Alex Q. Carodan Jr. Maed-Tem
Alex Q. Carodan Jr. Maed-Tem
Alex Q. Carodan Jr. Maed-Tem
- are substances used by organisms to survive,
grow and reproduce.
- found in food which drive biological activities,
and are essential for human body.
Vitamin A (Retinol)
- Necessary for teeth and both development.
- Can be found in milk, butter and ripe fruits.
- Deficiency of this would lead to blindness and
dryness of skin.
Vitamin B Complex
B1 (Thiamine)
- Necessary for good appetite and good muscle
- Can be found in pork, eggs and leafy vegs.
- Prevents beri- beri which is characterized by
muscular weakness and enlargement of heart.
B2 (Riboflavin)
- Needed for healthy skin and eyes
- Can be found in liver, milk, vegs and mushroom
- Prevents cracks in the skin at the corners of the mouth.
B3 (Niacin)
- Reduces cholesterol in the blood
- Can be found in peas, nuts and liver
- Deficiency of this would lead to pellagra
B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Necessary for the absorption and metabolism of amino
- Can be found in whole grains , cereals, bread and liver.
- Deficiency of this can lead to anemia and skin diorders
- B12 (Cobalomine)
- Necessary for the formation of red blood cells.
- Can be found in meat, milk and eggs
- Deficiency to this may lead to anemia
Folic Acid
-Needed for the production of red blood cells
- Can be found on green and leafy vegetables
Panthothenic Acid
- Help convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into
- Can be found in meat, eggyolk, liver, milk and
- Needed for healthy circulatory system and for
maintaining healthy and beautiful skin.
- Can be found in eggyolk, nuts, legumes and
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
- Needed for the formation of bones
- Necessary for the production of hemoglobin
- Facilitates the absorption of iron
- Can be found in citrus fruits
- Deficiency of this may lead to susceptibility to
infection, retardation of growth and poor wound
Vitamin D
- Necessary for bone formation and retention of calcuim and
phosphorus in the body.
- Can be found in eggyolk, liver, tuna, milk
- Prevents rickets ( soft and fragile bones)
Vitamin E
- Helps body convert fatty acids into energy
- Necessary for red blood cell formaion
- Can be found in veg. oil, mayonnaise and nuts
- Deficiency of this may lead to premature aging.
Vitamin K
- Necessary for blood clotting.
- Can be found in liver and eggyolk
- Difficulty in blood clotting.
Most abundant molecule present in an organism.
60- 90% of the total body weight.
-called as the universal solvent because it can
dissolve inorganic compounds and many organic
compounds better than any other substances.