Molecular Docking
Molecular Docking
Molecular Docking
V. Subramanian
Chemical Laboratory
Central Leather Research Institute
Adyar, Chennai
• Drug discovery take years to decade for
discovering a new drug and very costly
• Effort to cut down the research timeline and
cost by reducing wet-lab experiment use
computer modeling
Drug discovery
Lead generation:
Natural ligand / Screening
Biological Testing
Pre-Clinical Studies
Finding lead compound
• A lead compound is a small molecule that serves as the starting
point for an optimization involving many small molecules that
are closely related in structure to the lead compound
• Many organizations maintain databases of chemical compounds
• Some of these are publically accessible others are proprietary
• Databases contain an extremely large number of compounds
(ACS data bases contains 10 million compounds)
• 3D databases have information about chemical and geometrical
» Hydrogen bond donors
» Hydrogen bond acceptors
» Positive Charge Centers
» Aromatic ring centers
» Hydrophobic centers
Finding lead compound
• There are two approaches to this problem
– A computer program AutoDock (or similar
version Affinity (accelrys)) can be used to
search a database by generating “fit”
between molecule and the receptor
– Alternatively one can search 3D
Structure based drug design
• Drug design and development
• Structure based drug design exploits the 3D
structure of the target or a pharmacophore
– Find a molecule which would be expected to
interact with the receptor. (Searching a data base)
– Design entirely a new molecule from
“SCRATCH” (de novo drug/ligand design)
• In this context bioinformatics and
chemoinformatics play a crucial role
Structure-based Drug Design (SBDD)
Structure Analysis
Biological Testing
and Compound Design
If promising
“rational” drug design
X-Ray structural
determination of native
X-Ray structural
determination of
inhibitor complex
Structure Based Drug Design have the potential to shave off years and millions of
Working at the intersection
• Structural Biology
• Biochemistry
• Medicinal Chemistry
• Toxicology
• Pharmacology
• Biophysical Chemistry
• Natural Products Chemistry
• Chemical Ecology
• Information Technology
Molecular docking-definition
• It is a process by which two molecules
are put together in 3 Dimension
Vi = Sk(energies of
interactions between i and all
other residues k located
within a cutoff distance of Rc
from i)
Classical molecular dynamics
• Constituent molecules obey
classical laws of motion
• In MD simulation, we have to
solve Newton's equation of motion
• Force calculation is the time
consuming part of the simulation
• MD simulation can be performed
in various ensembles
• NVT, NPT and NVE are the
ensembles widely used in the MD
• Both quantum and classical
potentials can be used to perform
MD simulation
Calculation of interaction energy
• MM total energy can be used to get interaction
energy of the ligands with biomolecules
• In order to compute the interaction energy,
calculations have to be performed for the
biomolecule, ligands and the biomolecule-
ligand adduct using the same force field
• Eint= Ecomplex - {Ebiomolecule+Eligand}
Integration of equation of motion
and time step
• A key parameter in the integration algorithm is the
integration time step
• The time step is related to molecular vibration
• The main limitation imposed by the highest-frequency
• The vibrational period must be split into at least 8-10
segments for models to satisfy the Verlet algorithm that
the velocities and accelerations are constant over time step
• In most organic models, the highest vibrational frequency
is that of C-H stretching, whose period is of the order of
10-14 s (10fs). Therefore integration step should be 0.5-1 fs
Stages and duration in MD
• Dynamics simulations are usually carried out in two
stages, equilibration and data collection
• The purpose of the equilibration is to prepare the system
so that it comes to the most probable configuration
consistent with the target temperature and pressure
• For large system, the equilibration takes long time
because of the vast conformational space it has to search
• The best way to judge whether a model has equilibrated
is to plot various thermodynamic quantities such as
energy, temperature, pressure versus time
• When equilibrated, the system fluctuate around their
Durations of some real
molecular events
Event Approximate duration
Water reorientation 4 ps
3.5-6.5Å 3.5-6.5Å
Aspargine of T.Helix
and gallic acid
Aspartic acid of
T.Helix and catechin
• Mr. R. Parthasarathi
• Mr. B. Madhan
• Mr. J. Padmanabhan
• Mr. M. Elango
• Mr. S. Sundar Raman
• Mr. R. Vijayraj
Big Thank You