Quality Assurance 1.1
Quality Assurance 1.1
Quality Assurance 1.1
Project Planning
- Quality Concepts
- Quality
- Quality Control
- Quality Assurance
- Cost of Quality
- Software Quality Assurance
- Software Reviews
- Formal Technical Reviews
- The Review Meeting
- Review Reporting and Record Keeping
- Review Guidelines
- Formal Approaches to SQA
- Statistical Quality Assurance
- Software Reliability
- The SQA Plan
- Quality means consistently meeting customer in term of – Requirements, cost,
service and delivery schedule.
- Quality-software is reasonably bug-free, delivered on time, within budget, meets
requirement and/or expectations, and is MAINTAINABLE.
- Software quality is also defined in terms of three factors :-
1. Failures
2. Reliability
3. Customer satisfaction
- A software product is said to have good quality if :-
- It has few failures when used by customer
- It is reliable, meaning that it hardly ever crashes or demonstrates unexpected
behavior when used in the customer environment.
- It satisfies a majority of customers.
There are two kinds of quality :-
- Quality of design :- Refers to characteristics, designers specify, for the end product to
be constructed.
- It include requirements, specifications, and the design of the system.
- Quality of Conformance :- Degree to which the design specifications are followed in
manufacturing the product.
- It Primarily focuses on implementation.
Quality Concepts
SQA encompasses:
(1) a quality management approach
(2) effective software engineering technology
(3) formal technical reviews
(4) a multi-tiered testing strategy
(5) document change control
(6) software development standard and its control procedure
(7) measurement and reporting mechanism
- Quality of conformance -> the degree to which the design specification are
followed. It focuses on implementation based on the design.
Quality Control
What is quality control
-- the series of inspections, reviews, and test used throughout the develop cycle of a
software product
-- Focuses on operational techniques and the activities used to fulfill and verify the
requirement of quality.
-- It involves a series of inspection, reviews, and tests used throughout the software
process to ensure that each work product meets its specification/requirements.
-- Key concept of quality control is that “ all work products have defined and
measurable specification ”, which are compared with the output of each process.
Goal --> provide management with the necessary data about product quality.
--> gain the insight and confidence of product quality
Quality Assurance
-- QA consists of auditing and reporting procedures, which are used to provide
necessary data to management in order to make proactive decisions.
Quality definition:
“Conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance
requirements, explicitly documented development standards,
and implicit characteristics that expected of al professional
developed software.”
The SQA group’s role -> serves as the customer’s in-house representative
assist the software engineering team in achieving high-quality
Software “error” refers to a quality problem found b y engineers before software release
Formal Technical Reviews (FTR)
Objectives of FTR:
Purposes of FTR:
Review summary report (a project historical record) answers the following questions:
- what was reviewed?
- who reviewed it?
- what were the findings and conclusions
Causes of errors:
- incomplete or erroneous specification (IES)
- misinterpretation of customer communication (MCC)
- intentional deviation from specification (IDS)
- violation of programming standards (VPS)
- error in data representation (EDR)
- inconsistent module interface (IMI)
- error in design logic (EDL)
- incomplete or erroneous testing (IET)
- inaccurate or incomplete documentation (IID)
- error in programming language translation of design (PLT)
- ambiguous or inconsistent human-computer interface (HCI)
- miscellaneous (MIS)
Statistical Quality Assurance
In conjunction with the collection of defect information, software developers can calculate an
error index (EI) for each major step in the software engineering process.
After analysis, design, coding, testing, and release, the following data are collected:
Ei = the total no. of errors uncovered during the ith step in the process.
At each step in the software engineering process, a phase index (PI i ) is computed:
Basic items:
- purpose of plan and its scope
- management
- organization structure, SQA tasks, their placement in the process
- roles and responsibilities related to product quality
- documentation
- project documents, models, technical documents, user documents.
- standards, practices, and conventions
- reviews and audits
- test - test plan and procedure
- problem reporting, and correction actions
- tools
- code control
- media control
- supplier control
- records collection, maintenance, and retention
- training
- risk management