NSSCAS Chemistry Theme 2 Topic 2.1 - Updated 21 October 2020
NSSCAS Chemistry Theme 2 Topic 2.1 - Updated 21 October 2020
NSSCAS Chemistry Theme 2 Topic 2.1 - Updated 21 October 2020
Theme 2
Physical chemistry
Theme 2 is comprised of FOUR topics
• Standard enthalpy change of reaction, ΔH°r is the enthalpy change when the
amount of reactants shown in the equation react to give products under
standard conditions.
• The reactants and products must be in their standard states.
• (g) + (g) → O(l) ; ΔH°r = -576 kJ
• The equation shows that 576 kJ of energy is released when two moles of
hydrogen react with one mole of oxygen to give two moles of water.
• This is a theoretical reaction, it does not happen in practice. The enthalpy
change can be found by applying Hess' law (section 2.1.2).
Standard enthalpy changes of reactions ()
• The
standard enthalpy change of reaction () is the
enthalpy change of a reaction according to the molar
quantities in the reaction under standard conditions.
• There are six types of standard enthalpy changes ()
that you need to be familiar with for the purposes of
this syllabus.
– standard enthalpy change of formation (),
– standard enthalpy change of combustion (),
– standard enthalpy change of hydration (),
– standard enthalpy change of solution (),
– standard enthalpy change of neutralisation (),
– standard enthalpy change of atomisation ().
Standard enthalpy change of formation ()
•• This
is the enthalpy change when one mole of a compound is formed
from its elements in their standard states under standard conditions.
• For example, to form one mole of water, the equation is H2 (g) + O2
(g) → H2O (l).
• For water, = 286 kJmol-1.
• Notice that the value for water is negative, meaning that this is an
exothermic reaction.
• For a pure element in its standard state, the = 0 kJmol-1 because
elements in their standard states are not formed, they just exist as
• The standard enthalpy change of formation can be exothermic or
of combustion ()
standard enthalpy change
• Standard
enthalpy change of combustion is the
enthalpy change when one mole of a substance is
burnt in excess oxygen (completely burned,
complete combustion) under standard conditions.
• The reactants and products must be in their
standard states.
• (g) +2 (g) → (g) +2O(l);
• ΔH° = 890.3 kJ
• The standard enthalpy change of combustion is
always exothermic.
standard enthalpy change of hydration ()
•• Standard
enthalpy change of hydration, is the enthalpy
change when one mole of gaseous ions dissolve in water to
form hydrated ions of infinite dilution under standard
• Ca2+ (g) + (aq) Ca2+ (aq), = 1650 kJmol-1 and (g) + (aq)
• Water is a polar molecule, this means that it has a negative
end and a positive end. The negative end of the water
molecule will be attracted to the cations while the positive
end of the water molecule will be attracted to the anions.
• The attraction set up is called the ion-dipole forces.
• The standard enthalpy change of hydration is always
standard enthalpy change of solution ()
• Standard enthalpy change of solution, is the enthalpy
change when one mole of solute is dissolved in a solvent
to form an infinitely dilute solution under standard
• NaCl (s) + aq → NaCl(aq) ; ΔH°sol = +6.0 kJ mol⁻1
• NaOH(s) + aq → NaOH(aq) ; ΔH°sol = -44.5 kJ mol⁻1
• An infinitely dilute solution is one which does not
produce any further enthalpy change when more
solvent is added.
• The standard enthalpy change of solution can be
exothermic or endothermic.
of neutralisation ()
standard enthalpy change
•• Standard
enthalpy change of atomisation is the enthalpy change
when one mole of gases atoms is formed from its element under
standard conditions.
• (g) → H(g) ; ΔH [] = +218 kJ
• Na(s) → Na(g) ; ΔH°[Na] = +107 kJ kJ
• By definition, the standard enthalpy change of atomisation of the
noble gases is zero because all of them exist as monoatomic gases
at standard conditions.
• The standard enthalpy change of atomisation of diatomic gases
(example: , , and ) is equal to half the value of their bond energies.
• The standard enthalpy change of atomisation is always
bond (enthalpy) energy
•• Every
chemical bond has an energy value. This tells us the
energy required to break that bond.
• Bond energy, E is the energy needed to break one mole of
covalent bonds between two atoms in the gaseous state.
• For example Br-Br(g) → 2Br(g) ; E(Br-Br) = +193 kJ
• Bond energy is often called bond enthalpy or bond
dissociation energy.
• Bonds of the same type do not all have the same amount of
energy. For example, there are four C-H bonds in methane
(CH4) all with slightly different individual bond enthalpies.
• The energy needed to break the first C-H bond is different
from the energy needed to break the second C-H bond and so
average bond (enthalpy) energy
•• Bond energy is often affected by the presence of other atoms in the
• For example, the O-H bond in water has a different bond energy value
than the O-H bond in ethanol.
• Even in the same molecule, for example, , the energy needed to break all
the C-H bonds are not identical.
• We measure the enthalpy of breaking all the four bonds and divide by 4 to
get the mean bond enthalpy of a C-H bond.
• The average amount of energy needed to break 1 mole of a bond type in a
molecule in the gaseous state is known as the bond energy (enthalpy).
• Therefore, bond energies are taken from a number of bonds of the same
type from different environment and average out to get the average bond
• The values are not always accurate.
bond breaking and bond making
•• Bonds
are broken and made during a reaction. For bond breaking,
energy needs to be absorbed from the surroundings. Therefore,
bond breaking is an endothermic process.
• Bonds are broken in the reactants, and this is an endothermic
process so H is positive.
• When bonds are made, energy is released to the surroundings.
Bonds are made when products are being produced and this is an
exothermic process so H is negative.
• If the energy needed to break bonds is less than the energy released
when new bonds are formed, then the reaction will be exothermic
• If the energy needed to break bonds is more than the energy
released when new bonds are formed, then the reaction will be
• In most chemical reactions, bonds have to be broken first and then
reformed into a new compound.
bond breaking and bond making
bond energies in homonuclear diatomic molecules (these are exact values)
H−H 436
D−D 442
N≡N 944
O=O 496
P≡P 485
S=S 425
F−F 158
Cl−Cl 242
Br−Br 193
I−I 151
bond energies in heteronuclear diatomic
molecules (these are exact values)
Bond Energy (kJmol−1)
H−F 562
H−Cl 431
H−Br 366
H−I 299
C≡O 1077
bond energies in homonuclear polyatomic molecules (these are average
• The
enthalpy change of reaction () = total energy
needed to break bonds total energy released
forming bonds.
• Calculate energy change for combustion of
methane CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) 2H2O (g) + CO2 (g)
•• The formation cycle has reactants to form products like a normal reaction.
• The arrow of reactants products represents the enthalpy change of
combustion () or the enthalpy change of reaction () depending on what
you are asked in the equation.
• The elements in their standard states are always at the bottom of the
formation cycle.
• The arrows point upwards to the reactants and products and they
represent the enthalpy changes of formation () of the reactants and
products form their constituent elements respectively.
• When you go with the arrow, you keep the sign the same. When you go
against the arrow, you change the sign.
Hess’ formation cycle ….
• If you are given combustion data, draw a combustion cycle.
• Combustion cycles always have the products of combustion
carbon dioxide and water at the bottom of the cycle.
• Both arrows pointing downwards always point towards to
combustion products.
• The reactants / elements are placed on the far left top
corner and the products are placed on the far right top
Hess’ combustion cycle
Reaction pathway diagrams
Reaction pathway diagrams
• The reaction pathway diagram is a plot of the energy of a substance versus its place in the progress
of the reaction.
• When a reaction is going on, typically it starts with reactants and ends with products.
• At the beginning of the reaction, we have the energy of the reactants and at the end of the reaction
we have the energy of the products.
• For an exothermic reaction, the energy of the reactants is higher than the energy of the products
because the reactants give off energy to the surroundings during the course of the reaction.
• What happens in-between the reactants and the products is that reactants need a certain amount
of activation energy to start them off.
• Some reactions need a small amount of activation energy and others need more activation energy.
• The difference in the potential energy of the reactants and the potential energy of the products
(products reactants) is the enthalpy change of the reaction ().
• If the energy of the products is lower than the energy of the reactants, is negative and the reaction
is exothermic.
• If the energy of the reactants is lower than the energy of the products, is positive and the reaction
is endothermic.
• The energy difference between the transition state and the reactants is the activation energy.
• If a catalyst is added, the activation energy is reduced.
• You should be able to construct and interpret a reaction pathway diagram, in terms of the enthalpy
change of the reaction and of the activation energy.
End of topic activity