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For Micro Observer WB2021

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Conduct of Poll

•Activities at the Dispersal Centre

•Duties of polling personnel to be observed
•Activities at Receiving Centre
Duties of Micro-observers
The Micro-observers are appointed to observe whether election process is
being observed in a free and fair manner.

They will observe specially,

 Mock poll procedure

 Presence of polling agents & observance of ECI instructions with regard to
 Observance of entry pass system and access to Polling station
 Proper identification of electors as per ECI guidelines
 Identification and recording procedures for the Absentee, Shifted and
Duplicate voter’s list (ASD list)
 Application of indelible ink
 Noting down particulars of electors as in register 17A
 Secrecy of voting
 Conduct of polling agents, their complaints ,if any.

He will make report to the Observer as will be asked to do so.

Activities at
Activities at Dispersal Centre (DC)

 Micro Observer deployment counter will be there at

 Micro Observers will be assigned Polling Stations at
 To record the attendance in register.
 To Collect required blank format for Micro Observer’s
report along with envelope from the counter.
 Particulars of the Sector Officer and Presiding Officer
will be collected at counter.
 To be tagged with the Polling Party.
 To move polling stations by assigned vehicle.
Duties of polling personnel- to be observed

Poll Day
Activities On the Day Of Poll: Preliminaries

Start Preliminary Activities at least 75 minutes prior to the scheduled

hours of Commencement of Poll ;
Display Photo Identity Cards.
Place the phials of indelible Ink carefully in order to avoid spilling
Also take note that other prerequisites namely EVM, copies of Photo
Electoral Rolls, Voters’ Register(17 A), pass for Polling Agents etc are
firmly in place, along with Micro Observers and Digital Photographers,
if so designated;
Allow Polling Agents enter Polling Stations. Verify signatures of
Candidates/ Election Agents in the Appointment letters (Form 10) of
the Polling Agents in reference to Specimen Signatures of Candidates/
Election Agents given at the Distribution Centre.
Conditions for polling agent
 Must be a voter of that/adjacent polling station.
 Must be appointed by the candidate/election agent through
prescribed form ( Form no 10) only.
 Seating arrangement to follow the sequence of candidates belonging
to national recognised /state recognised /registered/independent
 Two relievers may also be engaged in like manner, their movement to
be controlled through issuance of Gate Passes and due signature on
Movement Sheet.
 Copy of the electoral roll as marked by the polling agents can not be
taken outside the polling station.
 One polling agent to remain seated in the polling station at a time.
 Can display a badge showing the name of the candidate only.
 Substitution of reliever is not allowed after 3 pm .
Mock Poll
 Should start one hour prior to the poll.

 Wait for 15 minutes ,if polling agents of two rival candidates

do not come. Connect CU & BU and Switch ON the CU

 Press TOTAL button and show that no vote is recorded in EVM

 Press BALLOT button and ask any polling agent to press his
candidate’s button in BU

 Atlesat 50 votes in total and 3 votes shall be cast against all

buttons and record maintained.
Mock Poll
 At the end of casting votes in Mock Poll, press CLOSE

 Press RESULT and show the result of Mock Poll

 Clear the data of Mock Poll by pressing CLEAR

button and show that the EVM has no data recorded
in it

Note : Prepare Mock poll certificate in format and sign.

Obtain signatures of polling agents present, if absent record the same.
 Pr.O to sign in full on white side of paper seal just below the
Sl.No. of paper seal

 Get also signatures of agents present

 Insert paper seal through the frame of inner door of Result

Section so that green side is seen through the two apertures

 Door of inner compartment should be closed by pressing so

that two open ends of seal project outward

 Prepare A/C of paper seal in 17C Part-I item-9 and return

unused & damaged paper seals to RO and relevant part in
P.Os Diary

 Write the Sl. No. of CU on Special Tag

 Sign on the back of Special Tag and get signatures of agents
present on it
 Ask agents to note down the Sl. No. of Special Tag
 Pass twine thread through 2 holes of inner door and through
the hole of Special Tag and seal with wax. Thread should be
kept long enough to make the seal outside of EVM for
avoiding spilling of molten wax on EVM
 Set the Special Tag properly according to grooves so that
CLOSE button is visible properly
 Fill up relevant portion in P.Os Diary
 Return unused and damaged Tags to RO
 Outer Cover of Result Section should be pressed fit for closure in
such a way that two open ends of paper seal project outwards

 Seal the outer cover by

- passing thread through 2 holes on left side of outer cover
and tying a knot
- attaching an address tag
- sealing the thread on address tag with wax and seal of Pr.O

 Ask agents present to affix their seals

 Ask the agents to note down the No. of Strip Seal used

 Inner side of strip contains pre-gummed portions of A,B & D and

outer side contains C portion

 Fix the green paper seal with A,B & C portion of strip in sequence,
and then drape it around the CU and seal tightly with D portion

 The strip seal should not cover the cap of CLOSE button

 Return unused & damaged strip seals to RO

 Now the EVM is ready for actual poll and keep the BU inside
voting compartment & CU on the table of 3rd PO

 Place the balloting unit & VVPAT in the voting compartment &
control unit on the table of Presiding/Polling Officer-3.

 Connect CU BU & VVPAT with each other.

 Press “Total” button to ensure that there are no votes cast

before the actual poll.

 After mock poll, all ‘printed paper slips’ will be taken out ,
marked with a stamp on their back as ‘Mock Poll Slip”
(dimension of the slip 3cms x 1.5 cms) kept in a black
envelope and plastic box and sealed with Pink Paper Seal.
 Pr. O to read out provisions u/s 128 of R.P. Act, 1950 about maintenance of
secrecy of voting

 Pr. O to make a declaration in prescribed form about commencement of poll &

sign & obtain signatures of polling agents present

 If the preliminaries are not over, admit 3 to 4 voters at the hour fixed for
commencement of poll

 Send/sms a report on commencement of poll to the Sector Officer

 Please remember if commencement of poll gets delayed by more than two

hours, re-poll will be announced by the ECI

Demonstrate to the polling agents that the marked copy of the electoral roll
does not contain any entries other than PB & EDC;

Demonstrate also that the register of voters (Form-17A) does not contain
any entry;
Tally time with the polling agents.
Duties of polling personnel- to be observed

Poll Process: Regulation of Entry at Polling Stations
Persons entitled to enter, other than electors, are :

 Polling Officers;

 Candidates/Election Agents/one Polling Agent at a time;

 Observers, Micro-observers, Persons authorized by ECI;

 Child in arms accompanying elector;

 Companion of blind, infirm elector;

 Public Servant on duty;

Note: Public Servant on duty does not normally include police
officers. Similarly armed body guards of Candidates/ Election
Agents/ Polling Agents are not also allowed, except they are
covered under Z-plus security.
Duties Of Polling Officers
 Pr. O will be in overall charge of the Polling Station

 1ST PO will be identifying the electors and will be in charge of

marked copy of electoral roll

 2nd PO will be in charge of indelible ink, Voters Register and,

Voter’s Slip

 3rd PO will be in charge of CU & preservation of voter’s slips.

Duties of First Polling Officer

 1ST PO will be identifying the electors and will be in charge of

marked copy of electoral roll

 Identification of Electors:

All Electors who have been issued with EPICs, shall have to
produce the EPICs to exercise their franchise;

Those who can not produce their EPICs can vote, provided their identity
is established by alternative documents as will be allowed by the
Election Commission.
Duties of First Polling Officer
 Minor discrepancies in EPIC relating to elector's name,
father's / mother's / husband's name, sex, age or address
shall be ignored and the elector allowed to cast vote.

 Any discrepancy in the serial number of EPIC as mentioned

in the electoral roll shall be ignored.

 If an elector produces an EPIC which has been issued by

the ERO of another Assembly constituency, such cards
shall also be taken into account provided the name of that
elector is in the electoral roll pertaining to the polling
station where the elector has turned up for voting.
 1st PO loudly reads out the Sl. No. & name of elector and
verifies the Photo ID of elector;

 Underline the particulars of elector in the marked copy ;

 In case of female voter, in addition put a tick mark against

the Serial no. of the elector on left side of the
corresponding entry;

 Provide data on No. of votes polled to Pr.O from time to

time. For this, usual practice is to keep a sheet containing
consecutive numbers and crossing one by one as poll
Duties of Second Polling Officer
 Ensure that the electors put their full signature or LTI in
the Register of Voters (Form 17 A).

 Note the kind of Identification Document produced

along with the No. of document produced, if given in
the document, on Column 3 of Form 17A.

 In case of EPIC holder, write EP,VS in case of PVS holder

and in case of other documents last four digits
mentioned in the Column 3 of Form 17 A.

 Issue voter slip

Duties of Second Polling Officer
Application of Indelible Ink

Inspect the elector's Left Forefinger and put a mark of Indelible Ink
from the upper tip of the nail to bottom of the first joint in the form
of a line as illustrated:
 2nd PO will mark left forefinger from the tip up to the
first joint with indelible ink;

 When elector has no left forefinger, put ink on any

finger on left hand starting from left forefinger, as

 If elector has no left hand, put ink on any finger on right

hand starting from right forefinger, as applicable;

 If elector has no hand, put ink on extreme (stump) of

hand as he possesses;
It will be supplied in stitched bundles of 50 or 100,

 After an elector’s left forefinger is marked with indelible ink

and his entries are made in voter register, 2nd PO will issue
Voter’s Slip;

 Elector will be allowed to vote by 3rd PO on the basis and order

of Voter’s Slips issued by 2nd PO;

 All Voter’s Slips should be collected by 3rd PO from electors &

preserved carefully and kept in separate cover;

 Check again left forefinger of the elector,

3rd PO presses BALLOT button of the CU

 Voter goes inside voting compartment for recording his vote;

 If Voter is not familiar with voting procedure, he may be

explained by the Pr.O the use of dummy cardboard model of
the EVM in presence of the polling agents, but none should
accompany the voter inside voting compartment;

 If Pr.O needs to enter inside voting compartment during poll

for any checking or so, when no voter is inside, he should ask
or allow polling agents to accompany on all such occasions;

 Tally number of votes polled periodically with CU & Register

of Voters (Form- 17A)
Plz. Note

 Preparation of Mock Poll certificate in format.

 Use of Dummy Cardboard Model of EVM for explaining the

voting process by Pr.O to any voter who asks for help or
expresses his inability to vote using EVM

 Blind voters may vote by using braille system in the EVM

 Declaration form to be used by voters complaining on use

Extra Ordinary Situations
VVPAT Complaint by voter – Rule
In case a voter complains of wrong printing by VVPAT:

 He will report to Presiding Officer

 Presiding Officer will take a declaration explaining that
if found false he can be penalized.
 PO will then record in 17A and permit him to cast a ‘test
vote’ in presence of PO and Polling Agents
 If found false PO will record in 17A and 17C so that the
test vote is not counted
 If found true then PO will stop poll and report to RO

Replacement of EVM-VVPAT during Poll
[No. 51/8/VVPAT/2017-EMS dt. 11.01.2018]
 In case the CU or the BU does not work properly during actual
poll, replacement of the whole EVM including CU, BU and
VVPAT is required. However, in such case only one vote to
each contesting candidate including NOTA should be polled in
the mock poll.
 All mock poll data in CU and VVPAT paper slips from VVPAT
must be removed by the Presiding Officer and the empty drop
box verified by the Polling Agents.
 The mock poll VVPAT paper slips, should be stamped on their
back side with rubber stamp having inscription "MOCK POLL
SLIP", thereafter they shall be kept in an envelope of thick
black paper and must be kept in the special plastic box for
mock poll and sealed with a pink paper seal.
 In case of replacement of only VVPAT during actual poll, no
mock poll will be conducted.
Blind voters may vote through Braille system available in EVM. The
procedure may be explained to him by Dummy cardboard EVM by
Pr.O if necessary,

 Or else a companion may be allowed of not less than 18 years of


 No person shall be permitted to act as companion of more than

one elector at any polling station on the same day;

 Get a declaration from the companion in this respect and also that
he would keep secret the vote recorded by him on behalf of
blind/infirm voter;

 Keep a record of all such cases in Form 14A;

 No polling personnel should act as a companion

Voting by Blind and infirm Voters-instructions (ECI instruction No.
4/MISC/ECI/LET/FUNC/JUD/SDR Dated: 23rd October, 2017)
 Infirm voters who are capable of voting by herself/ himself by pressing
the button of the candidate of his choice on the balloting unit of
EVM shall be permitted authorized companion only up to Voting
Compartment in the Polling Station, but not inside the Voting
Compartment. This will apply in cases where the nature of physical
infirmity is such that the elector needs assistance only for his
movement and not for voting. The Presiding Officer has to take
decision in such cases.
 Sub-rule (2) of Rule 49N provides that the Presiding Officer shall keep a
record of cases where electors record vote with the assistance of
companion in Form 14A. This should cover all cases where the
companion is permitted to go into the voting compartment with the
elector to assist him in recording the vote. Cases where a companion
only comes to assist the elector in his movement and does not go into
the voting compartment shall not be included in Form 14A.
Voting by Blind and infirm Voters-instructions (ECI
instruction No. 4/MISC/ECI/LET/FUNC/JUD/SDR Dated:
23rd October, 2017)

 While Scrutinizing of various documents such as the

Form 17A, Presiding Officers Diaries etc., by the
Observer and Returning Officer on the day following the
day of poll, Form 14 A shall also be scrutinized to see
whether there are unusually larger no. of cases of
companions accompanying the electors in recording
votes in any Polling Station, which may create suspicion
about the fairness of poll.
 As per the first proviso to sub-rule (1) of Rule 49N, one
person cannot act as the companion of more than one
elector. In order to facilitate the polling staff to ensure
compliance of these provisions, application of indelible ink
shall also apply to the companion. Indelible ink shall be applied
on the right index finger of the companion. Marking of ink on
the left index finger of the elector in such cases shall continue
to apply as per the existing provisions.
 Before an elector is permitted to take with him a
companion inside the voting compartment, the right index
finger of the companion should be checked to ensure that it is
not already marked with indelible ink. If it is found to be already
marked, such person cannot be permitted to be companion for
the purpose of Rule 49N.
 Companion shall leave Polling Station Location
immediately after assisting an infirm/blind voter.
Entertain a challenge from polling agent only after he deposits Rs. 2 in

 Furnish a receipt to challenger;

 Warn the person challenged about penalty for impersonating,

enter his name and address in the list of challenged votes (form 14)
and ask him to sign. If he refuses to do so, do not allow him to vote;

 Summary inquiry: ask the challenger to adduce prima facie

evidence. If challenger succeeds, ask the person challenged to
produce evidence to rebut the challenge;

 If challenge is established, hand over such person to police with a

written complaint and return challenge fee after taking receipt in
col. 10 of form 14 and counter foil of receipt;

 If challenge is not established, forfeit the fee and write “forfeited”

in col. 10 of form 14 and counter foil of receipt.
If an elector appears to be below aged but his identity is otherwise
established, take a declaration from him about his age in
prescribed form;

 Before taking declaration inform him about penal provisions of

law for giving false declaration;

 Prepare a list of such voters from whom the declaration is

obtained. Also maintain a list of persons who refused to give
declaration and have gone away without casting vote;

 Keep all such declarations in a separate cover.

20 Ballot papers marked as tendered ballot paper on their back will be
supplied per polling station;
 Maintain complete record of electors issued with tendered ballot
papers in form 17B;
 Obtain signature or LTI of elector in col. 5 of 17B before issuing
him a tendered ballot;
 Elector will mark his vote through arrow cross mark inside voting
compartment and fold the ballot paper, come out and hand over
the same to the Pr.O;
 Keep all tendered ballot papers and list in form 17B in separate
 Keep a correct account of tendered ballot papers (1) received in
the polling station (2) issued to electors, and (3) unused and
returned in item 8 of 17C part-I
EDC is in form 12B

 On production of EDC, obtain thereon the signature of


 Have the person’s name & Sl. No of electoral roll as

mentioned in EDC entered at the end of the Marked
Copy of roll;

 Permit the elector to vote in usual manner;

There will be a list of CSVs (classified service voters) who have appointed
proxies. Such a list will be attached at the end of Marked Copy of
Electoral Roll:

 Proxy will record vote on behalf of CSV in usual manner;

 Mark middle finger of left hand of proxy;

 Proxy is entitled to vote of his own in addition to vote as proxy, if he is

registered elector of that polling station;

 In case of proxy votes, Sl. No. of CSV as noted in sub-list should be

recorded in the voter register;

 For distinction, suffix PV in bracket in the voter register. For example

write 1 (PV) in column 2 of the voter register.
If an elector refuses, after necessary warning by Pr.O, to
observe voting procedure, do not allow him to vote;

 If the elector is already issued Voter’s Slip, that should

be withdrawn from him and cancelled;

 Put a remark “Not allowed to vote – Voting procedure

violated” in the remarks column of Voter Register and
put full signature of Pr.O below that remark

After recording in voter register, if an elector decides so,

he should not be compelled to vote;

 “Refused to vote” OR “Left without Voting” shall be

noted in 17A Register and Pr.O should sign in full below
that remark;

 Signature/LTI of elector shall be obtained against such

–The PO is required to record the relevant events/proceedings
as & when they occur in a diary as per annexure-XIV.
–Fill up the information in the visit sheet as & when any
officers visit the Polling Station .
3) ADDITIONAL REPORT by PO (16 points) is to be submitted to the
The PO should make required entries in the relevant columns of the
above 4 documents at regular intervals.
5) Polling Agent Movement Sheet
Duties of polling personnel- to be observed

Close of Poll
Close Of Poll
Before five minutes for the scheduled hour of close of poll, go outside the
polling station and announce that the intending persons to vote should come in
a queue;

If poll continues beyond scheduled hour of close, make only one queue and
distribute slips serially numbered and signed by Pr.O from the last person in the

Continue poll till the person holding Sl. No. 1 slip. Collect all slips and destroy to
prevent reuse;

Press CLOSE button of CU in presence of polling agents and replace the cap over
it . Total no of votes recorded in the machine should be noted in item 5 of part-I
of form 17C ;

Switch off the power and disconnect the BU from CU;

Draw a line after last entry in Form 17A and certify “The serial number of last
entry in Form 17A is ……….” & sign. Obtain signature of polling agents present.
 Prepare form 17C Part-I;

 Total no. of votes recorded must be equal to the total no. of votes
registered as per col. 1 of the register 17A minus no. of voters decided not
to vote (as per remarks col. Of 17A) minus no. of voters not allowed to
vote for violation of secrecy (as per remarks col. Of 17A); (2-3-4=6)

 Supply attested copies of form 17C to all polling agents present

irrespective of asking and take receipt. Better to supply after all sealing
works relating to polled EVM and polled materials are over;

 2 copies of 17C should be submitted in a separate cover at RC;

 Pr. O to make declaration at the close of poll and get signatures of

the agents present
SEALING OF EVM and Polled Materials AFTER POLL

 Switch off the CU & put in Carrying case and seal it at

both ends with addressed tag with the help of seal of
Presiding Officer;

 Agents present should be asked to affix their seals;

 Names of candidates/ polling agents who have affixed

their seals on carrying cases of CU should be noted in the
declaration at the close of poll;
Covers containing the following to be kept separately :
• PS-05
• Form 17C (1 open and 1 in sealed cover);
• Declaration of Pr.O ;
• Pr.O’s Diary ;
• Visit Sheet ;
• 16 point Observers’ report
• Log Sheet of Video Camera should be sent separately to the RC
along with polled EVM;
• Plastic Box containing Ballot Slips of Mock Poll
Polling agents should affix their seals on envelops and packets
containing, marked copy of roll ; 17A ; voters’ slips; used tendered
ballots; and list of tendered votes in 17B; unused tendered ballot
papers; list of challenged votes ; unused & damaged paper seal if
any; appointment letter of polling agents; any other papers that RO
has directed to be put in a sealed packet.
NOTE: 16 point Observer report in format has to be prepared &
submitted separately at RC
The first packet ( green in color) should contain sealed
covers and superscribed as ‘statutory covers’

Marked Copy of Electoral Roll;

Sealed cover containing 17A;

Sealed cover containing Voters’ slip;

Sealed cover containing Unused tendered ballot papers

Sealed cover containing Used tendered ballot papers and the

list in form 17

Plastic box containing ballot slips of Mock Poll

The Second Packet ( yellow in color) will contain :

Copies of electoral roll;

Appointment letters of polling agents in Form 10;
EDC in form 12B;
Sealed cover of list of challenged votes in form 14;
List of blind and infirm voters in 14A;
Declarations of age and list of such electors;
Receipt Book and cash;
Unused and damaged paper seals;
Unused voter slips;
Unused and damaged Special Tags;
Unused and damaged strip seals;
The cover will be brown in colour and contain the
following items:

• Hand Book of Pr.O

• Manual of EVM
• Indelible Ink set
• Self inking pad
• Metal Seal of Pr.O
• Arrow Cross mark
• Cup for setting indelible ink
Fourth Packet

• Any other item should be kept in fourth

packet which is blue in colour

 Record relevant events as and when they occur at

regular intervals;

 Any lapse of writing diary at regular intervals is seriously

viewed by ECI;

 One of the important documents verified by the

OBSERVER on the day after poll at the time of scrutiny;
Visit Sheet

 Patrolling Magistrate, Sector Officer, Zonal Magistrate, DEO, RO,

AROs and Election Observers, whenever they visit any polling
station, shall make an entry in the VISIT SHEET kept with the
Presiding Officers. Visit Sheet shall be deposited after end of poll
along with Presiding Officer's Diary.

 One of the important documents that will be verified by the

OBSERVER on the day after poll at the time of scrutiny
Activities at Receiving Centre

 Micro Observer counter will be there at RC

 To submit filled up format report in sealed envelop
at the counter or to the General Observer, as
decided by the Hon’ble Observer.
 Micro Observers are required to present at post
Poll Scrutiny as instructed by the Election
Commission of India.
 Micro Observers will be released with approval of
the Hon’ble Observer.

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