The Tax Organization System: The Federal Inland Revenue Authority /FIRA
The Tax Organization System: The Federal Inland Revenue Authority /FIRA
The Tax Organization System: The Federal Inland Revenue Authority /FIRA
Companies ERCA
III Business Annual Sole proprietorships Regional Revenue Bureaus
IV Miscellaneous Annual Individuals Regional Revenue Bureaus
1. Indirect Taxes
V. Value Added Tax Permanent Individuals
Sole proprietorships
Other non-profit organizations
and association
unless specifically exempted.
VI. Turnover Tax Permanent Individuals
Sole proprietorships
Non-profit organizations
unless exempted
VII. Excise Tax Permanent Individuals
Sole proprietorships ERCA
VIII Custom duty Permanent Individuals and companies
Income taxes
• Ethiopian taxes are divided into categories and
schedules. Business income taxpayers in Ethiopian
taxation system are divided into three categories.
These are:
• Category “A” taxpayers;
• Category “B” taxpayers, and
• Category “C” taxpayers.
Category “A” Taxpayers
• This Category of taxpayers includes the following persons
and bodies:
1. Any company incorporated under the laws of Ethiopia or in
a foreign country;
2. Any other business having an annual turnover of Birr
500,000 or more.
• Category “A“ taxpayers are required to file to the Tax
Authority, at the end of the year, a balance sheet and a profit
and loss statement (income statement) for taxation purpose.
It should be noted that companies are categorized under
category “A” regardless of their size of turnover.
Category “B” Taxpayers
• This Category includes business which has an annual
turnover of over Birr 100,000 but below Birr 500,000. This
category of taxpayers should file to the Tax Authority profit
and loss statement (income statement) at the end of the year.
Category “C” Taxpayers
• This category of taxpayers includes those who have annual
turnover of less than Birr 100,000 as estimated by the Tax
Authority. Neither balance sheet nor income statement is a
requirement to this category.
• The Ethiopian Tax System also follows the scheduler
system of taxation whereby different types of income are
segregated into different schedules for computing the tax
Income taxes
• The function of each schedule is to tax income of that
schedule in accordance with rules and regulations set for the
• Different Income is taxed in different schedules because of
difference in the rate to be used and expenses to be allowed.
• Based on this essence, taxpayers are scheduled into different
brackets. These include:
• Solution
• Total Taxable rental income is Br. 37, 000 i.e. 40000
minus Allowable deductions Br. 3000.
• Short Cut
• (Total taxable rental Income x Rate) – Deduction
• (Br. 37000 x25%) – Br. 2820
• = Br. 9250 – 2820
• = Br. 6430
Business Income Tax (Schedule C)
• Profits (income) earned from business activities are taxed under
Schedule C. This schedule is used to tax income earned from business
activities by:
• Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Companies.
The tax rates for sole proprietorships and partnerships, and companies
(corporations) are different. The following schedule shows the tax
rates used to tax the annual income of sole proprietorships and
• The short cut method of computing business income tax is provided
Taxable Income Deduction
From To Rate
0 1,800 o Nil