Success Story of Bhavish Aggarwal
Success Story of Bhavish Aggarwal
Success Story of Bhavish Aggarwal
Bhavish Aggarwal is the founder & CEO of India’s most popular Cab
Aggregator OlaCabs.
OlaCabs, more popularly known as Ola, is just like any other marketplaces
online, but more specifically into providing Taxi services. Ola, which started
as an online cab aggregator in Mumbai, now resides in the Silicon Valley of
India a.k.a. Bangalore, and is also known to be one of the fastest growing
businesses in India, out-beating its competitor Uber .
Coming back to the man behind Ola; simple yet charming Bhavish, with
the success of his prodigy has certainly become the talk of the town. But even
after becoming a millionaire, he still prefers to not buy a car and take a cab
(to set an example, we presume), certainly doesn’t goes down well with his
wife. He believes that, such is a small price that every entrepreneur has to
Bhavish just like every other success-driven and successful entrepreneur, began
at a very early age. Soon after he completed his Bachelors in Technology
(Computer Science and Engineering) from IIT – B in 2008, he started his career
with Microsoft Research India as a Research Intern and later got reinstated as an
Assistant Researcher.
During his more than two years of stint with Microsoft, Bhavish managed to file
two patents and also got three papers published in the international journals.
Now what many aren’t aware is that, while he was at it, he had also turned into
a blogger and had founded his own prodigy called – Desitech was all
about hosting content which was mainly focused at technologies which again
were inclined towards the Indian scenario. This content was a collection of start-
ups in India, events and / or any other exclusive news.
Anyways, during this same time, he took the biggest decision of his life and
turned his personal pain-point into his first entrepreneurial venture!
So this is how it all began!
After quitting Microsoft, Bhavish started an online company
which dealt into selling of short duration tours and holidays online.
Now while he was at it, he happened to rent a car from Bangalore
to Bandipur and had a lasting bad experience.
The driver of that car stopped right in the middle of the road and
started re-negotiating the while deal. When Bhavish refused to
agree to his terms, the driver proceeded to abandon him en route
his destination.
The entrepreneurial-headed Bhavish, instead of whining about
the situation or rather the problem, decided to solve it good, and at
Because he got a first-hand experience of such a problem, after
decent amount of research also realised that, this in actuality was
a genuine and deep rooted problem for the masses. A lot of
customers had fallen prey to such situations and were desperately
in need of a quality cab service.
That was when for the first time, he could vision the amount of
potential a cab booking service could have. And after basic
calculations, Bhavish changed his business from the earlier
mentioned start-up to – OlaCabs.
Ola was the collective prodigy of Bhavish Aggarwal and Ankit
Bhati and was officially owned by ANI Technologies Pvt Ltd,
which translated to ‘Hello’ in Spanish!
Simply putting it, their strategy was to leave no stone unturned; be it attending
customer calls to driving a passenger to the airport while managing the operations,
they did everything.
And on the other end, the drivers, they used an equally unique strategy!
For the first few months, they used to pay drivers 5000/day tips + no salary.
Provided they met the criteria which was that, a Driver must have completed one
single trip for that given day. To add to that, the Integration Devices which they use
were provided free of cost!
During that time, with a rough potential monthly income of 1.5Lakhs literally
every driver, even including many part-timers did anything to get themselves
attached with Ola.
As their motive was fulfilled, later this payment module was reduced to half i.e.
2500/day and then 750/day tips + salary consecutively. And now the tips would be
provided only if they covered minimum 10 trips in a day.
Received the ‘mBillionth award South Asia
Awarded as the ‘Best start-up of the year’ by
Received the ‘HATT awards’
Listed in ’30 under 30′, by Hindustan Times
and Forbes