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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions

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4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Review of drawing objects in 3 dimensions:
(a) A cube viewed with the line of sight
perpendicular to a face
(b) An oblique view of the cube
(c) A cartesian coordinate system aligned with
the edges of the cube
(d) 3-D representation of the coordinate system

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Right-handed coordinate system:

 Express vector U in terms of vector

components Ux, Uy & Uz parallel to the x, y & z
axes respectively:
U = Ux + Uy + Uz (2.11)
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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Introducing unit vectors i, j & k that point in the
positive x, y & z directions, U can be expressed
in terms of scalar components:

U = Uxi + Uyj + Uz k (2.12)

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Magnitude of a Vector in Terms of
 Consider a vector U & its vector components:

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Magnitude of a Vector in Terms of
 From the right triangles formed by vectors Uy,
Uz & their sum Uy + Uz:
|Uy + Uz|2 = |Uy|2 + |Uz|2 (2.13)

 The vector U is the sum of the vectors Ux &

Uy + Uz. The 3 vectors form a right triangle:
|U|2 = |Ux|2 + |Uy + Uz|2

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Magnitude of a Vector in Terms of
 Substituting Eq. (2.13):
|U|2 = |Ux|2 + |Uy| + |Uz|2 = U x2  U y2  U z2

 Thus, magnitude of vector U:

2 2 2
U Ux Uy Uz (2.14)

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Direction Cosines:
 One way to describe the direction of a vector is
by specifying the angles x, y & z between the
vector & the positive coordinate axes:

Ux = |U| cos x, Uy = |U| cos y, Uz = |U| cos z (2.15)

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Direction Cosines:

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Direction Cosines:
 Direction cosines: cos x, cos y & cos z
 Direction cosines satisfy the relation:
cos2 x + cos2 y + cos2 z = 1 (2.16)
 Suppose that e is a unit vector with the same
direction as U:
U = |U| e
 In terms of components:
Uxi + Uyj + Uzk = |U| (exi + eyj + ezk)

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Direction Cosines:
 Thus:
Ux = |U| ex, Uy = |U| ey, Uz = |U| ez
 By comparing these equations to Eqs. (2.15):
cos x = ex, cos y = ey, cos z = ez
 The direction cosines of a vector U are the
components of a unit vector with the same
direction as U

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Position Vectors in Terms of Components:
 Consider point A with
coordinates (xA, yA, zA) &
point B with coordinates
(xB, yB, zB)

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Position Vectors in Terms of Components:
 The position vector rAB from A
to B:
rAB = (xB  xA)i + (yB  yA)j + (zB  zA)k (2.17)

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Components of Vector Parallel to a Given
 In 3-D applications, the
direction of a vector U is
often defined by specifying
the coordinates of 2 points
A & B on a line that is
parallel to U
 Determine position vector
rAB using Eq. (2.17)

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2.4 Components in 3 Dimensions
 Components of Vector Parallel to a Given
 Divide rAB by its magnitude  unit vector eAB
that points from A to B
 eAB has the same direction as U
 Determine U as the product of its magnitude
& eAB: U = |U| eAB

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Example 2.6 Magnitude & Direction Cosines
of a Vector
The coordinates of point C of the truss in Fig. 2.26
are xC = 4 m, yC = 0, zC = 0 & the coordinates of
point D are xD = 2 m, yD = 3 m, zD = 1 m. Let rCD be
the position vector from C to D.
(a) What is the magnitude of rCD?
(b) What are the direction
cosines of rCD?
(c) Determine the components of
a unit vector eCD that points
form point C towards
point D. Fig. 2.26
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Example 2.6 Magnitude & Direction
Cosines of a Vector
(a) We can obtain the components of rCD by subtracting
the coodinates of C from the coordinates of D
(b) Once the components of rCD are knowm, we
can determine the direction cosines from Eqs.
(c) Dividing the vector rCD by its magnitude yields the
unit vector eCD

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Example 2.6 Magnitude & Direction
Cosines of a Vector
(a) The components of rCD are given by:
rCD = (xD  xC)i + (yD  yC)j + (zD  zC)k
= (2  4) i + (3  0)j + (1  0)k
= 2i + 3j + k

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Example 2.6 Magnitude & Direction
Cosines of a Vector
(a) The magnitude of rCD is:

rCD  rCD 2x  rCD 2y  rCD 2z

  2
  2

  2 m  3 m  1m  2

 3.74 m

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Example 2.6 Magnitude & Direction
Cosines of a Vector
(b) The direction cosines of rCD are:
rCDx 2m
cos  x    0.535,
rCD 3.74 m
rCD y 3m
cos  y    0.802,
rCD 3.74 m
rCDz 1m
cos  z    0.267
rCD 3.74 m

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Example 2.6 Magnitude & Direction
Cosines of a Vector
(c) The unit vector that points from C to D is:
eCD 
 2i  3 j  k  m 

3.74 m
 0.535i  0.802 j  0.267k
(Notice that we already knew these components
because the direction cosines of rCD are the
components of a unit vector with the same
direction as rCD.)
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Example 2.6 Magnitude & Direction
Cosines of a Vector
Critical Thinking
 Useful to know the components of a unit vector
that points from C toward D:
 To analyze the internal forces in the members
of 3-D trusses (Chapter 6)
 Need to know components of unit vectors
parallel to the members to express those
forces in terms of their components

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Example 2.7 Determining Components in 3
The crane in Fig. 2.27 exerts a 3000-N force F on
the caisson. The angle between F & the x axis is
54° & the angle between F & the y axis is 40°. The
z component of F is positive. Express F in terms of

Fig. 2.27
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Example 2.7 Determining Components in 3
 Only 2 of the angles between the vector & the
positive coordinate axes are given but we can
use Eq. (2.16) to determine the third angle
 Then we can determine the components of F
using Eqs. (2.15)

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Example 2.7 Determining Components in 3
The angles between F & the positive coordinate
axes are related by:
cos2 x + cos2 y + cos2 z = 1
(cos 54°)2 + (cos 40°)2 + cos2 z = 1
Solving this equation for cos z , we obtain two
cos z = 0.260 & cos z = 0.260
z = 74.9° or z = 105.1°
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Example 2.7 Determining Components in 3
The z component of F is positive, so the angle
between F & the z axis < 90°. Therefore, z = 74.9°.
The components of F are:
Fx = |F| cos x = 3000 cos 54° = 1760 N,
Fy = |F| cos y = 3000 cos 40° = 2300 N,
Fz = |F| cos z = 3000 cos 74.9° = 17820 N

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Example 2.7 Determining Components in 3
Critical Thinking
 x & y are sufficient to define a line parallel to F
but not the direction along that line:
 Knowledge of x & y  solve Eq. (2.16) for
value of cos2 z
 Two possible values of cos z
 Correspond to the 2 possible directions of F
along the line
 Additional information needed to indicate the
direction: z component of F is positive

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Example 2.8 Determining Components in 3
The tether of the balloon in Fig. 2.28 exerts an 800-N
force F on the hook at O. the vertical line AB
intersects the x-z plane at point A. The angle
between the z axis & the line OA is 60° & the angle
between the line OA
& F is 45°. Express F in
terms of components.

Fig. 2.28
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Example 2.8 Determining Components in 3
 We can determine the components of F from the
given geometric information in 2 steps
 First, express F as the sum of 2 vector
components parallel to the lines OA & AB
 Then use the component parallel to OA to
determine the vector components Fx & Fy

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Example 2.8 Determining Components in 3
Magnitude of Fy is:
|Fy| = |F| cos 45° = (800 N) cos 45°
= 566 N
Magnitude of Fh is:
|Fh| = |F| cos 45° = (800 N) cos 45°
= 566 N

Fy : y component of F
Fh : component parallel to OA
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Example 2.8 Determining Components in 3
Express Fh in terms of vector components Fx & Fz.
Magnitude of Fx:
|Fx| = |Fh| sin 60° = (566 N) sin 60°
= 490 N
Magnitude of Fz:
|Fz| = |Fh| cos 60° = (566 N) cos 60°
= 283 N
 F = 490i + 566j + 283k (N)
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Example 2.8 Determining Components in 3
Critical Thinking
 2 angles are required to specify a vector’s
direction relative to a 3-D coordinate system:
 May not be defined in the same way as in the
example (see problem 2.84)
 But you can determine the components of the
vector in terms of the magnitude & the two
specified angles by a procedure similar to the
one used here

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Example 2.9 Vector whose Direction is
Specified by 2 Points
The bar AB in Fig. 2.29 exerts a 140-N force F on its
support at A. The forces is parallel to the bar &
points toward B. Express F in terms of components.

Fig. 2.29
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Example 2.9 Vector whose Direction is
Specified by 2 Points
 Since we are given the coordinates of points A
& B  components of the position vector from
A to B.
 By dividing the position vector by its magnitude
 unit vector with the same direction as F
 Multiply the unit vector by |F|  F in terms of its

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Example 2.9 Vector whose Direction is
Specified by 2 Points
Position vector from A to B:
rAB = (xB  xA)i + (yB  yB)j + (zB  zA)k
= (800  200) i + (500  200)j
+ [(300 )  (100)]k
= 600i + 300j  200k (mm)

rAB   600m 2   300 2    200 2  700 mm
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Example 2.9 Vector whose Direction is
Specified by 2 Points
By dividing rAB by its magnitude
 unit vector with the same
direction as F:
rAB 6 3 2
e AB   i  j k
rAB 7 7 7
In terms of its components:
 6 3 2 
F  F e AB  140 N   i  j  k   120i  60 j  40k
7 7 7 
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Example 2.9 Vector whose Direction is
Specified by 2 Points
Critical Thinking
 Prescribing the positions of 2 points on the line of
action of a vector is a common method of
specifying the direction of a vector in 3 dimensions
 This example involves 3 distinct types of vectors:
 Force vector: |F| (N)
 Position vector: |rAB| (mm)
 Unit vector: |eAB| (dimensionless)

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Example 2.10 Determining Components
in 3 Dimensions
The rope in Fig. 2.30 extends from point B through
a metal loop attached to the wall at A to point C. the
rope exerts forces FAB & FAC on the loop at A with
magnitudes |FAB| = |FAC| = 200 N. What is the
magnitude of the total force F = FAB + FAC exerted on
the loop by the rope?

Fig. 2.30
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Example 2.10 Determining Components
in 3 Dimensions
 FAB is parallel to the line from A to B
 FAC is parallel to the line from A to C
 Determine the coordinates of points A, B & C
from the given dimensions  components of
unit vectors that have the same direction as the
2 forces
 Use the unit vectors to express the forces in
terms of scalar components

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Example 2.10 Determining Components
in 3 Dimensions
Let rAB be the position
vector from A to B & rAC
be the position vector
from A to C:

From the given dimensions, coordinates of points:

A: (6, 7, 0) m, B: (2, 0, 4) m, C: (12, 0, 6) m

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Example 2.10 Determining Components
in 3 Dimensions
Components of rAB & rAC:
rAB = (xB  xA)i + (yB  yB)j + (zB  zA)k
= (2  6) i + (0  7)j + (4  0)k
= 4i  7j + 4k (m)
rAC = (xC  xA)i + (yC  yB)j + (zC  zA)k
= (12  6) i + (0  7)j + (6  0)k
= 6i  7j + 6k (m)
Magnitudes: |rAB| = 9 m & |rAC| = 11 m

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Example 2.10 Determining Components
in 3 Dimensions
Dividing rAB & rAC by their magnitudes
 unit vectors eAB & eAC that point in the directions of
e AB   0.444i  0.778 j  0.444k
e AC   0.545i  0.636 j  0.545k

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Example 2.10 Determining Components
in 3 Dimensions
The forces FAB & FAC:
FAB   200 N  e AB  88.9i  155.6 j  88.9k (N),
FAC   200 N  e AC  109.1i  127.3 j  109.1k (N)
Total force exerted on the loop by the rope:
F  FAB  FAC  20.2i  282.8 j  198.0k (N)
F  20.2 2    282.8 2  198.0 2  346

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Example 2.10 Determining Components
in 3 Dimensions
Critical Thinking
 Assume that force is a vector:
 Magnitude & direction of total force exerted
on the metal loop at A: F = FAB + FAC

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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
The cable AB in Fig. 2.31 exerts a 50-N force T on
the collar at A. Express T in terms of components.

Fig. 2.31
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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
 Let rAB be the position vector from A to B
 Divide rAB by its magnitudes  unit vector eAB
having the same direction as T:
 Obtain T in terms of scalar components by
expressing it as the product of its magnitude
& eAB
 To begin, determine coordinates of collar A:
 obtain a unit vector eCD pointing from C toward
 Multiply eCD by 0.2  position of collar A
relative to C
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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
 Determining the Coordinates of Point A:
rCD = (0.2  0.4) i + (0  0.3)j + (0.25  0)k
= 0.2i  0.3j + 0.25k (m)

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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
Determining the Coordinates of Point A:
Dividing this vector by its magnitude
 unit vector eCD:

rCD  0.2i  0.3j  0.25k

eCD  
rCD   0.2    0.3   0.25
2 2 2

 0.456i  0.684 j  0.570k

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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
Using eCD  position vector from C to A:
rCA = (0.2 m) eCD = 0.091i  0.137j + 0.1145k (m)

Position vector from origin to C:

rOC = 0.4i + 0.3j (m)

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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
Position vector from origin to A:
rOA = rOC + rCA
= (0.4i + 0.3j) + (0.091i  0.137j + 0.1145k )
= 0.309i + 0.163j + 0.114k (m)

Coordinates of A: (0.309, 0.163, 0.114) m.

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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
 Determining the Components of T:
Position vector from A to B:
rAB = (0  0.309) i + (0.5  0.163)j + (0.15  0.114)k
= 0.309i + 0.337j + 0.036k (m)
Divide this vector by its magnitude  unit vector eAB:
rAB  0.309i  0.337 j  0.036k
e AB  
rAB   0.30 2   0.337  2   0.036 2
 0.674i  0.735 j  0.079k
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Example 2.11 Determining Components
of a Force
The force T:
T  T e AB   50 N    0.674i  0.735 j  0.079k 
 33.7i  36.7 j  3.9k (N)
Critical Thinking
 Look at the 2 ways unit vectors were used:
 eCD  components of rCA  coordinates of A
 Coordinates of A  eAB
 eAB  express T in terms of its components
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