Futuristic Background by Slidesgo
Futuristic Background by Slidesgo
Futuristic Background by Slidesgo
●1 week prior to admission, patient started to experience distressing productive cough, colds with
watery nasal discharge and bipedal edema. No associated fever, vomiting or loose stools noted.
With good activity and good appetite consuming 1 cup of rice with viand per meal. No consult
done. No medications taken.
● 6 days prior to admission, still with the above signs and symptoms, now with abdominal
pain, described as dull with a pain scale of 5/10 and aggravated by movement. Patient also
noticed edema on his scrotal area. Now with decreased appetite and activity. Patient self-
medicated with Paracetamol but did not provide any relief. No consult done
Few hours prior to admission, still with the above signs and symptoms, now associated with shortness
of breath, fever with a maximum temperature of 38.9C and 2 episodes of loose stools. This prompted
the patient to seek consult. At the ER, complete blood count, urinalysis, serum albumin, creatinine,
hepa profile and lipid profile were requested. CBC revealed decreased hemoglobin and leukocytosis
with neutrophilic predominance.
Urinalysis revealed (+) blood and protein and increased RBCs, pus cells and epithelial cells. Serum
albumin was decreased (18g/L). Hepa profile revealed nonreactive HbsAg and negative HAV. Total
cholesterol was increased (240mg/dl). Patient was subsequently admitted.
Review of Systems
RENAL or URINARY (-) Dysuria (-) Nocturia (-) Incotinence (-) Anuria
(-) Polyuria
GENITALIA (-) Pain (-) Discharge
(-) Irritation (-) Itching
MUSCULO-SKELETAL (-) Atrophy (-) Muscle Pain (-) Weakness
(-) Cramps (-) Joint Pain (-) Limitation of motion
(-) Stiffness (-) Numbness
Missing Data:
● Any untoward reactions
○ Father, unknown history
○ Mother: 32 years old, vocational course graduate, housewife, apparently well.
4 siblings: Sister: 12 years old, grade 6, apparently well
Sister: 9 years old, grade 4, apparently well
Brother: 7 years old, grade 1, apparently well
Sister: 2 years old, apparently well
Personal and Social History
He denies taking illegal drugs. He is fond of playing chess with his neighbors and
friends. Prefers girls and had no sexual contact.
He usually sleeps 6-8 hours a day
Water supply is from Nawasa and drinking water is mineral water. Garbage is
collected 2 times per week.
General Survey
Conscious, coherent, in mild Vital Signs
cardiorespiratory distress, with BP: 100/60 mmHG Height: 161cms
signs of some dehydration, mild = HR: 125 bpm Weight: 60.5kgs
● RR: 28 cpm IBW: 56.3 kgs
● T° : 38.8C AC: 76 cm
● O2 Sat: 97%
Skin scanty petechiae in the right antecubital area
Skin: Color of skin, skin turgor, scars, hemorrhages,
Head: Shape or contour,sutures, quantity and color of hair, hematoma,
abscess, or edema
Face: Asymmetry, unusual facies and deformities
Eyes: Discharges
Ears: Size, shape, location and position of ears. Check for ear canal for
any watery, purulent, or bloody discharge. Check the postsauricular
and mastoid areas.
Nose: Patency of nares, presence and character of discharge if
present, sinus tenderness
Chest/Lungs symmetrical chest expansion, no retractions,
clear breath sounds, good air entry
Cranial Nerves:
(-) Hypertension
(-) Hypercholesterolemia
GLOMERULONEPHRITIS Bipedal Edema scrotal area edema
Proteinuria petechiae rash
• Subcutaneous edema localized to the dorsa of hands and feet, periorbital area, lips, scrotum, or scalp is
also common.
• Ninety percent of cases occur in children, with about half the cases preceded by an upper respiratory
• Some degree of renal involvement occurs in approximately 50% of HSP cases, more commonly in older
children (age > 8 yr confers a 3-fold greater risk for renal involvement)
gross hematuria is common within 1-2 days after the onset of an apparent viral upper respiratory tract
infection in immunoglobulin (Ig) A nephropathy, and typically resolves within 5 days.
● most common small-vessel vasculitis in children, with a peak incidence in early childhood (4-6 yr of age).
Ninety percent of cases occur in children, with about half the cases preceded by an upper respiratory infection.
● characterized by a purpuric rash and commonly accompanied by arthritis and abdominal pain.
● 50% of patients with HSP develop renal manifestations, which vary from asymptomatic microscopic hematuria
to severe, progressive glomerulonephritis.
● HSP nephritis shares a similar pathogenesis and nearly identical renal histology with IgA nephropathy.
● Although the two are considered as distinct entities, many consider HSP nephritis and IgA nephropathy as part
of the same clinical spectrum, and IgA nephropathy as one of the sequelae of HSP nephritis.
deposition of polymeric immunoglobulin A (IgA) in glomeruli, analogous to the same type of IgA deposits
Recognition of the exposed hinge region of IgA1 by naturally occurring autoantibodies leads to formation of
immune complexes that are deposited in the glomerular mesangium.
Any mucosal infection or food antigen may trigger the increased production of pathogenic IgA1. IgA immune
complexes are deposited throughout the body and activate pathways leading to necrotizing vasculitis.
A skin biopsy characteristically shows leukocytoclastic vasculitis with IgA, C3, and fibrin deposition.
The glomerular findings can be indistinguishable from those of IgA nephropathy. Pathognomonic IgA deposits
are detected by immunofluorescence as the dominant immunoglobulin in the glomerular mesangium.
Histologically, a broad spectrum of glomerular lesions that can range from mild mesangial and endocapillary
proliferation to necrotic and crescentic changes from extracapillary proliferation can be seen
The classic tetrad of HSP nephritis includes a palpable purpura, arthritis or arthralgia, abdominal
pain, and evidence for renal disease.
may develop over a period of days to weeks and may vary in their order of presentation.
Notably, not all of the tetrad are present in all patients.
The nephritis associated with HSP usually follows the onset of the rash, often presenting weeks
or even months after the initial nonrenal manifestations have resolved.
Nephritis can be manifest at the initial presentation but only rarely before onset of the rash.
Some degree of renal involvement occurs in approximately 50% of HSP cases, more
commonly in older children (age > 8 yr confers a 3-fold greater risk for renal involvement).
Most patients (80%) initially = mild renal involvement, principally isolated microscopic
hematuria without significant proteinuria.
About 20% of patients = severe renal involvement, including a combined acute nephritic
+ nephrotic picture (hematuria, hypertension, renal insufficiency, significant proteinuria,
and nephrotic syndrome).
Indications for a kidney biopsy in children with HSP nephritis = significant proteinuria
(urine protein > 1 g/day or urine protein/creatinine ratio > 1.0), significant hypertension,
or elevated serum creatinine
● IgA nephropathy is the most common chronic glomerular disease in children. It is characterized by a
predominance of IgA within mesangial glomerular deposits in the absence of systemic disease.
● A presentation with gross hematuria is common within 1-2 days after the onset of an apparent viral upper
respiratory tract infection in immunoglobulin (Ig) A nephropathy, and typically resolves within 5 days
● Normal serum levels of C3 in IgA nephropathy help to distinguish this disorder from
postinfectious glomerulonephritis.
● Serum IgA levels have no diagnostic value because they are elevated in only 15% of
pediatric patients.