Introduction To Islamic Economics
Introduction To Islamic Economics
Introduction To Islamic Economics
Islamic Wordwiew
God, according to the Islamic view, has created the universe for the
benefit of all human beings. God has made the resources of this earth
available to man who has the responsibility to make use of them, to mould
them, and transform them according to his needs.
But man is supposed to observe certain limits in the exercise of his
freedom. Within these bounds all his acts are worship of God.
Islam requires man to maintain a balance between his love for and
abstinence from material things.
The requirement is that man should not cause the non-renewable resources
of the earth to be recklessly depleted. 3 Every generation should show
consi~eration for the future generations in the use of resources.4
Islamic Economics
Islam treats all human beings as children of Adam. As human
economic gains.
the market though the state may provide a few basic public goods and infrastructure.
The most laissez-faire capitalist economies, as measured by indices of economic