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Smart Home Technologies: Automation and Robotics

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Smart Home Technologies

Automation and Robotics

 Intelligent Environments are aimed at improving
the inhabitants’ experience and task
 Automate functions in the home
 Provide services to the inhabitants
 Decisions coming from the decision maker(s) in
the environment have to be executed.
 Decisions require actions to be performed on devices
 Decisions are frequently not elementary device
interactions but rather relatively complex commands
 Decisions define set points or results that have to be
 Decisions can require entire tasks to be performed
Automation and Robotics in
Intelligent Environments
 Control of the physical environment
 Automated blinds
 Thermostats and heating ducts
 Automatic doors
 Automatic room partitioning
 Personal service robots
 House cleaning
 Lawn mowing
 Assistance to the elderly and handicapped
 Office assistants
 Security services
 Robota (Czech) = A worker of forced labor
From Czech playwright Karel Capek's 1921 play “R.U.R”
(“Rossum's Universal Robots”)
 Japanese Industrial Robot Association (JIRA) :
“A device with degrees of freedom that can be
 Class 1 : Manual handling device

 Class 2 : Fixed sequence robot

 Class 3 : Variable sequence robot

 Class 4 : Playback robot

 Class 5 : Numerical control robot

 Class 6 : Intelligent robot

A Brief History of Robotics
 Mechanical Automata
 Ancient Greece & Egypt
 Water powered for ceremonies
 14th – 19th century Europe
 Clockwork driven for entertainment
 Motor driven Robots Maillardet’s Automaton
 1928: First motor driven automata
 1961: Unimate
 First industrial robot
 1967: Shakey
 Autonomous mobile research robot
 1969: Stanford Arm
 Dextrous, electric motor driven robot arm Unimate
 Robot Manipulators

 Mobile Robots
 Walking Robots

 Humanoid Robots
Autonomous Robots
 The control of autonomous robots involves a
number of subtasks
 Understanding and modeling of the mechanism
 Kinematics, Dynamics, and Odometry
 Reliable control of the actuators
 Closed-loop control
 Generation of task-specific motions
 Path planning
 Integration of sensors
 Selection and interfacing of various types of sensors
 Coping with noise and uncertainty
 Filtering of sensor noise and actuator uncertainty
 Creation of flexible control policies
 Control has to deal with new situations
Traditional Industrial Robots
 Traditional industrial robot control uses robot
arms and largely pre-computed motions
 Programming using “teach box”
 Repetitive tasks
 High speed
 Few sensing operations
 High precision movements
 Pre-planned trajectories and
task policies
 No interaction with humans
 Traditional programming techniques for
industrial robots lack key capabilities necessary
in intelligent environments
 Only limited on-line sensing
 No incorporation of uncertainty
 No interaction with humans
 Reliance on perfect task information
 Complete re-programming for new tasks
Requirements for Robots in
Intelligent Environments
 Autonomy
 Robots have to be capable of achieving task
objectives without human input
 Robots have to be able to make and execute their
own decisions based on sensor information
 Intuitive Human-Robot Interfaces
 Use of robots in smart homes can not require
extensive user training
 Commands to robots should be natural for
 Adaptation
 Robots have to be able to adjust to changes in the
Robots for Intelligent
 Service Robots
 Security guard
 Delivery
 Cleaning
 Mowing
 Assistance Robots
 Mobility
 Services for elderly and
People with disabilities
Autonomous Robot Control
 To control robots to perform tasks
autonomously a number of tasks have to be
 Modeling of robot mechanisms
 Kinematics, Dynamics
 Robot sensor selection
 Active and passive proximity sensors
 Low-level control of actuators
 Closed-loop control
 Control architectures
 Traditional planning architectures
 Behavior-based control architectures
 Hybrid architectures
Modeling the Robot Mechanism
 Forward kinematics describes how the robots
joint angle configurations translate to locations
in the world
2 (x, y, z)

(x, y, )

 Inverse kinematics computes the joint angle

configuration necessary to reach a particular
point in space.
 Jacobians calculate how the speed and
configuration of the actuators translate into
velocity of the robot
Mobile Robot Odometry
 In mobile robots the same configuration in
terms of joint angles does not identify a unique
 To keep track of the robot it is necessary to
incrementally update the location (this process is
called odometry or dead reckoning)
t  t t
x  x   vx 
     
 y   y    v y  t
      
     
 Example: A differential drive robot
r (L  R ) r (L  R ) L R
v x  cos( ) , v y  sin( )
2 2 (x, y, )

  L  R

Actuator Control
 To get a particular robot actuator to a particular
location it is important to apply the correct
amount of force or torque to it.
 Requires knowledge of the dynamics of the robot
 Mass, inertia, friction
 For a simplistic mobile robot: F = m a + B v
 Frequently actuators are treated as if they were
independent (i.e. as if moving one joint would not
affect any of the other joints).
 The most common control approach is PD-control
(proportional, differential control)
 For the simplistic mobile robot moving in the x direction:
F  K P  xdesired  xactual   K D  vdesired  vactual 
Robot Navigation
 Path planning addresses the task of computing
a trajectory for the robot such that it reaches
the desired goal without colliding with obstacles
 Optimal paths are hard to compute in particular for
robots that can not move in arbitrary directions (i.e.
nonholonomic robots)
 Shortest distance paths can be dangerous since they
always graze obstacles
 Paths for robot arms have to take into account the
entire robot (not only the endeffector)
Sensor-Driven Robot Control
 To accurately achieve a task in an intelligent
environment, a robot has to be able to react
dynamically to changes ion its surrounding
 Robots need sensors to perceive the environment
 Most robots use a set of different sensors
 Different sensors serve different purposes
 Information from sensors has to be integrated into
the control of the robot
Robot Sensors
 Internal sensors to measure the robot
 Encoders measure the rotation angle of a joint

 Limit switches detect when the joint has reached the

Robot Sensors
 Proximity sensors are used to measure the distance or
location of objects in the environment. This can then be
used to determine the location of the robot.
 Infrared sensors determine the distance to an object by
measuring the amount of infrared light the object reflects back
to the robot
 Ultrasonic sensors (sonars) measure the time that an ultrasonic
signal takes until it returns to the robot

 Laser range finders determine distance by

measuring either the time it takes for a laser
beam to be reflected back to the robot or by
measuring where the laser hits the object
Robot Sensors
 Computer Vision provides robots with the
capability to passively observe the environment
 Stereo vision systems provide complete location
information using triangulation

 However, computer vision is very complex

 Correspondence problem makes stereo vision even more
Uncertainty in Robot Systems
 Robot systems in intelligent environments have to
deal with sensor noise and uncertainty
 Sensor uncertainty
Sensor readings are imprecise and unreliable
 Non-observability
Various aspects of the environment can not be observed
The environment is initially unknown

 Action uncertainty
Actions can fail
Actions have nondeterministic outcomes
Probabilistic Robot Localization
 Explicit reasoning about
Uncertainty using Bayes
b( xt )   p(ot | xt )  p( xt | xt 1, at 1 ) b( xt 1 ) dxt 1
 Used for:
 Localization
 Mapping
 Model building
Robot Control Architectures
 In a deliberative control architecture the robot
first plans a solution for the task by reasoning
about the outcome of its actions and then
executes it

 Control process goes through a sequence of sencing,

model update, and planning steps
Control Architectures
 Advantages
 Reasons about contingencies
 Computes solutions to the given task
 Goal-directed strategies
 Problems
 Solutions tend to be fragile in the presence of
 Requires frequent replanning
 Reacts relatively slowly to changes and unexpected
Robot Control Architectures
 In a behavior-based control architecture the
robot’s actions are determined by a set of
parallel, reactive behaviors which map sensory
input and state to actions.
Robot Control Architectures
 Reactive, behavior-based control combines
relatively simple behaviors, each of which
achieves a particular subtask, to achieve the
overall task.
 Robot can react fast to changes
 System does not depend on complete knowledge of
the environment
 Emergent behavior (resulting from combining initial
behaviors) can make it difficult to predict exact
 Difficult to assure that the overall task is achieved
Complex Behavior from Simple
Elements: Braitenberg Vehicles
 Complex behavior can be achieved using very
simple control mechanisms
 Braitenberg vehicles: differential drive mobile robots
with two light sensors

+ + + + - - - -

“Coward” “Aggressive” “Love” “Explore”

 Complex external behavior does not necessarily require a

complex reasoning mechanism
Behavior-Based Architectures:
Subsumption Example
 Subsumption architecture is one of the earliest
behavior-based architectures
 Behaviors are arranged in a strict priority order
where higher priority behaviors subsume lower
priority ones as long as they are not inhibited.
Subsumption Example
 A variety of tasks can be robustly performed
from a small number of behavioral elements

© MIT AI Lab
Reactive, Behavior-Based
Control Architectures
 Advantages
 Reacts fast to changes
 Does not rely on accurate models
 “The world is its own best model”
 No need for replanning
 Problems
 Difficult to anticipate what effect combinations of
behaviors will have
 Difficult to construct strategies that will achieve
complex, novel tasks
 Requires redesign of control system for new tasks
Hybrid Control Architectures
 Hybrid architectures combine
reactive control with abstract
task planning
 Abstract task planning layer
 Deliberative decisions
 Plans goal directed policies
 Reactive behavior layer
 Provides reactive actions
 Handles sensors and actuators
Hybrid Control Policies

Task Plan:

Example Task:
Changing a Light Bulb
Hybrid Control Architectures
 Advantages
 Permits goal-based strategies
 Ensures fast reactions to unexpected changes
 Reduces complexity of planning
 Problems
 Choice of behaviors limits range of possible tasks
 Behavior interactions have to be well modeled to be
able to form plans
Traditional Human-Robot
Interface: Teleoperation
 Remote Teleoperation: Direct
operation of the robot by the
 User uses a 3-D joystick or an
exoskeleton to drive the robot
 Simple to install
 Removes user from dangerous areas
 Problems:
 Requires insight into the mechanism
 Can be exhaustive
 Easily leads to operation errors
Human-Robot Interaction in
Intelligent Environments
 Personal service robot
 Controlled and used by untrained users
 Intuitive, easy to use interface
 Interface has to “filter” user input
 Eliminate dangerous instructions
 Find closest possible action
 Receive only intermittent commands
 Robot requires autonomous capabilities
 User commands can be at various levels of complexity
 Control system merges instructions and autonomous
 Interact with a variety of humans
 Humans have to feel “comfortable” around robots
 Robots have to communicate intentions in a natural way
Example: Minerva the Tour
Guide Robot (CMU/Bonn)

© CMU Robotics Institute

Intuitive Robot Interfaces:
Command Input
 Graphical programming interfaces
 Users construct policies form elemental blocks
 Problems:

Requires substantial understanding of the robot
 Deictic (pointing) interfaces
 Humans point at desired targets in the world or
 Target specification on a computer screen
 Problems:

How to interpret human gestures ?
 Voice recognition
 Humans instruct the robot verbally
 Problems:

Speech recognition is very difficult

Robot actions corresponding to words has to be defined
Intuitive Robot Interfaces:
Robot-Human Interaction
 He robot has to be able to communicate its
intentions to the human
 Output has to be easy to understand by humans
 Robot has to be able to encode its intention
 Interface has to keep human’s attention without
annoying her
 Robot communication devices:
 Easy to understand computer screens
 Speech synthesis
 Robot “gestures”
Example: The Nursebot Project

© CMU Robotics Institute

Human-Robot Interfaces
 Existing technologies
 Simple voice recognition and speech synthesis
 Gesture recognition systems
 On-screen, text-based interaction
 Research challenges
 How to convey robot intentions ?
 How to infer user intent from visual observation (how
can a robot imitate a human) ?
 How to keep the attention of a human on the robot ?
 How to integrate human input with autonomous
operation ?
Integration of Commands and
Autonomous Operation
 Adjustable Autonomy
 The robot can operate at
varying levels of autonomy
 Operational modes:
 Autonomous operation
 User operation / teleoperation
 Behavioral programming
 Following user instructions
 Imitation
 Types of user commands:
 Continuous, low-level
instructions (teleoperation)
 Goal specifications
 Task demonstrations Example System
"Social" Robot Interactions
 To make robots acceptable to average users
they should appear and behave “natural”
 "Attentional" Robots
 Robot focuses on the user or the task
 Attention forms the first step to imitation
 "Emotional" Robots
 Robot exhibits “emotional” responses
 Robot follows human social norms for behavior
 Better acceptance by the user (users are more forgiving)
 Human-machine interaction appears more “natural”
 Robot can influence how the human reacts
"Social" Robot Example: Kismet

© MIT AI Lab
"Social" Robot Interactions
 Advantages:
 Robots that look human and that show “emotions”
can make interactions more “natural”
 Humans tend to focus more attention on people than on
 Humans tend to be more forgiving when a mistake is
made if it looks “human”
 Robots showing “emotions” can modify the way in
which humans interact with them
 Problems:
 How can robots determine the right emotion ?
 How can “emotions” be expressed by a robot ?
Human-Robot Interfaces for
Intelligent Environments
 Robot Interfaces have to be easy to use
 Robots have to be controllable by untrained users
 Robots have to be able to interact not only with their
owner but also with other people
 Robot interfaces have to be usable at the
human’s discretion
 Human-robot interaction occurs on an irregular basis
 Frequently the robot has to operate autonomously
 Whenever user input is provided the robot has to react to it
 Interfaces have to be designed human-centric
 The role of the robot is it to make the human’s life
easier and more comfortable (it is not just a tech toy)
Adaptation and Learning for
Robots in Smart Homes
 Intelligent Environments are non-stationary and
change frequently, requiring robots to adapt
 Adaptation to changes in the environment
 Learning to address changes in inhabitant preferences
 Robots in intelligent environments can frequently
not be pre-programmed
 The environment is unknown
 The list of tasks that the robot should perform might
not be known beforehand
 No proliferation of robots in the home
 Different users have different preferences
Adaptation and Learning
In Autonomous Robots
 Learning to interpret sensor information
 Recognizing objects in the environment is difficult
 Sensors provide prohibitively large amounts of data
 Programming of all required objects is generally not
 Learning new strategies and tasks
 New tasks have to be learned on-line in the home
 Different inhabitants require new strategies even for
existing tasks
 Adaptation of existing control policies
 User preferences can change dynamically
 Changes in the environment have to be reflected
Learning Approaches for
Robot Systems
 Supervised learning by teaching
 Robots can learn from direct feedback from the
user that indicates the correct strategy
 The robot learns the exact strategy provided by the user
 Learning from demonstration (Imitation)
 Robots learn by observing a human or a robot
perform the required task
 The robot has to be able to “understand” what it observes
and map it onto its own capabilities
 Learning by exploration
 Robots can learn autonomously by trying different
actions and observing their results
 The robot learns a strategy that optimizes reward
Learning Sensory Patterns
 Learning to Identify Objects
 How can a particular object be
recognized ?

Programming recognition strategies is
difficult because we do not fully
understand how we perform recognition

 Learning techniques permit the robot
system to form its own recognition

 Supervised learning can be used by

giving the robot a set of pictures and
the corresponding classification
 Neural networks Chair
 Decision trees
Learning Task Strategies by
 Autonomous robots have to be able to learn
new tasks even without input from the user
 Learning to perform a task in order to optimize the
reward the robot obtains (Reinforcement Learning)
 Reward has to be provided either by the user or the
 Intermittent user feedback
 Generic rewards indicating unsafe or inconvenient actions or
 The robot has to explore its actions to determine what
their effects are
 Actions change the state of the environment
 Actions achieve different amounts of reward
 During learning the robot has to maintain a level of safety
Example: Reinforcement
Learning in a Hybrid Architecture
 Policy Acquisition Layer
 Learning tasks without
 Abstract Plan Layer
 Learning a system model
 Basic state space compression

 Reactive Behavior Layer

 Initial competence and
Example Task:
Learning to Walk
Scaling Up: Learning Complex
Tasks from Simpler Tasks
 Complex tasks are hard to learn since they
involve long sequences of actions that have to
be correct in order for reward to be obtained
 Complex tasks can be learned as shorter
sequences of simpler tasks
 Control strategies that are expressed in terms of
subgoals are more compact and simpler
 Fewer conditions have to be considered if simpler
tasks are already solved
 New tasks can be learned faster
 Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
 Learning with abstract actions
 Acquisition of abstract task knowledge
Example: Learning to Walk
 Robots are an important component in Intelligent
 Automate devices
 Provide physical services
 Robot Systems in these environments need particular
 Autonomous control systems
 Simple and natural human-robot interface
 Adaptive and learning capabilities
 Robots have to maintain safety during operation
 While a number of techniques to address these
requirements exist, no functional, satisfactory solutions
have yet been developed
 Only very simple robots for single tasks in intelligent
environments exist

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