Arrays and Their Usage Finding The Largest Element Lab Exercise 12-A Lab Demo (12-B) Practice Problems
Arrays and Their Usage Finding The Largest Element Lab Exercise 12-A Lab Demo (12-B) Practice Problems
Arrays and Their Usage Finding The Largest Element Lab Exercise 12-A Lab Demo (12-B) Practice Problems
Spring 2002
Arrays and Their Usage
Finding the largest element
Lab Exercise 12-A
Lab Demo (12-B)
Practice Problems
Arrays and Their Usage
Arrays hold similar and related data items
however data values are different
We can use arrays in any program where
we have to deal with large amount of
similar data using an INDEX into the data
Finding Largest Value
Often we will need to find the largest value
in an array.
We can designate the first element as the
largest in the beginning
As we compare one by one, we change
mind if a larger value is found
Lab Exercise 12-A
Let us define an array and initialize it with
some values
const int PLACES=15
int distances[PLACES]={24,56,78,24,
We wish to find the largest distance value
in this array
Lab Exercise 12-A
Data Modeling
an array int distances[]
an integer largest as index to largest value
largest=0, for (1 to PLACES-1) Repeat 1 & 2
1. Designate distances[largest] as largest
2. Compare with current value and change the
largest index if found higher
Lab Exercise 12-B
(Demo Required)
Develop a program that keeps information
of names and ages of a group of 5 people..
An array of structs is recommended. This
program calls a function and passes the
array to it. The function prints the names
and ages of all people in a nicely formatted
way. Sample Data that can be used is as
Sample Data for Ex 12-B
Jason Anderson, 21
Christina Smith, 35
Brian Smith Jr., 42
Derek Dustin, 18
Jason Geiger, 19
Practice Problem
Given an array of ID numbers of library
defaulters, search for the occurrence of a
specific ID number to see if this person is a
library defaulter or not
Data Modeling
int defaulters[MAXSIZE];
int target_ID;
bool not_found;
Practice Problem
While (not_found)
Match the target_ID with contents of the
defaulters array one by one
If matched, assign not_found=false
Else if array end reached, person not found
Sample Data
const int MAXSIZE=20;
int defaulters[MAXSIZE] =
target_ID = 8254
Additional Practice Problems
Define a union that can hold temperature. The
temperature can be stored in degrees Celsius or
degrees Fahrenheit. Assign 35 degrees Celsius to
the appropriate union member and display. Then
convert it to Fahrenheit, store and display
Modify 12-B to include a union in the struct. This
union should be able to sore the age in months or
For Lab 13, Demo Problem
Write a value returning recursive function
that implements the recursive formula:
F(N) = F(N-1) – F(N-2)
Where F(1) equals 9 and F(0) equals 3;
HINT: The base case here could be reached
when N-1 equals 1 and N-2 equals zero