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Ecological Considerations of The Site

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considerations of the
Module 3
This module describes information that is recorded about the overall setting and site
features for a soil.
• This information includes the physiographic and landscape setting, geomorphological
characteristics, and other information specific to the area where the soil is described.
• The setting and site often include information on drainage pattern, parent material,
bedrock, erosion, land cover, and relationships to vegetation communities.
Site Analysis involves the study of the site in
terms of the following:
Natural factors
• Geomorphology – physiography, landforms, soils,
drainage, topography and slopes, and soil erosion
• Geology
• Hydrology – surface and ground water
• Vegetation – plant ecology
• Wildlife – habitats
• Climate – solar orientation, wind, and humidity.
Learning objectives
After successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
• Understand the importance of considering the ecological aspect of the site and how
this natural features affect the site plan.
• Apply the ecological aspect of the site to design and planning.

Module material refeferences


Site Planning – Lynch, Kevin (latest edition)

Landscapes, GeoMorphology and Site Description https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/?

Geology largely defines the LOGY
Geomorphology is the study of
material architecture of the soil, landforms, the materials of
i.e., the composition, general which they are made, and the
arrangement, and lateral extent dynamics by which they are
of these materials. It helps to made and function. It is at the
explain the configuration and center of understanding what
distribution of the materials of earth materials are, how they
which the soil is composed. interact, how they originated,
and how far they extend and
(36) An introduction to Geology - YouTube where similar conditions and
materials are likely to occur. It
focuses on the combinations of
composition, stratigraphy,
shape, and topography of the
materials and the geologic
processes that give rise to and
modify them.
(36) What is Geomorphology? - YouTube
landforms TYPES OF
– irregularities of the earth’s
surface. LANDFORMS
Landforms are derived from: NATURAL LANDFORMS:

a. Volcanic 1. VALLEY

b. Glacial or erosional 2. PLAINS

processes 3. MOUNTAINS

(36) An Introduction to Landforms of the Earth - YouTube

Elevation Soil slope
is the height of a point on the has a scale connotation. It
Earth’s surface, relative to refers to the ground surface
mean sea level. This configuration. It has gradient,
information is widely available complexity, length, and aspect.
from common GIS databases (36) An Introduction to Slope Stability -
and historically from Slope Stability - YouTube
topographic maps. Elevation
conveys the important climatic
context and reflects the
relative potential and kinetic
energy available at a location.
Slope aspect
is the compass bearing that a
slope faces looking down slope.
It is recorded either in degrees,
accounting for declination, or as
a general compass orientation.
(36) Introduction to Soil part 1 – YouTube
(36) Introduction to Soil part 2 - YouTube (36) Aspect of Slope explained - YouTube
Aspect can substantially impact It is calculated as the vertical
local ecosystems. The impact distance divided by the horizontal
generally increases as slope distance (“rise over run”), multiplied
gradient and latitude increase. by 100, determined at a point along a
slopes of approximately 6 to 8 line oriented up and down slope. It
percent or greater, can Increase directly controls the kinetic energy,
or decrease solar radiation on erosive power, and sediment carrying
slopes due to aspect can affect capacity of running water (as
water dynamics across a site overland flow or channel flow), all of
which increase with increasing
SLOPE gradient. It inversely affects the
amount of time that internal soil water
Slope gradient is the
inclination of the land surface
is present. Many soil conservation
practices, such as conservation
with respect to the horizontal terraces, are designed primarily to
plane. It is also commonly reduce slope gradient to minimize soil
referred to as “slope percent” or erosion and increase infiltration.
simply “slope.”
Purposes of Slope Analysis: 1% slope = 100:1
1. To aid in recognizing areas 10% slope = 10:1
on the site that lend
themselves to building Percentage of slope is expressed as the
locations, roads, parking, or number of meters (feet) rise in 100 m (100
play areas. ft) of horizontal distance, typically referred
2. To show if construction is to as rise/run.
If the slope rises 2 m (2 ft) in 100 m (100
ft), it is considered a 2 percent slope. The
GRADIENT percentage of slope can be calculated by
Gradient refers to the changing the following formula:
elevation along the Earth's
surface or the rate of the slope.
It is expressed in % or ratio or
Purposes of Slope Analysis: 1% slope = 100:1
1. To aid in recognizing areas 10% slope = 10:1
on the site that lend
themselves to building Percentage of slope is expressed as the
locations, roads, parking, or number of meters (feet) rise in 100 m (100
play areas. ft) of horizontal distance, typically referred
2. To show if construction is to as rise/run.
If the slope rises 2 m (2 ft) in 100 m (100
ft), it is considered a 2 percent slope. The
GRADIENT percentage of slope can be calculated by
Gradient refers to the changing the following formula:
elevation along the Earth's
surface or the rate of the slope.
It is expressed in % or ratio or
Methods expressing slope
1. Percentage (%) of Slope 2. Proportion of Slope
is expressed as the number of meters (feet) rise in is expressed as a ratio of the horizontal distance to the
100 m (ft). of horizontal distance, referred as vertical rise.


G = D/L x 100 where,

L = D/G x 100 D = GL

G = Gradient, %
D = Vertical rise, m (ft)
L = Horizontal Distance, m (ft)

Example Below: Example:

Conversions: Ratio 1:4 to Percentage
¼ x 100 = 25%
to Degrees:
tan θ = ¼
θ = ¼ ‾ Tan
θ = 14.036º
Methods expressing slope
is expressed in degrees only on large scale
earth-moving projects. THE NATURAL FACTORS
The process involves breaking down of topography into
SLOPE ANALYSIS - is an important analytical grades which will establish the desired patterns for a given
process made on a topographic map that makes a land use as in the following example :
proper match between land uses and slopes and
produces an overall pattern of slopes which helps 0 – 5% Generally flat
the site planner in determining the buildable Highly buildable
portions of the site.
5 – 10% Gently rolling
Moderately buildable

10 – 15% Gentle to mild slopes

Moderately difficult to build

15 – 20% Mild to steep slopes

Difficult to build

20% and over Harsh, steep slopes

Methods expressing slope

Simple versus complex slopes

and slope positions.

* Special drain field designs are required

at slopes above 10 to 12 percent.
Methods expressing slope
If the detail of mapping requires slope classes that SOIL EROSION
are more detailed than those in table, some or all when rocks are broken down (weathered) into small
of the slope classes can be subdivided as follows: fragments, and carried by wind, water, ice and gravity.
• Nearly level.—Level, nearly level Energy for this process is solar and gravitational.
• Gently sloping.—Very gently sloping, gently
sloping Four factors to consider in forecasting erosion rates:
• Strongly sloping.—Sloping, strongly sloping, 1. Vegetation
moderately sloping 2. Soil type
• Undulating.—Gently undulating, undulating 3. Frequency and intensity of rainfall
• Rolling.—Rolling, strongly rolling 4. Slope size and inclination

In a highly detailed survey, for example, slope

classes of 0 to 1 percent and 1 to 3 percent SOIL EROSION PREVENTION
would be named “level” and “nearly level,”
respectively. 5. Vegetation:
• Foliage intercepts raindrops
• Organic litter on the ground reduces impact of
• Roots bind together aggregates of soil particles
• Cover density, in form of ground cover or tree canopy,
decreases soil loss to runoff


Methods expressing slope
2. Soil Type: 3. Slope Size and Inclination:

Intermediate textures like sand will usually yield The velocity of runoff is closely related to the slope of the
(erode) first ground over which it flows. Slopes that are both steep and
long produce the greatest erosion because they generate
• To erode clay, the velocity of the runoff should runoff that is high in velocity and mass.
be high enough to overcome cohesive forces
that bind the particles together Slope also influences the quantity of runoff since long
slopes collect more rainfall and thus generate a larger
• Similarly, high velocities would be needed to volume of runoff.
move masses of pebbles and particles larger
than those of sand 4. Frequency and Intensity of Rainfall:

• Intensive rainfalls produced by thunderstorms

promote the highest rates of erosion.

• Accordingly, the incidence of storms plus total annual

rainfall can be a reliable measure of the effectiveness
of rainfall in promoting soil erosion.
SITE GRADING – BASICS Extensive alterations in the landform may lead to
(36) Land Development 101 - Introduction Video #2 (R unstable conditions resulting in erosion, landslides,
ough Grading) - YouTube floods, and a complete destruction of ecosystem.

Grading is the process of modification of existing IMPORTANCE OF GRADING

landform to accommodate new structures, parking
and circulation and to ensure positive drainage. 1. The ground surface must be suitable for the
intended purpose or use.
• Consideration must be given to utilities such 2. The visual result should be pleasing.
as: water, gas, power, communication 3. The result of any grading must have positive
services, and sewerage for disposal of drainage.
wastewater, and storm water. 4. The grading plans should attempt to keep new
levels as close as possible to the original state of
• Grading process requires a careful change of the land.
contours so that they support the integration 5. When ground is reshaped it should be done
of building with the site. positively and at the scale of the machinery.
6. Top soil must be conserved wherever possible.
The land may be graded or adjusted to suit the 7. The quantity of cut should be approximately equal
architectural or engineering requirements, or the to the quantity of the fill.
architecture may be adopted to meet variations in
the ground level so that the original surface is
disturbed the least.

Preparing site grading plan – Grading of a site CUT AND FILL

should be thoughtful systematic process that
begins with an analysis and understanding of the • The process of removal of earth from one part of site
site and ends with an overall detailed Grading to achieve required grading and the place and using
plan. the dug up earth to achieve required grading by filling
it at another place on the same sit.
• Site Analysis: Study the general lay of the
land by using topographic maps and site visits. • The amount of material from cuts roughly matches the
amount of fill needed to make nearby embankments,
1. Determine high points, low points, ridges, so minimizing the amount of construction labor.
and valleys.
2. Note natural drainage systems and
directions of flow that exist on the site.

• Site use concept: Determine how existing

landforms would affect proposed use areas,
such as building locations, roads, parking
areas, walkways, plazas, and lawn areas.
PRINCIPLES OF GRADING TECHNOLOGY Functional & Aesthetic Reasons for Grading

Three principal goals in development of a 1. Grading for Drainage

grading plan are: 2. Grading to create berms.
3. Grading to create level areas
• Keep unwanted water from entering a 4. Grading to modify existing landforms
building. 5. Grading for increased site interest.
• Keep surface run off from creating damage 6. Grading related to good views.
to property or people during periods of heavy 7. Grading related to bad views.
rainfall and subsequent runoff. 8. Grading to fit structure to site.
• To accommodate the structure on site with 9. Grading to emphasize or control circulations
disturbing the site to minimum. 10.Grading to create level areas
11.Grading to facilitate better plant growth
CONTOUR LINES 4. Contour lines point down ridges.

1. Contours - are lines of equal elevation 5. With the exception of an overhanging shelf or cave,
above the same reference plane contours never cross, they merge only at vertical
walls or cliffs.
2. Contour interval – is the vertical distance
between contours. It is always equal. 6. Contours along the highest points of ridges or the
lowest points of valleys are always found in pairs, for
CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTOUR: each contour is a continuous line that closes on itself
either on or off the drawing and never splits or stops.
3. A uniform slope is indicated by evenly space
contour. 7. High points on summits or low points within a
depression are indicated by spot elevations.
2. Slope increases with closeness of contours.
Lines close at the top of a slope and wider 8. Runoff water flows downhill perpendicular to contour
apart at the bottom indicate a concave slope. lines.
The reverse situation indicates a convex
slope. 9. Existing contours are shown as dashed lines with
very sixth line in 1 ft contour interval drawn heavier.
3. Contour lines point up stream valleys. Contours are numbered either in the mass of the
contour line or on the uphill side. New contour lines
for proposed grades are shown as solid lines.
• Spot elevations provide additional information
10. Small depressions may be encircled by beyond that given by the contour lines. They
contours with hachures (short lines indicate Micro grading.
perpendicular to the contour line) on the • Spot elevations are used to establish limits of
downhill side. A hachured contour has the slope, to locate contour lines, and to provide detail
same elevation as the normal (un-hachured) for establishing control points that cannot be
contour immediately downhill from it. obtained via contour lines.

Typical locations for taking spot elevations are:

• Top and bottom of steps.
• Tops of retaining wall.
• Outside entrances to buildings.
• Inside floor levels of buildings.
• Corners of all structures.

Spot Elevations

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