Four Major Drug Targets
Four Major Drug Targets
Four Major Drug Targets
– High gradient makes this a very fast and sensitive signaling system: only slight changes in
membrane permeability will result in dramatic changes in the concentration of [Ca 2+]i.
– Low level of [Ca2+]i is also necessary to facilitate a phosphate oriented cellular metabolism
(high calcium and high phosphate concentrations are incompatible!!)
==> Evolutionary challenge: Maintain calcium gradient !!!
– Evolvement of proteins that bind Ca2+ with high affinity, but reject magnesium!
Each channel protein has four homologous domains, each containing six membrane spanning
-helices (the fourth one functions as the “voltage” sensor.
Calcium as Second Messenger
Three types:
Type Properties Location/Function Blockers
Plasma membrane of many cells;
High activation treshold; Dihydropyridines;
L slow inactivation
main Ca++ source for contraction in
verapamil; diltiazem
smooth and cardiac muscle
Low activation treshold; Main Ca++ source for transmitter -Conotoxin
N slow inactivation release by nerve terminals (snail venom)
Widely distributed; important in
Low activation treshold;
T fast inactivation
cardiac pacemaker and Purkinje Amiloride, octanol
Calcium release from the ER/SR is regulated by two receptors in the ER/SR membrane:
– Ryanodine receptors (RyR):
• Named after sensitivity to Ryanodine: plant alkaloid, irreversible inhibitor
• Very important in skeletal muscle: direct coupling of RyRs with the dihydropyridine receptors of the T-tubules
(dihydropyridine receptors are closely related to the L-type Ca ++ channels) (see Ca++ effects)
• Activity in non-muscle cell lacking T-tubules regulated by cyclic ADP ribose
• Caffeine: potent reversible activator of RYRs
– Plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (mainly in excitable cells, e.g. cardiac cells)
three Na+- ions are exchanged for one Ca++-ion
Digitalis alkaloids: Na+/ K+-ATPase inhibitors => intracellular Na + raises => Na+/Ca2+ exchange less efficient =>
Ca2+ intracellular increases => stronger contractions
• Ca++ - buffers:
Low affinity (!) but high capacity (50-100 Ca ++-ions/molecule)
– Calsequestrin (very acidic, 37% of amino acids are aspartic and glutamic acid),
– Calreticulin, Parvalbumin
Calcium as Second Messenger
Ca++ Sensors:
• Annexins:
Family of proteins w/ common feature that they interact w/ membranes in a Ca ++- dependent manner.
Low affinity for Ca++-ions restricts action to membrane proximity (high local Ca ++ conc.!);
implicated in the regulation of PLA2, cytoskeletal (re)organization and vesicle movement
• EF-hand proteins:
named after the shape created by the E and F -helices of the Ca++-binding domain; high affinity
Calcium as Second Messenger
– Calmodulin:
ubiquitous expression; binds 4 Ca++-ions; acts through stimulation of either protein kinases
or protein phosphatases (Calcineurin); also activates cAMP phosphodiesterase
– Troponin C:
restricted expression, regulates contraction of skeletal and heart muscle
Calcium as Second Messenger
Calcium as Second Messenger
Function of cytoplasmic free Ca++:
• Muscle contraction:
– Skeletal and cardiac muscle:
• Contraction (=actin-myosin interaction) controlled by proteins on actin filaments (tropomyosin w/ troponin)
• Troponin I inhibits formation of cross-bridges between actin and myosin => muscle relaxed.
• Troponin C combines with Ca2+-ions and blocks the action of Troponin I => muscle contracted
Calcium as Second Messenger
– Smooth muscle:
Contraction controlled by proteins acting either on actin....
• NO Troponin=>regulation occurs through the CaM binding Caldesmon :
Low [Ca++]: Caldesmon forms complex with actin and tropomyosin => access of myosin to actin restricted
=>muscle relaxed.
… or on myosin
• Myosin light chains inhibit actin-myosin interaction:
phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) by MLC kinase (MLCK) relieves this inhibition =>
phosphorylated myosin is able to interact w/ actin => contraction
Calcium as Second Messenger
• Neuronal excitibility and secretion:
– Increase of [Ca++] induces fusion of the synaptic vesicles with the plasma mambrane =>
this causes exocytosis of neuro-transmitters into the synaptic cleft.
Calcium as Second Messenger
• Immune response:
– TCR stimulation => [Ca++] increases => activates Calcineurin => dephosphorylates NFATc on
ser/thr => NFATc translocates to nucleus where it combines with NFATn and induces transcription
of IL-2 gene => T cell proliferation
Calcineurin: target of immunesuppressive drugs FK506 and ciclosporin, which form a complex with
immunophillins and compete with Ca ++/CaM for binding to calcineurin => no NFATc activation
G-Protein-coupled Receptors
GPCR: Large family of receptors with a probable common evolutionary precursor. Transmembrane
protein that is serpentine in shape, crossing the lipid bilayer seven times.
– Guanine nucleotide binding proteins:
participate in reversible, GTP-mediated interactions.
– Common features:
• bind GDP and GTP with high affinity, but adopt different structure depending on the bound nucleotide.
• GTP-bound complex has high affinity for other proteins (“acceptor’), affecting their enzymatic activity
• possess intrinsic GTPase activity that is usually activated by interaction with regulatory proteins (e.g. GAPs)
• covalent attachment of various lipids (myristoylation, palmitoylation,...) is responsible for membrane targeting
• Regulators of G-protein Signaling (RGSs): similar to GAPs, but act on heterotrimeric G-Proteins
G-Protein-coupled Receptors
Two major groups:
• “Small GTP binding proteins” (act downstream of receptor: ras, rac etc.) => see growth factor
receptor signaling
• “Heterotrimeric G-proteins” (directly coupled to receptor and enzyme):
• Coupled to 7 transmembrane spanning receptors: (-adrenergic R, PG-R)
• All members are heterotrimeric, consisting of , and subunits
G-Protein-coupled Receptors
, and subunits:
-subunit (23 isoforms): contains the GTP/GDP binding site, is responsible for identity
(5 isoforms) and (12 isoforms) subunits: are identical or very similar; interchangeable in vitro;
most of them are ubiquitiously expressed; membrane anchored through prenylation of G
– Gq and
– Golf (expressed only in olfactory cells) are coupled to PLC
– GT (=Transducin) is coupled to a cGMP phosphodiesterase and is expressed only in the rod cells of the
retina (these cells are INactivated by light!). Photons hit Rhodopsin => activated opsin is generated =>
facilitates GTP loading of GT => activates cGMP phosphodiesterase => cGMP (keeps Na + and Ca2+
channels open to cause membrane depolarization => neuro-transmitter release) converted to 5’GMP
(inactive => channels closed) => membrane polarization => NO neurotransmitter release)
G-Protein-coupled Receptors
Main targets:
Phospholipase C:
see Lipid and Inositol Signaling
Adenylate cyclase:
• Two repeats of six transmembrane-helices and two catalytic domains that convert ATP into cAMP
• Activated or inhibited by G-proteins (a brain specific isoform is also activated through activated CaM):
GTP-bound Gs activates AC, GTP-bound G i inhibits activity (Forskolin: direct activator of AC => cAMP)
G-Protein-coupled Receptors
Cholera-toxin: causes ADP-ribosylation of G s => release of GTP inhibited => Gs trapped in active form. cAMP
regulates secretion of fluid into the intestinum => enormous loss of liquid and electrolytes => death!
Pertussis-toxin: causes ADP-ribosylation of G i, release of GDP inhibited => Gi locked in its INactive form => can not
inhibit AC!
Cyclic Nucleotides
Targets of cAMP:
• Phosphodiesterase inhibitors:
Caffeine, theophylline =>
enhance and prolong the signals
originating from adrenergic receptors
Sildenafil (Viagra®):
Specific PDE V inhibitor
Regulation of Receptors
• Heterologous desensitization:
– Four residues in the cytosolic domain of the -adrenergic receptor can be
phosphorylated by PKA
– Activity of all Gs protein – coupled receptors, not just the -adrenergic
receptor, is reduced
• Homologous desensitization:
– Other residues in the cytosolic domain of the -adrenergic receptor are
phosphorylated by the receptor-specific -adrenergic receptor kinase
– BARK only phosphorylates the -adrenergic receptor which facilitates -
arrestin binding to the phosphorylated receptor
Receptor Desensitization
Receptor Down-Regulation
• Examples:
– Glucocorticoids: Inhibit transcription of COX-2; induce transcription of Lipocortin
– Mineralcorticoids: Regulate expression of proteins involved in renal function
– Retinoids (Vit A derivatives): Control embryonic development of limbs and
organs; affect epidermal differentiation => dermatological use (Acne)
– PPARs (Peroxisome Proliferation-Activated Receptors): control metabolic
• PPAR: Target of Fibrates (cholesterol lowering drugs: stimulate -
oxidation of fatty acids)
• PPAR: Target of Glitazones (anti-diabetic drugs: induce expression of
proteins involved in insulin signaling => improved glucose uptake)