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Looking Through The Lens Of Leadership: Studying How

Emotional Intelligence Aspects Are Related With

Construction Project Success

Syed Ahmed Ali Ibrahim

Emotional Intelligence is a standout amongst the most vital ideas
acquainted with management and psychology in the most recent
EI is proposed as a critical indicator of key hierarchical results
including transformational leadership and success.
This study attempts to fill this gap by studying EI in projects that too
in a unique context of Pakistan. General target of the examination is
to create and try the foreseen model to discover the connection
between project manager’s emotional intelligence, project
manager’s transformational leadership and project success.
Moreover proactive identity attitudes is included to be the
conceivable moderating variable for the relation of the referenced
factors in the research model
Problem Statement and
Research Gap
Researchers are trying to identify different explanatory
mechanisms and as a result a number of mediators are
proposed like trust, job satisfaction, and effective
communication and empirically proved in the relation
of EI and project success. The impact of emotional
intelligence on project success directly has not been
explored in detail thus far. Moreover the moderating
role of proactive personality disposition isnt well
established yet.
EI is an important variable which has been
extensively researched however in terms of
project management it is still considered a
relatively new concept.
EI is helpful in understanding emotions and
feelings of team members and keep them
motivated throughout the project. In a recent call,
This study attempts to fill this gap by studying EI in
projects that too in a unique context of Pakistan.
Research Questions
Q1: Is there any effect of Emotional Intelligence on Project
Q2: Does Transformational leadership mediate the relationship
between Emotional Intelligence and Project Success?
Q3: Does Proactive Personality Dispositon act as a moderator
amongst emotional intelligence and Project Success?
Q4: Does Proactive Personality Dispositon act as a moderator
amongst transformational leadership and project success?
Research Objectives
1. To locate the immediate impact EI has on project success.
2. To explore the mediationg role of transformational
leadership between emotional intelligence and project
3. To examine the moderation relationship of proactive
personality disposition amongst transformational
leadership and emotional intelligence.
4. To examine moderation relation of proactive personality
disposition amongst project success and transformational
This thesis only focuses on few aspects of each factors used by
companies that can have an construction projects
Operational Definitions
Emotional Intelligence
The 10 items scale created by Xiang et al., (2016) will be utilized to quantify
impact of EI on Project Success. The information will be gathered through
review based polls to reaction the business states of development projects in
Pakistan. The reactions will be collected through five point Likert scale extending
from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). In poll the EI is separated into
four segments for example Awareness of own emotions (AWE), Management of
own emotions (MWE), Awareness of other emotions (ATE) and Management of
others emotions (MTE). Utilizing this scale we will most likely measure four
explicit segments of Emotional Intelligence: (1) awareness of possess feelings
(test thing: ”I can clarify the feelings I feel to colleagues”; (2) awareness about
others’ feelings (test thing: ”I can peruse my individual colleagues’ actual
sentiments, regardless of whether they endeavor to shroud them”); (3)
management of claim feelings (test thing: ”When I am disappointed with
individual colleagues, I can conquer my dissatisfaction”).
Transformational leadership
The 10 item scale created by Gunawardana et al., (2017) will be utilized to gauge impact of emotional
intelligence on project success through transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is a
standout amongst the most continuing yet tricky builds utilized in the investigation of modern relations
(Locke, 1976; Yuzuk, 196l). The questionnaires will be answered through five point Likert scale going
from (Strongly Disagree) to (Strongly Agree). Things to be answered on questionnaire are: I express with
a few simple words what we could and should do. I provide others with new ways of looking at puzzling
Proactive Personality Disposition
Proactive personality disposition will be calculated by using the scale of Becherer and Maurer, (1999).
The rating scale ranges from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). The sample items of the scale
are: I am constantly on the lookout for new ways to improve my life; if I see something I don’t like, I fix
Project Success
To measure the project success, we adopted the scale of (Aga, Noorderhaven & Vallejo, 2016). The
rating scale ranges from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). The sample items of the scale are:
The project was completed on time; the outcomes of the project are used by its intended end users.
Theoretical Framework

Research Hypothesis
HY1: Emotional intelligence is positively and significantly associated
with project success.
HY2: The relationship between EI and project success is mediated by
transformational leadership.
HY3: The relationship between EI and Transformational leadership is
moderated by proactive personality disposition.
HY4: The relationship between Transformational leadership and project
success is moderated by proactive personality disposition.
Research Methodology
Description Used in this study
Research type Causal Research
Purpose of research Hypothesis testing
Research approach Deductive
Research design Quantitative
Research strategy Non-experimental
Sample strategy Convenience sample
Method of contact Through questionnaire
Incentives provided to participants None
Number of sampling frame 300
Response rate 300
Geographic scope Bahawalpur
Age of respondents 18 to 60 years
Gender of respondents Mixed
Steps Model Un-Stand. Stand. R² Sig.
Name B S.E Beta

Model 2.TL (IV)PPD (MV)-PS (DV)

Step 1 IV-DV 0.577 0.044 0.608 0.370 0.000
Step 2 IV-MV 0.807 0.046 0.714 0.510 0.000
Step 3 MV-DV 0.601 0.034 0.716 0.513 0.000

Step 4 IV-DV 0.483 0.048 0.575   0.000

MV-DV 0.187 0.054 0.197 0.000
Steps Model Un-Stand. Stand. R² Sig.
Name B S.E Beta

Model 3. EI (IV)-PDD (MV)-PS (DV)

Step 1 IV-DV 0.549 0.540 0.540 0.370 0.000

Step 2 IV-MV 0.448 0.065 0.370 0.510 0.000

Step 3 MV-DV 0.601 0.034 0.716 0.513 0.000

Step 4 IV-DV 0.483 0.048 0.319   0.000

MV-DV 0.187 0.054 0.598 0.000
H1: There is a significant positive relationship of emotional
intelligences with transformational leadership.
The results have found that emotional intelligences (emotional
intelligence) has a significant positive relationship with Transformational
leadership. The correlation between emotional intelligence and
transformational leadership is 0.722 which is highly positive and results
are significant at p < 0.05. As far as beta coefficients are concerned then
beta is 0.511 which is also positive and moderate in strength. The t test
statistics are significant at p < 0.05. Hence our hypothesis is proved
H2: Proactive Personality Disposition moderates the relationship
between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership.
The results have found that PPD has a significant positive
relationship with Transformational leadership. The
correlation between PPD and transformational leadership is
0.714 which is highly positive and results are significant at p
< 0.05. As far as beta coefficients are concerned then beta is
0.488 which is also positive and moderate in strength. The t
test statistics are significant at p < 0.05. Hence our
hypothesis is proved.
H3: There is a significant positive relationship of Proactive Personality
Disposition with transformational leadership.
The results have found that PPD has a significant positive relationship
with Transformational leadership. The correlation between PPD and
transformational leadership is 0.370 which is weakly positive and results
are significant at p < 0.05. As far as beta coefficients are concerned then
beta is -0.053 which is negative and weak in strength. The t test
statistics are insignificant at p > 0.05. Hence our hypothesis is proved
H4: There is a significant positive relationship of transformational
leadership with Project success.
The results have found that TL has a significant positive relationship
with PS. The correlation between PS and transformational leadership is
0.716 which is strongly positive and results are significant at p < 0.05.
The R square of the relationship of 0.513. As far as beta coefficients are
concerned then beta is 0.601 which is positive and strong in strength.
The t test statistics are significant at p < 0.05. Hence our hypothesis is
H5: transformational leadership mediates the relationship emotional
intelligences with Project success.
The relation of EI is tested with PS while transformational leadership is
mediator is tested through beta coefficients. The beta coefficient of EI
with PS shows that there is a weak positive relationship between them
i.e. 0.365 and the results are significant at p < 0.05.
H6: There is a significant relationship of emotional intelligences with
Project success.
The relation of EI is tested with PS through beta coefficients. The beta of
EI with PS shows that there is a weak positive relationship between
them i.e. 0.365 and the results are significant at p < 0.05. Whereas as
discussed earlier the relationship of EI with PS when the mediator is TL
then the results were more stronger than this therefore our hypothesis
is proved correct yet TL mediates the relationship.
H7: There is a significant positive relationship of Proactive Personality
Disposition with Project success.
The relation of PPD is tested with PS through beta coefficients. The beta
of PPD with PS shows that there is a weak positive relationship between
them i.e. 0.228 and the results are significant at p < 0.05. Whereas as
discussed earlier the relationship of PPD with PS when the mediator is
TL then the results were more stronger than this therefore our
hypothesis is proved correct yet TL mediates the relationship.
H8: Proactive Personality Disposition moderates the relationship
between transformational leadership and project success.
The results have found that PPD has a significant positive relationship
with Transformational leadership and project success. The correlation
between PPD and transformational leadership is 0.714 which is highly
positive and results are significant at p < 0.05. As far as beta coefficients
are concerned then beta is 0.488 which is also positive and moderate in
strength. The t test statistics are significant at p < 0.05. Hence our
hypothesis is proved.

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