Unit-1: Globalization & International Business
Unit-1: Globalization & International Business
Unit-1: Globalization & International Business
International Business
1.1 Concept of Globalization &
International Business
It is a process of interaction and integration
among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process
driven by international trade and investment
and aided by information technology.
Economic interdependence of countries
Integration of national market into global
market-result in MNC
Free movement of products across borders.
Flow of factors of production across
national boundaries
Advancement of Communication
Forms of Globalization:
History Economy
and Market
Factors Affecting
Organization Political
1.2 Factors Affecting Globalization
The trade routes were made over the years so that goods
from one kingdom or country moved to another.
A well known Australian cloth brand Target has its factory in Bangladesh-
(Alpha factory to name one)
Production Issues: Utilization of built up
capacities of production, slowness in
domestic market and over production
makes a manufacturing company look
outward and go global.
The development of overseas markets and
manufacturing plants in autos, four wheelers
and two wheelers is a classical example.
The political issues of a country make
globalization channelized as per political
bosses. The regional trade understandings or
agreements determine the scope of
Trading in European Union and special
agreement in the erstwhile Soviet block and
SAARC are examples.
Industrial Organization:
The technological development in the areas
of production, product mix and firms are
helping organizations to expand their
The hiring of services and procurement of
sub-assemblies and components have a
strong influence in the globalization
Technologies: The stage of technology in a
particular field gives rise to import or export
of products or services from or to the country.
European countries like England and Germany
exported their chemical, electrical, mechanical
plants in 50s and 60s and exports high tech
(then) goods to under developed countries.
Today India is exporting computer / software
related services to advanced counties like UK,
USA, etc.
1.3 Reasons For International Business
Allorganizations, irrespective of their size,
are keen to enter in to international business.
The reason behind international business
expansion can be looked at:
1. From an individual company’s angle.
2. From the government angle.
From An Individual Company’s Angle