Cve Eng
Cve Eng
Cve Eng
Burkhard Schmidt
What is Theism?
The Bible, Genesis 1.1 :
« In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.»
The universe is not a closed system, but a creation, an artifact
of the mind of God, maintained and upheld by Him.
Is there more than just nature ?
INDUCTION confirmations prédictions d’observations
obtention de
nouvelles données
Résultats des observations et expérimentations
ThomasLewontin, New Yorkde
Nagel, Professeur Review, 9.1.1997
philosophie : York :
à New
« Nous (les scientifiques)
« Je prétends nousest
que l’athéisme nous
vrairangeons du côté
et le fait que de lades
certains science
en dépit
individus lesde l’absurdité
plus de et
intelligents certains de ses
les mieux systèmes
informés que de pensée….
je connaisse
Cela découle de notre allégeance faite préalablement au
soient des croyants religieux me met mal à l’aise. Ce n’est pas
matérialisme…. Pour cette raison, nous sommes contraints de nous
simplement que explications
limiter à des je ne croie pas en Dieu et Ce
naturelles…. quematérialisme
j’espère toutest absolu,
car nous nequ’il n’y aitpas
pouvons paspermettre
de Dieu! Je
aune veux
divin depas qu’illeexiste
mettre un
pied dans
Dieu. Je ne veux
l’embrasure depas que l’univers soit ainsi. »
la porte. »
Limits of scientific explanations
Science explains. But how much? Are there limits?
Peter Atkins, professor of chemistry at Oxford:
« There is no reason to suppose that science cannot deal
with every aspect of existence. »
Science can answer the ‘how’ questions, but not the ‘why’
questions connected with purpose.
La recherche scientifique a des limites, en particulier dans le
domaine des origines.
Science and Faith
Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist, Oxford:
« Scientific belief is based on publically checkable evidence,
religious belief not only lacks evidence ; it’s independence
of evidence is it’s joy shouted from the rooftops. »
John 20, 31: « These things are written that you may believe »
« Par la foi, nous comprenons que les mondes ont été formés
par la parole de Dieu, de sorte que ce qui se voit n'a pas
été fait de choses qui paraissent. » Hébreux 11,3
Science et foi
Tant la création que l’évolution ne peuvent être
ni prouvées, ni falsifiées.
E. Tryton:
« Our universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time. »
Allan Sandage, father of modern astronomy and winner of the Crafoord Prize:
« I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be
some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery but is the explanation for
the miracle of existence –why there is something rather than nothing. »
The beginning of the Universe
If the universe had no beginning, it is eternal and one might
argue that it is simply a brute fact of existence. But if it had a
beginning, it is not eternal and therefore not ultimate.
Aristotle believed that the earth was the centre of an eternal universe
Hindu cosmology thought in terms of the universe going through
endlessly repeating cycles
Hebrews believed that time was linear and the universe had a beginning.
It had been created, and the creator was God, Elohim.
After the Big Bang all matter should have been annihilated by it’s
counterpart, antimatter. However, we know that our universe is matter
The 2008 Noble Prize in physics has been given to Nambu, Kobayashi
and Maskawa who developed a precise theoretical framework
(spontaneous broken symmetry) in which LHCb will try to understand
why matter dominates over antimatter in the Universe.
Fundamental Forces / Interactions
Gravitational force:
Only attractive, controls the large-
scale motions of galaxies, planets,
but also of falling apples.
Electromagnetic force:
Holds electrons in the outer reaches
of atoms. It can be attractive or
Strong force:
Glues quarks to one another to form
neutrons and protons and and keeps
the nuclei together
Weak force:
Causes transmutation of the
elements, e.g. HHe in the sun, and
plays a role in radioactive decay
Elementary Particles
An elementary particle is a
particle not known to have
substructure; that is, it is not
known to be made up of
smaller particles.
In order for this unification to work mathematically, it requires that the force-
carrying particles have no mass. We know from experiments that this is not
Peter Higgs et al. suggested that all particles had no mass just after the Big
Bang. As the Universe cooled and the temperature fell below a critical value,
an invisible force field called the ‘Higgs field’ was formed together with the
associated ‘Higgs boson’. Particles that interact with the ‘Higgs Field’ are
given a mass via the Higgs boson.
This idea provided a satisfactory solution and fitted well with established
theories and phenomena. The problem is that no one has ever observed the
Higgs boson in an experiment to confirm the theory.
The technical problem is that we do not know the mass of the Higgs boson
itself, which makes it more difficult to identify. Physicists have to look for it by
systematically searching a range of mass within which it is predicted to exist.
The yet unexplored range is accessible using the LHC, which will determine
the existence of the Higgs boson.
The fine-tuning of the universe
Copernican principle:
By overturning the idea that the earth is fixed at the centre of the universe
a process of demoting the earth significance started, which has resulted in
the widespread view that the earth is a fairly typical planet orbiting a fairly
typical sun which is positioned in one of spiral arms of a fairly typical
galaxy which – the multiverse theorists will add – is in a fairly typical
This constant
Richard has a great
Feynman, influenceet
Physicien onPrix
a large number of
physical phenomena,
« It has been a mysterymore
everthan any
since otherdiscovered
it was fundamentalmore
quantity. Our
than fifty universe
years would
ago, and all not
the same ifphysicists
this constant
would be smaller
this number up or
on bigger by just
their wall and an infinitesimal
worry amount.
about it. »
Therefore one can suppose that in practical no other case a
universe could have been formed capable to produce live.
Fundamental physical constants
Gravitational force:
Coulomb force:
Originea vieţii
Biogeneza and Abiogeneza
ADN-ul şi originea informaţiei
Darwin’s Theory
« Selecţia naturală
examinează cu atenţie cele
mai mici variaţii, respingând
pe cele rele, dar prezervând
şi adăugând pe cele
favorabile »
Avantaj funcţional
Familii de animale
Nagetiere = rozătoare
Fledermauese = şoarece-chel
Wale = balene
Raubtiere = carnivore
Insektenfresser = insectivore
Paarhufer = copite cu număr
par de degete
Date paleontologice
Datarea fosilelor
Charles Darwin, în ‘Origine speciilor’ 1859:
« Numărul speciilor de tranziţie care au existat în trecut ar trebui să fie
întradevăr enorm. De ce atunci nu există asemenea fosile intermediare în
toate formaţiunile şi în toate straturile geologice? Geologia nu sustine cu
siguranţă o asemenea lanţ organic evolutiv şi acesta este probabil cel mai
evident argument care poate fi adus împotriva teoriei mele. »
H = homo
(erectus şi
M = mari maimuţe
R = ramapitecul (astăzi
A = australopitecul
(astăzi o maimuţă)
Cu timpul, mai multe date şi mai multă
claritate ?
Howell Clarke, paleontolog:
« Cu cât vei cunoaşte mai mult, cu atât va fi mai dificil… »
3) 4)
Când un amestec de
amoniac, metan, apă şi
Descărcări hidrogen este supus la curenţi
electrici, se formează acizi
Oamenii de ştiinţă au
intervenit în experiment în mai
multe faze, manipulând
Încălzire mediul
19 din 20 de aminoacizi
esenţiali au putut fi astfel
Amestec de apă obţinuţi, dar şi multe alte tipuri
şi aminoacizi
Apă în
Sunt necesari aminoacizi puri
pentru a forma proteine
Formarea macromoleculelor
ADN-ul sau proteinele s-au format pornind de la
molecule care au două posibilităţi de a se «lega».
Combinarea lor creează lanţuri DESCHISE,
care permit formarea de lanţuri mai lungi.
Şansă oarbă?
Există 20 de aminoacizi implicaţi în formarea proteinelor.
Probabilitatea să plasăm un aminoacid la locul potrivit este de 1/20.
Pentru a face un lanţ de 100 de aminoacizi, probabilitatea este de ...the
probability is 1 of 20100, which is 1x10130.
Doar atunci obţinem o singură proteină...
Werner Loewenstein:
It is now widely accepted that a living cell is
« This
an genetic
informationlexicon goes back
processing a long,living
machine; long way.
Not things
an iotaareseems to have
instructed bychanged over two billion
the genetic
years; encoded
all living beings in
earth, form bacterai to
humans, use the same sixty four word code.»
However, there is more to life than DNA
The design inference
Stephen Meyers:
« DNA does not imply the need for an intelligent
designer because it has some similarities to
a software program or to human language. It
implies the need for an intelligent designer
because … it posses an identical feature
(namely information content) that intelligently
designed human texts and computer
languages possess. »