Making VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) - Star Fru It (Averrhoa Carambol L) Juice Emulision T o Improve The Quality of Drinks
Making VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) - Star Fru It (Averrhoa Carambol L) Juice Emulision T o Improve The Quality of Drinks
Making VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) - Star Fru It (Averrhoa Carambol L) Juice Emulision T o Improve The Quality of Drinks
Counsellor I : Counsellor II :
Drs. Tokok Ardianto, M.Si Drs. A. Budi Prasetyo, M.T
Background of Research
Coconut plants have many benefits for daily life starting from the roots, stems, leaves
and fruit. Utilization of coconut fruit one of which is used as coconut oil.
In 2002, VCO began to be in great demand by the public, resulting in high demand (Barlina &
Torar, 2018). However, to consume VCO directly or without a mixture is one of the obstacles
for the community, because VCO has an oily or oily taste.
To solve this problem is to develop VCO into a beverage product that is by emulsifying it with
starfruit juice
Background of Research
VCO and star fruit juice are colloids in the form of emulsions. Emulsion is a
two-phase system where one phase can be dispersed in a liquid. In general,
the emulsion is unstable, because it can form two phases when left to stand. so it
needs to be added with an emulsifier to stabilize it.
A mixture of VCO and star fruit juice is an oil-in-water emulsion product, where to stabilize it requires
an emulsifier with a high HLB value (8-18).
Problems of Research
Does the addition of Tween 20, Span 20, and Arabic gum
emulsifier affec the stability of VCO – star fruit juice emulsions?
Purposes of Research
To get the best type of emulsifier against for VCO – star fruit juice stability
Benefits of Research
Tween 20 atau disebut dengan polysorbate 20 yang merupakan surfaktan non ionik
karena memiliki nilai HLB 16,7 (Fatimah & Gugule, 2011). Span 20 atau sorbitan
monolaurate merupakan surfaktan nonionik lipofilik yang banyak digunakan sebagai zat
pengemulsi pada emulsi minyak dalam air dan memiliki nilai HLB 8,6 (Rowe et al., 2009).
Gum arab mempunyai kemampuan yang baik untuk mengikat air. Kemampuan
pengikatan air dalam suatu bahan dapat dipengaruhi oleh jumlah gugus hidroksil (-OH)
dan massa molekul dari suatu bahan pengisi (Jumansyah et al., 2017).
Landasan Teori
HLB merupakan perangkat yang bermanfaat untuk mendapatkan suatu
sistem emulsi yang cocok.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2020 sampai Mei 2020
di Laboratorium Kimia Fisik Departemen Kimia Fakultas Sains dan
Teknologi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.
Alat dan Bahan
Alat Bahan
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Studi Pustaka
Penyediaan alat dan bahan
Penulisan laporan
Biaya Penelitian
Total 3.000.000
Thank you