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H-7209 Sanskrit Paninian Grammar: Dr. Sukhada IIT (BHU) Varanasi

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Sanskrit Paninian Grammar

Dr. Sukhada
IIT (BHU) Varanasi
Devanagari sounds and Script
Devanagari Alphabets and Script
❖ Scripts are visual representation of verbal/oral communication
Devanagari script

Kaṇṭhya (Guttural)
Tālavya (Palatal)
Mūrdhanya (Cerebral)
Dantya (Dental)
Oṣṭhya (Labial)
1. कलम
2. कलम्
3. कल्म
4. क्लम
5. क्लम्
6. बुद्धि
7. पर्व
8. ब्राह्मण
Bhagavān Paṇini
❖ Around 500 BC
❖ Extant Grammar of the then
prevalent Sanskrit language
❖ Around 4000 sūtras
❖ 8 chapters 4 sections each
(Aṣtādhyāyī, अष्टाध्यायी)
❖ Paṇini’s Grammar: the first
formal system of grammar
Least letters to Convey Most Amount of

fttb I lyl bcoz u +ly bring out atb in me & I lol, iow lmk sup?
uraqt imo & afaik 2cu if ur not c-ing sum1 :). fyi I'll brt 4ever.
iac kit nrn ambw dkdk if ne1 C this so dgt cul8r b4n, xoxo, yolo
Least letters to Convey Most Amount of
Meaning fttb I lyl bcoz u +ly bring out atb in me & I lol, iow lmk sup?
uraqt imo & afaik 2cu if ur not c-ing sum1 :). fyi I'll brt 4ever.
iac kit nrn ambw dkdk if ne1 C this so dgt cul8r b4n, xoxo, yolo

1. For the time being, I love you lot. Because you positively bring out all the best in
me and I laugh out loud, in other words let me know what's up?

2. You are a cutie in my opinion and as far as I know to see you if you are not seeing
someone. Make me happy. For your information I'll be right there forever.

3. In any case keep in touch no response necessary all my best wishes don't know
don't care if anyone sees this so don’t go there. See you later. Bye for now. Hugs
and kisses. You only live once.

Paṇini’s Organisation of Sanskrit
1. a i u Ṇ 1. अ इ उ ण्
2. ṛḷK 2. ऋ ऌ क्
3. eoṄ 3. ए ओ ङ्
4. ai au C 4. ऐ औ च्
5. ha ya va ra Ṭ 5. ह य व र ट्
6. la Ṇ 6. ल ण्
7. ña ma ṅa ṇa na M 7. ञ म ङ ण न म्
8. jha bha Ñ 8. झ भ ञ्
9. gha ḍha dha Ṣ 9. घ ढ ध ष्
10. ja ba ga ḍa da Ś 10. ज ब ग ड द श्
11. kha pha cha ṭha tha ca ṭa ta V 11. ख फ छ ठ थ च ट त व्
12. ka pa Y 12. क प य्
13. śa ṣa sa R 13. श ष स र्
14. ha L 14. ह ल्
Paṇini’s Organisation of Sanskrit
❖ Economy (lāghava) is a major principle behind the अ इ उ ण्
organization of Shivasutras ऋ ऌ क्
❖ Ex. इक: यण् अचि (iKaḥ yaṆ aCi) ए ओ ङ्
❖ iK means i u ṛ ḷ, ऐ औ च्
iKaḥ is iK in the genitive case, so it means 'in place of i u ṛ ह य व र ट्
ḷ’ ल ण्
ञ म ङ ण न म्
❖ yaṆ means y v r l and is in the nominative, so iKaḥ yaṆ
means: y v r l replace i u ṛ ḷ.
झ भ ञ्
घ ढ ध ष्
❖ aC means all vowels, aCi is in the locative case, so it
ज ब ग ड द श्
means before any vowel.
ख फ छ ठ थ च ट त व्
❖ y v r l replace i u ṛ ḷ when followed by a, i, u, ṛ, ḷ, e, o, ai, or क प य्
au श ष स र्
❖ Ex. प्रति + एक = प्रत्येक; यदि +अपि = यद्यपि ह ल्
Paṇini’s Organisation of Sanskrit
❖ Economy (lāghava) is a major principle behind aiuṆ
the organization of Shivasutras ṛḷK
❖ Ex. iKaḥ yaṆ aCi (इक: यण् अचि) eoṄ
❖ iK means i u ṛ ḷ, ai au C
iKaḥ is iK in the genitive case, so it means 'in ha ya va ra Ṭ
place of i u ṛ ḷ’ la Ṇ
ña ma ṅa ṇa na M
❖ yaṆ means y v r l and is in the nominative, so
iKaḥ yaṆ means: y v r l replace i u ṛ ḷ.
jha bha Ñ
gha ḍha dha Ṣ
❖ aC means all vowels,aCi is in the locative case,
ja ba ga ḍa da Ś
so it means before any vowel.
kha pha cha ṭha tha ca ṭa ta V
❖ y v r l replace i u ṛ ḷ when followed by a, i, u, ṛ, ka pa Y
ḷ, e, o, ai, or au śa ṣa sa R
❖ Ex. prati + eka = pratyeka; yadi + api = yadyapi ha L
9. 1.
10. 2.

11. 3.
12. 4.
13. 5.
14. 6.

15. 7.

16. ह य व र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध 9. म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब ग ड द
2. अइउऋऌ जबगडदखफछठधचटतकपश खफछठधचटतकप
3. इउऋऌ षस 10. ङ ण न
4. उऋऌ 17. ह य व र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध 11. झ भ घ ढ ध
5. अइउऋऌएओऐऔ जबगडदखफछठधचटतकपश 12. झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब ग ड द
6. एओ
षसह 13. झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब ग ड द ख फ छ ठ ध
7. एओऐऔ 18. य व र ल चटतकप
8. ऐऔ 19. ह य व र ल ञ म ङ ण न 14. झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब ग ड द ख फ छ ठ ध
9. इउऋऌएओऐऔ 20. य व र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध ज चटतकपशषस
10. अइउऋऌएओऐऔहयवर बगडदखफछठधचटतकप 15. झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब ग ड द ख फ छ ठ ध
11. इउऋऌएओऐऔहयवर 21. य व र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध ज चटतकपशषसह
12. अइउऋऌएओऐऔहयवरल
बगडदखफछठधचटतकपशष 16. भ घ ढ ध
13. अइउऋऌएओऐऔहयवरलञमङण स 17. ज ब ग ड द
न 22. व र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब 18. ब ग ड द
14. अ इ उ ऋ ऌ ए ओ ऐ औ ह य व र ल ञ म ङ ण गडद 19. छ ठ ध च ट त
नजझभघढधजबगडद 23. व र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब 20. ख फ छ ठ ध च ट त क प
15. अ इ उ ऋ ऌ ए ओ ऐ औ ह य व र ल ञ म ङ ण गडदखफछठधचटतकपशषस 21. ख फ छ ठ ध च ट त क प श ष स
नजझभघढधजबगडदखफछठधच ह 22. च ट त क प श ष स
टतकपशषसह 24. र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब ग 23. श ष स
16. ह य व र ल ञ म ङ ण न ज झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब डदखफछठधचटतकपशषसह 24. श ष स ह
1. तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ्
तिङ् =
मिप्-वस्-मस् (परस्मैपदम्),
इट् -वहि-महिङ्

2. स्वौजसमौट्छस्टाभ्याम्भिस्-ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्
सुप् =
सु औ जस्
अम् औट् , शस्
टा भ्यां भिस्
ङे भ्यां भ्यस्
ङसि भ्यां भ्यस्
ङस् ओस् आं
ङि ओस् सुप्
1. स्वौजसमौट्छस्टाभ्याम्भिस्-ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्

सुँ औ जस् स् औ अस्

अम् औट् , शस् अम् औ अस्
टा भ्याम् भिस् आ भ्याम् भिस्
ङे भ्याम् भ्यस् ए भ्याम् भ्यस्
ङसिँ भ्याम् भ्यस् अस् भ्याम् भ्यस्
ङस् ओस् आम् अस् ओस् आम्
ङि ओस् सुप् इ ओस् सु

1-3-2 (उपदेशे)अच् अनुनासिकः (इत्)9

1-3-3 (हल् अन्त्यम्)4
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः
1-3-5 (आदिः)8 ञिटुडवः
1-3-6 षः (प्रत्ययस्य)8
1-3-7 चुटू
1-3-8 लशकु अतद्धिते
1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
1. अष्टाध्यायी
2. धातुपाठ
3. लिङ्गानुशासन
4. उणादिकोश
5. गणपाठ
(उपदेशे)अच् अनुनासिकः (इत्)9 अँ इँ
पठँ (अँ)
(उपदेशे) (हल् अन्त्यम्)4 इत्
(हल् अन्त्यम्)4
पठँ (अँ) अनीयर् (र् ) = पठनीय
(हल् अन्त्यम्)4
(उपदेशे)(इत्) न विभक्तौ तुस्माः
1. (उपदेशे)अच् अनुनासिकः (इत्)9 अँ इँ
a. पठँ (अँ)
2. (उपदेशे) (हल् अन्त्यम्)4 इत् (हल् अन्त्यम्)4
a. पठँ (अँ) अनीयर् (र् ) = पठनीय
3. (उपदेशे) (हल् अन्त्यम्)4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः (इत्)
जस् अम् भ्याम्
4. (उपदेशे) (आदिः)8 ञिटुडवः (इत्)
5. (उपदेशे) (आदिः) षः (प्रत्ययस्य) (इत्)
6. (उपदेशे) (आदिः) (प्रत्ययस्य) चुटू (इत्)
सूत्र का अर्थ करने का प्रकार
7: पूर्व/ के विषय में/ के परे रहने पर , 5: के बाद में/ से परे /से उत्तर, 6: के स्थान पर, 1: जो कार्य
होगा वो
1. 3-2-123 (वर्तमाने)3-3-1 लट् ) , 3-1-91 (धातोः)3-4-117, 3-1-1 (प्रत्ययः)5-4-160, 3-1-2 (परः
वर्तमाने 7/1 धातोः 5/1 लट् 1/1 प्रत्ययः 1/1 परः 1/1 च अव्यय
2. 3-2-115 (परोक्षे)118 (लिट् )117, (अनद्यतने) (भूते)122 धातोः (प्रत्ययः)5-4-160, 3-1-2 (परः च)5-4-
अनद्यतने 7/1 परोक्षे 7/1 भूते 7/1 धातोः 5/1 लिट् 1/1 प्रत्ययः 1/1 परः 1/1 च अव्यय
3. 3-3-15 अनद्यतने भविष्यति धातोः लुट् (प्रत्ययः)5-4-160, 3-1-2 (परः च)5-4-160
4. शेषे भविष्यति धातोः लृट् प्रत्ययः परः च
5. छन्दसि 7/1 लिङर्थे 7/1 धातोः 5/1 लेट् 1/1 प्रत्ययः 1/1 परः 1/1 च अव्यय
Kāraka Relations in Panini’s
Language and Information
❖ Language plays a critical role in our lives as a medium of communication.
❖ Communication involves the exchange of ideas/thoughts/information.
❖ Every expression that we utter contains meaning.
❖ For interpreting the meaning in a sentence, we primarily look at
➢ What meaning is expressed?
➢ Where it is encoded?
➢ How it is encoded in a sentence?
Information Encoding
❖ चूहे कु त्ते मारते हैं
Cūhe kutte mārate haiṃ
Rats dogs kill PRES
❖ कु त्ते चूहे मारते हैं।
Kutte cūhe mārate haiṃ
Dogs rats kill PRES
❖ मारते हैं कु त्ते चूहे।
Mārate haiṃ kutte cūhe
Kill PRES dogs rats.
Information Encoding
❖ Dogs kill rats.
❖ Rats kill dogs.
❖ Kill rats dogs.
Information Encoding
❖ लता शराब नहीं पीती है
Lata śarāba nahīṃ pītī hai
Lata alcohol not drink PRES

❖ शराब लता को पीती है

Śarāba Lata ACC pītī hai
Alcohol Lata ACC drink PRES

❖ Ākānṅkṣā (expectancy)
❖ Yogyatā (compatibility)
❖ Sannidhi (proximity)
Information Encoding
❖ कु क्कु रान् मूषकाः मारयन्ति
❖ dog.3.PL,ACC rat.PL,NOM kill.3,PL,PRES
❖ ‘Rats kill dogs.’
❖ मूषकाः कु क्कु रान् मारयन्ति
❖ कु क्कु रान् मारयन्ति मूषकाः
❖ मारयन्ति कु क्कु रान् मूषकाः
❖ मूषकाः मारयन्ति कु क्कु रान्
❖ मारयन्ति मूषकाः कु क्कु रान्

What is it that allows Sanskrit such freedom for word order without any
change in meaning?
Information Encoding
❖ Mostly, the meaning in a sentence unfolds from its verb(s).
❖ A verb denotes an action/state.
❖ A sentence with a verb would have some information about an action and
what all goes on in that action.
➢ Sita was reading a book in the library yesterday.
Information Encoding
❖ Mostly, the meaning in a sentence unfolds from its verb(s).
❖ A verb denotes an action/state.
❖ A sentence with a verb would have some information about an action and
what all goes on in that action.
➢ Sita was reading a book in the library yesterday.

Action of ‘Place’ of
Someone ‘reading’ ‘reading’ ‘Time’ of
Something ‘reading’
‘who’ reads to read
❖ was_reading: Sita (who), book (what), library (where), yesterday (when).
❖ Panini’s beautifully captures this aspect through the ‘kāraka’ relations
Kāraka Relations
Kāraka: something that helps to bring out an action
1. Apādāna (source): that which is firm when departure/separation takes
2. Sampradāna (recipient): the one whom other aims at with the object
3. Karaṇa (instrument): the most efficient means for the action
4. Adhikaraṇa (location/topic): the time, place or topic of the action
5. Karman (deed/object): what the agent seeks most to attain
6. Kartā (doer/agent): the one which is independent in action
Kāraka Relations
❖ Encoding of karaka relation varies from language to language.
Ex. the verb 'give' relates to a 'givee' and the 'location of the action' which is
expressed in Sanskrit through vibhakti, in English by prepositions and in
Hindi and other Indian languages the same relational information is
expressed by post-positions and/or suffixes
1. English The boy gave a book to Lata in the school.
2. Hindi laḍake ne latā ko pāṭhaśālā meṁ eka kitāba dī
3. Bangla Chēlēṭā skulē latākē ēkaṭi ba'i diẏēchē.
4. Sanskrit Bālakaḥ pāṭhaśālāyāṃ Latāyai ekam pustakam adadāt
5. Telugu Bāluḍu pāṭhaśālalō lataku oka pustakaṁ iccāḍu.
Kāraka Relations
Kāraka Signs
1. Kartā ne
2. Karma ko
3. Karaṇa se, ke dvārā
4. Sampradāna ko, ke liye
5. Apādāna se
6. Sambandha kā, ke, kī
7. Adhikaraṇa meṃ, para
8. Sambodhana he, are, bho
Language and Information
Son of Rama gives money to a person from the treasure with hand in Ayodhya


na hik

ar a
adā ka
ra ṇa
tā ma pr

kar m

Son money [to a person] [from the treasure] [with hand] [in Ayodhya]
. b

[of Rama]
Language and Information
Language and Information
Which kāraka relation would be in:

❖ Rama Dhanuṣa se bāṇa māratā hai

Rama bow with arrow shoot PRES
Rama shoots an arrow with/from a bow.

Karaṇa kāraka or Apādāna kāraka?

Kāraka Relations
“When the rules of equal force prohibit each other then the last in the
order takes place” (Panini A. 4.1.2)
1. Apādāna (source): that which is firm when departure/separation takes place
2. Sampradāna (recipient): the one whom other aims at with the object
3. Karaṇa (instrument): the most efficient means for the action
4. Adhikaraṇa (location/topic): the time, place or topic of the action
5. Karman (deed/object): what the agent seeks most to attain
6. Kartā (doer/agent): the one which is independent in action

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