Financial Instruments FINAL
Financial Instruments FINAL
Financial Instruments FINAL
01 02
Trade Date Accounting Settlement Date Accounting
The amount to be included in the net profit or loss for the period is calculated as
Classification of
Financial Asset
Test Category
01 02
Business Contractual
Model Cash Flows
*Think of it as BONDS
Objective of it is which the asset is to hold
assets to collect contractual cash Give rise on specified date to cash flows
flows. that are solely payments of principal
and interest on the principle amount
of outstanding.
Business Model Test in Detail
An assessment of the “business model” is not made at an individual financial instrument level.
The assessment is based on how the key management personnel actually manage the
business, rather than management’s intentions for specific financial assets.
An entity may have more than one business model for managing its financial assets and the
classification need not to be determined at the reporting entity level.
Although the objective of an entity’s business model may be to hold financial asset to collect
contractual cash flows, the entity’s need not to hold all those assets until maturity.
a) With recourse – means that the seller has to compensate the factor for any unpaid receivables.
b) Without recourse – means that the factor bears the cost of unpaid receivables. There will be a
higher charge for this service to compensate the factor for the higher risks taken.
Factoring without
Company A transfers $500 million of receivables, without recourse, for proceeds of
$400 million. The journal entry would be as follows:
Note: $100 million is considered interest expense. It shows that the company obtained cash flow earlier than it would have if it
waited for the receivables to be collected.
Factoring with
Company A transfers $500 million of receivables, with recourse, for proceeds of $450 million less a
$50 million holdback. Later on, the factor is able to collect receivables of $490 million ($10 million
receivables uncollectible). The journal entries are as follows, with the initial journal entry below:
Factoring with Recourse
Note: The account “Due from factor” is the potential payment for possible non-collectibles.
After the factor collected $490 million of receivables ($10 million uncollectible):
Accounting for Factoring of
1. If the receivables have been sold, then there will be the removed from the balance sheet
and replaced by cash. However, if the seller retains significant risks and benefits relating to
receivables like, slow payment risks, non-payment risks and the benefits of being paid more or
sooner than expected, the seller should continue to recognize asset and the proceeds of sale
will be recognized as a liability in the balance sheet.
2. IF ALL THE BENEFITS AND RISKS HAVE BEEN DISPOSED OF, then there is a genuine sale
and the receivables will be derecognized. The difference between the net proceeds plus any
amount retained by the factor and the amortized cost (face-allowances for returns, discounts
and bad debt, if any) of the receivables factored will be charged to profit or loss. Any amount
by the factor (e.g. Factors’ Holdback or Receivables from Factors) is recognized and reported
as current asset, a portion retained to cover probable sales returns, discount and allowance.
Re-Classification of Financial Assets
● An entity changes its business model for managing financial assets it should
• Held of trading
• Upon initial recognition it is
designation at fair value through
profit and loss.
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kabalaka! Mas naglisod sad ko ;)”
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