Nabard Credit To Priority Sector and Neglected Sector
Nabard Credit To Priority Sector and Neglected Sector
Nabard Credit To Priority Sector and Neglected Sector
Supporting Cooperatives:
In order to strengthen the owned funds position of cooperative credit institutions and
thereby increasing their capacity to leverage larger resources, NABARD provides
loans to State Governments to contribute to the share capital of these institutions.
Eligible institutions for this facility are State Cooperative Banks (SCBs)
and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). The period of credit is 12 months.
Investment Credit
This is a long-term refinance facility. It is intended to create income
generating assets in the following:
Backward Blocks
Bamboo Farming
Bio Fuels
Crop Insurance
Land Purchase
Farmer's Club
Non – Farm Sector Schemes
Rural Non Farm Sector (RNFS) holds the key to faster economic
development of the country. It has potential and promise for
generating employment and increased income in the rural areas.
Hence, NABARD has identified financing, development and
promotion of RNFS as one of its thrust areas.