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Supervised by: Submitted by:

Dr. Seema Singh Rathore, Miss Tanvi Sharma
Head Department of HRM & IB MBA-IB Sem III
Origin Of Study

Students enjoy a greater freedom within the university

system which allows them to make most of their
decisions based on individual choice. The same
freedom applies in student decision as to which career
option to pursue. There are a variety of opportunities
present for undergraduates and post graduates to opt
for & which are introduced with the objective of
improving learning across the curriculum. There are no
much studies available on this and with the current
scenario, where students are engaging themselves in
blogging more and more is why this topic has been
chosen for research.
"Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is
a term used to describe websites that maintain an
ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features
diary-type commentary and links to articles on other
websites, usually presented as a list of entries in
reverse chronological order. Blogs range from the
personal to the political, and can focus on one
narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.
Review Chart
Author Research
Kevin O'Keefe Title of Research:- “Blogging and Big Blogs” talks about Credibility and
(2016) the Uses of Blogs Among Professionals in the Communication Industry.

Harsh Agrawal Title of Research:- “Professional Blogging or Part time Blogging : How
(2015) To Choose?” mentioned the recent phase of blogging and pointed that
few years back Blogging was just one of the hobby, but in 2015 we have
seen a growth .

Angeline Evans (2014) Title of Research:- “5 Steps to Turning Your Blogging Hobby into a Job”
mentions the key 5 steps that can turn your blogging habits into a job
which majorly includes

Victoria Title of Research:- “find your passion, job search, job search planning”

Michelson (2014) mentions how blogging can help you find your dream job talking about
the various benefits that blogging offers with it
Bwels Title of Research:- “5 ways to research your career options” talks about
(2013) exploring options, before choosing the right career by conducting research
online, speaking to people who work in the field you studied, finding out
what graduates who studied a similar course have gone on to do and
attending career events.

Nikki Wilson Title of Research:- “Impact of Blogging on Students” found that when
(2012) students take part in writing activities like blogging their stress level tend
to decline by a massive rate and the intelligent quotient gradually rises up.

Alqudsi-Ghabra, Title of Research:- “Education Blogging” said that Blogging has been well-
Taghreed M established as a communication tool, yet the literature documenting its
(2012) use in education is still developing

Anders Olof Title of Research:- “Blogs and Blogging: Current trends and future
Larsson and Stefan directions” provided an overview of blog research within the social
Hrastinski sciences and humanities.
Research Methodology
Objective of Study :-
• To study the opinion of students towards blogging as a career option.

Sample Size:-
225 Students (As per proportionate Sampling 5% of 4500 is
estimated )

• H0- (Null) Students are not inclined towards blogging as a career option.
• H1- (Alternative) Students are inclined towards blogging as a career
Data Collection

• This study is based on primary as well as secondary

data collection. Hypothesis testing is done using One
Sample T Test.
• Primary data will be collected from questionnaire
and secondary data will collect from journals and
Expected Outcome
• It is expecting after conducting this research, we will have a
clear vision about the blooming Blogging Industry.

• We will also get to know that how relevant is blogging as a

career Option among students.

* While reviewing the Literature, It was found that Students

were aware of blogging as a option but lack the knowledge in
terms of making it as a career or source of earning which I
intend to fill by my study.
Financial Assistance

Heads Estimated Expenditure

Books & Journals INR 3000

Equipments, If Needed N/A

Field Work & Travel N/A

Miscellaneous & stationery INR 2000

Total INR 5000


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