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Principles of Economics: Almoatassem Mostafa, Ph.D.

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Principles of Economics

AlMoatassem Mostafa, Ph.D.;

Chapter Four: The Demand &
Supply Analysis
‫تحليل الطلب والعرض‬
Chapter Four: The Demand &
Supply Analysis



• Markets are always responding to events,
– such as bad harvests‫ فساد المحاصيل‬and changing
consumer tastes‫تغير أذواق المستهلكين‬
– they affect the prices and quantities of particular goods.
• The demand for some goods increases, while the
demand for others decreases.
• The supply of some goods rises, while the supply
of others falls.
• As such events unfold‫ تحدث‬, prices adjust ‫ تتغير‬to
keep markets in balance.
• Demand is a representation‫ يمثل‬of the behaviour of
• Supply is a representation of the behaviour of sellers.
• Buyers may be consumers purchasing groceries‫يشترون‬
‫ منتجات البقالة‬or producers purchasing iron ore to make steel.
• Sellers may be firms selling cars or households selling
their labour services.
• The ideas of demand and supply apply,
– whatever the identity of the buyers or sellers and
– whatever the good or service being exchanged in the market.
Demand Schedule

& Demand Curve

Changes in

Determinants of
• Each good or service has its own special
characteristics that determine the quantity people
are willing and able to consume:
1. the price of the good or service itself.
2. consumer preferences‫فضيالتاــمستهلك‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ تــــ‬,
3. prices of related goods and services ‫أسعـار لاــسلعـ‬
‫ لاــمرتـبطة‬,
4. Income‫ الدـخـل‬,
5. demographic characteristics such as population
size‫ عـدد لاــسكان‬, and
6. buyer expectations‫تـــقعـات لاــمشترـي‬
• Can you guess what determines the number
of pizzas purchased by people?
• Different variables‫ متغيرـات‬play different roles
in influencing ‫تـــير‬
‫ أثـ‬the demands for different
goods and services,
• Economists pay special attention to one: the
price of the good or service.
The Demand Schedule & The
Demand Curve
• Individual demand‫ الطلب الفردي‬:
– a schedule‫ جدول‬of the quantities ‫ كميات‬of a good which a
consumer stands ready to take off ‫ شراء‬the market at a
series of prices ‫ سلسلة من األسعار‬at a given moment of
– It is this schedule which represents his call ‫طلبه‬for the
• The market demand for a good is the
summation of the demand schedules of all of
the individuals participating ‫ يشترك‬in the
The Demand Schedule & The
Demand Curve
• The quantity demanded of a good or
service is the quantity buyers are willing‫على‬
‫ استعداد‬and able to buy at a particular price
during a particular period,
– all other things unchanged‫مع ثبات العوامل األخرى‬.
– The quantity demanded at each price would
be different if other things that might affect it,
such as the population of the town, were to
The Demand Schedule & The
Demand Curve
• Demand Schedule‫جدول الطلب‬
– A table that shows the quantities of a good or service
demanded at different prices during a particular period, all
other things unchanged.
– The information given in a demand schedule can be
presented with a demand curve.
• Demand Curve‫منحنى الطلب‬
– A graphical representation‫ تمثيل بياني‬of a demand schedule.
– Shows the relationship between the price and quantity
demanded of a good or service during a particular period,
all other things unchanged

The Demand Schedule & The
Demand Curve
• A movement along a demand curve that
results from a change in price is called a
change in quantity demanded‫ تغير الكمية المطلوبة‬.
– A change in quantity demanded is not a change or
shift in the demand curve;
– it is a movement along the demand curve.
• The negative slope ‫ سالب الميل‬of the demand
curve suggests a key behavioural relationship
of economics.

The Demand Schedule & The
Demand Curve

Changes in Demand
• Price alone does not determine the quantity
of a good or service that people consume.
• A change in any one of the variables held
constant in constructing a demand
schedule will change the quantities
demanded at each price.
– The result will be a shift‫ انتقال‬in the entire
demand curve rather than a movement along
the demand curve
Changes in Demand
• A shift in a demand curve is called a
change in demand.

Changes in Demand
• Just as demand can increase, it can
– In the case of coffee, demand might fall as a
result of events such as
• a reduction in population‫ قلة عدد السكان‬,
• a reduction in the price of tea, or
• a change in preferences‫التغير في التفضيالت‬

Changes in Demand

Changes in Demand

Determinants of Demand
‫محددات الطلب‬
• A variable that can change the quantity of
a good or service demanded at each price
is called a demand shifter.

Determinants of Demand
• A variable that can change the quantity of
a good or service demanded at each price
is called a demand shifter.

Consumer Preferences
• Changes in preferences of buyers can
have important consequences for demand.
– A change in preferences that makes one good
or service more popular will shift the demand
curve to the right.
– A change that makes it less popular will shift
the demand curve to the left.

Prices of Related Goods &
• if a reduction in the price of one good
increases the demand for another,
– the two goods are called complements ‫سلع‬
• If a reduction in the price of one good
reduces the demand for another,
– the two goods are called substitutes ‫ سلع بديلة‬.

Prices of Related Goods &

• As incomes rise, people increase their consumption
of many goods and services,
• There are goods and services for which
consumption falls as income rises—and rises as
income falls.
– Example: people tend to consume more fresh fruit but
less canned fruit
– A good for which demand increases when income
increases is called a normal good.
– A good for which demand decreases when income
increases is called an inferior good.
Demographic Characteristics
• The number of buyers affects the total
quantity of a good or service that will be
– the greater the population, the greater the
– As the share of the population over age 65
increases, the demand for medical services
– Demand can shift as a result of changes in both
the number and characteristics of buyers.
Consumer Expectations
• The consumption of goods that can be easily
stored, or whose consumption can be
postponed, is strongly affected by buyer
• An expectation of higher prices in the future will
lead to more purchases today.
• If the price of a good is expected to fall,
however, people are likely to reduce their
purchases today and await tomorrow’s lower
• Case in Point: Solving Campus Parking
Problems Without Adding More Parking

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