t
t t t t
0 3
Equating coefficients, we conclude that
2 0
Aa a, Ab a b , Ac , Ad c
0 3
Example 2:
Solving Matrix Equation for a (3 of 5)
Variation of Parameters: Initial Value Problem
For an initial value problem
x' = P(t)x + g(t), x(t0) = x(0),
the general solution to x' = P(t)x + g(t) is
x Ψ (t )Ψ (t0 )x (0)
Ψ (t ) Ψ 1 ( s )g( s )ds