Chapter1-S 20-21
Chapter1-S 20-21
Chapter1-S 20-21
(blood cell formation)
Hematopoiesis: A quick review
Learning objectives:
- Get to know what is Hematopoiesis
- Understand where, when, & why does it take place
- Get acquainted with stem cells especially as they relate to hematopoiesis
- Become familiar with growth factors & interleukins involved in
Why do we need the Hematopoiesis?
Some cells of
-give rise to the 3 major body
Pluripotent layers (ecto, meso & endoderm blastocyst (5 to 14
Later on
Localization of hematopoiesis to bone
Bone Marrow Stroma
• Suitable environment for
Stem Cell (SC) growth & def.
• Composed of stromal cells +
microvascular network.
Extracellular molecules:
Stromal cells: • Collagen
• adipocytes • Glycoprotein (fibronectin,
• Fibroblast thrombospondin)
• Reticulum cells • Glycosaminoglycans
• Endothelial cells (hyaluronic acid &
chondroitin derivates)
• Macrophages • Growth factors for cell survival
Hemopoietic Growth Factors (HGF)
• Glycoprotein hormones regulate proliferation & differentiation of
HPC & function of mature blood cells.
• Biological effects of HGF mediated through specific receptors on
target cells.
• Activity:
– Locally at the site where they are produce by cell-cell contact.
– Circulate in plasma
• May bind to EC matrix form niches to which SC adhere.
• Major sources (except erythropoietin):
• T-lymphocytes
• Monocytes (& macrophages)
• Stromal cells
• Erythropoietin 90% synthesized by peritubular capillary lining cells
within the kidney
• Other erythropoietin is synthesized by hepatocytes
• Thrombopoietin largely made in liver
Growth factors:
CSF, colony‐stimulating factor; FLT3‐
L, FLT3 ligand; G‐CSF, granulocyte
colony‐stimulating factor; GM‐CSF,
granulocyte–macrophage colony‐
stimulating factor; IL, interleukin;
M‐CSF, macrophage colony‐
stimulating factor; SCF, stem cell
factor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor;
VEGF, vascular endothelial growth
factor. * These also act
synergistically with early acting
factors on pluripotential
Figure 1.6 A diagram of the role of growth factors in normal hemopoiesis. Multiple growth factors act
on the earlier marrow stem and progenitor cells. EPO, erythropoietin; PSC, pluripotential stem cell;
SCF, stem cell factor; TPO, thrombopoietin; FLT3‐L, FLT3 ligand. For other abbreviations see Fig. 1.2.
Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLt3) receptor
Function of
Growth Factors:
Gradual transformation
Changes are simultaneous and parallel
General cellular characteristics of maturing blood cells
1. Cell size:
•Overall size of all blood cells decrease with maturation except for that of
•Hence, presence of larger than normal cells in blood may indicate presence of
immature cells further investigation.
2. Nuclear-cytoplasmic (N:C) ratio:
•Defined as amount of nuclear space to that of cytoplasmic space.
•As size of nucleus generally decreases with maturation so does the N:C ratio.
•The N:C ratio for blast forms of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and megakaryocytes
is 4:1 but as these cells mature, the ratio drops to 2:1 or even 1:1.
•Note that mature RBCs and thrombocytes are anuclear all are cytoplasm;
•mature lymphocytes tend to maintain larger than normal N:C (3-4:1).
3.Nuclear Characteristics
1. Chromatin pattern:
• Protein content ?
• Basophilic
• Eosinophilic
• Heamoglobin is ____philic
Cytoplasmic Characteristics
1. Staining color and intensity: In Wright-stained blood films, color of
cytoplasm changes from darker blue (high nucleic acid [& protein]
content) in immature cells to lighter blue, blue-gray, or pink. Immature
erythrocytes have a very distinctive dark blue cytoplasm that then
changes to gray as the cell starts to make Hb and then turns pink in
mature RBCs.