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Anesthesia and Surgical Instruments

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Anesthesia & Surgical

Presented by Nicole Allyssa M. Balberan,
Cielin Kaye M. Balberan and Paul Michael
Here we will discuss..

● The types of anesthesia

● The types of surgical instruments and their uses

What is it? Types of Anesthesia

A state of narcosis, 1. General anesthesia

analgesia, relaxation and 2. Regional anesthesia
loss of reflexes (Smeltzer, S. 3. Sedation (sometimes called
C., Brunner, L. S., & Suddarth, "monitored anesthesia care")
D. S., 2010). 4. Local anesthesia.
General Anesthesia

● Patients are unconscious and have no awareness or sensations.

● Many different medications may be used during general anesthesia.
● Some medications are given through the IV to induce sleep, relax
muscles, and treat pain.

Side effects

● Drowsiness
● Sore throat or nausea.
Two Common Types
Regional Anesthesia
● Spinal
Completely blocks sensation to
the area of the body that
requires surgery via local
anesthesia. It is injected
around the nerves to ● Epidural
anesthetize areas supplied by
the nerves. The patient is often
awake unless mild sedation is
given or to reduce anxiety.
Sedation (“monitored anesthesia care")
Medications are given, usually through an IV, to make the patient feel
drowsy and relaxed. There are different level of sedation, which varies on
the operation or from the patient’s choice.

● Mild sedation (often used for eye surgery)- Patient is awake and can
respond to questions or instructions.
● Moderate sedation- Patient may doze off but awakens easily.
● Deep sedation (similar but different to general anesthesia)- Patient
is deeply asleep though able to breathe without assistance.
Local Anesthesia

It is a term used for medications such as lidocaine that are injected

through a needle or applied as a cream to numb a small area.

Provide enough pain relief for limited procedures such as sewing up a

deep cut or filling dental cavities.

Often used along with sedation during minor outpatient surgery.

Types of Surgical Instruments & their uses
A surgical instrument is a tool or device Basic laparotomy instruments are
for performing specific actions or essential to accomplish most types of
carrying out desired effects during a general surgery. Each instrument can be
surgery or operation, such as modifying placed into one of the following basic
biological tissue, or to provide access for categories:
viewing it. Over time, many different
● Cutting and Dissecting Instruments
kinds of surgical instruments and tools
● Clamping and Occluding
have been invented. Some surgical
instruments are designed for general use Instruments
● Grasping and Holding Instruments
in surgery, while others are designed for
● Retracting and Holding Instruments
a specific procedure.
Cutting and Dissecting Instruments
Curved mayo 7 handle with 15 blade(deep knife) -
scissors-Used to Used to cut delicate tissue.
3 handle with 10 blade(inside knife) -
cut heavy tissue
Used to cut superficial tissue.
(fascia, muscle, 4 handle with 20 blade(skin knife) -
uterus, breast) Used to cut skin

Straight Mayo
Scissors-Used to
cut suture and
supplies. Also #7, #3, #4
known as: suture (left to right)
Clamping and Occluding Instruments
Hemostat-is used to
clamp blood vessels or or
tag sutures. Its jaws may
be straight or curved.
Other names: crile, snap
or stat.

A right angle-is used to

clamp hard-to-reach vessels A hemoclip-applier with clips
and to place sutures behind applies metal clips onto blood
or around a vessel. A right vessels and ducts which will
angle with a suture attached remain occluded.
is called a “tie on a passer. “
Other names: mixter
Grasping and Holding Instruments
Babcock-is used
to grasp delicate
tissue (intestine,
fallopian tube,
Kocher-is used to Foerster sponge
grasp heavy tissue. stick-is used to grasp
May also be used as a sponges. Other
clamp. The jaws may names: sponge
be straight or curved. forcep
Other name: Ochsner
Retracting and Exposing Instruments
A deaver
(manual) - is used
to retract deep
abdominal or chest

A malleable or A balfour with bladder

ribbon retractor blade (self-retaining) -
(manua) - is used to is used to retract wound
retract deep wounds. edges during deep
May be bent to abdominal procedures.
various shapes.
Perera, M. (2017, June 08). Basic surgical instruments. Retrieved August 23, 2020, from

Smeltzer, S. C., Brunner, L. S., & Suddarth, D. S. (2010). Brunner and Suddarths textbook of
medical-surgical nursing (12th ed., Vol. 1). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health /
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Surgical instrument. (2020, July 07). Retrieved August 23, 2020, from

UCLA Health. (n.d.). Types of Anesthesia. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from

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