This document provides information on several speakers for a pathology conference. On day one, speakers will discuss precision pathology, clinical autopsy, ethical issues in pathology, and fulfilling patient safety standards. George Netto will also speak twice on genomics in urogenital malignancies and clinical autopsy. Day two speakers will discuss updates to WHO tumor classifications, ovarian, endometrial, breast and soft tissue cancers. Day three topics include lung, salivary gland and pancreas cytology, pap smears, and effusion cytology. Most speakers are pathology professors and specialists from universities and hospitals in Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, and Hong Kong.
This document provides information on several speakers for a pathology conference. On day one, speakers will discuss precision pathology, clinical autopsy, ethical issues in pathology, and fulfilling patient safety standards. George Netto will also speak twice on genomics in urogenital malignancies and clinical autopsy. Day two speakers will discuss updates to WHO tumor classifications, ovarian, endometrial, breast and soft tissue cancers. Day three topics include lung, salivary gland and pancreas cytology, pap smears, and effusion cytology. Most speakers are pathology professors and specialists from universities and hospitals in Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, and Hong Kong.
This document provides information on several speakers for a pathology conference. On day one, speakers will discuss precision pathology, clinical autopsy, ethical issues in pathology, and fulfilling patient safety standards. George Netto will also speak twice on genomics in urogenital malignancies and clinical autopsy. Day two speakers will discuss updates to WHO tumor classifications, ovarian, endometrial, breast and soft tissue cancers. Day three topics include lung, salivary gland and pancreas cytology, pap smears, and effusion cytology. Most speakers are pathology professors and specialists from universities and hospitals in Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, and Hong Kong.
This document provides information on several speakers for a pathology conference. On day one, speakers will discuss precision pathology, clinical autopsy, ethical issues in pathology, and fulfilling patient safety standards. George Netto will also speak twice on genomics in urogenital malignancies and clinical autopsy. Day two speakers will discuss updates to WHO tumor classifications, ovarian, endometrial, breast and soft tissue cancers. Day three topics include lung, salivary gland and pancreas cytology, pap smears, and effusion cytology. Most speakers are pathology professors and specialists from universities and hospitals in Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, and Hong Kong.
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Precision Pathology: Genomics,
artificial lntelligence and liquid biopsy George Netto Clinical autopsy in the new era Jagdish Buttany • Jagdish Buttany
• He is currently Professor and Director of Anatomical Pathology at University
of Toronto, and Staff Pathologist and Consultant Cardiovascular Pathologist at the Toronto General Hospital. He has had a career-long interest in teaching and CME, where he was awarded the Toronto General Hospital's WA Anderson Teaching Award ('94-'95), the Aikins Award (1995), the LMP Department`s John B Walter Teaching Award (2002), and the Colin R. Woolf Award (2012). A founding member of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology (Distinguished Achievement Award, he was its President ('07 - '09) and was Co-Editor-in-Chief of Cardiovascular Pathology, with Dr Avrum Gotlieb. Ethical issue in pathology Syarifuddin Wahid Prof. dr. SyarifuddinWahid, PhD, SpPA(K), SpF • Guru Besar Emiritus Bagian Patologi Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin • Wakil Ketua I AIPKI • Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran UMI Makassar • Ketua MKEK IDI Makassar • Menjadi pembicara di lebih dari 20 temu ilmiah • Penulis buku Imunologi, Lebih Mudah Dipahami; Biomedik dan Mekanisme Dasar Penyakit dan Panduan Praktis Etika Profesi Dokter Role of pathologist to fullfil patient safety standards in limited setting Endang SRH Dr. Endang Sri Roostini Hardjolukito, MS, SpPA(K) • Dosen Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM • Mempublikasi lebih dari 20 publikasi • Menjadi speaker di lebih dari 30 seminar nasional dan internasional • Keminatan: lymphoid pathology, breast pathology, immunohistochemistry, biobanking Genomic advances in urogenital malignancies George Netto Clinical autopsy: A to Z for beginners Jagdish Buttany Clinical autopsy in Indonesia: dealing with culture and regulations Berti Julian Nelwan The importance for pathology and reality M Husni Cangara SPEAKERS DAY TWO Hall BC What's new in 2020 WHO blue book on classification of tumors of the female genital tract Blake Gilks Dr. Blake Gilks • Professor in the Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia (UBC) • Co-founder of OvCaRe, a multidisciplinary team studying ovarian cancer; co-founder and co-director of the Canadian Immunohistochemistry Quality Control program • Past-president of the International Society of Gynecological Pathology. • Author of more than 400 peer-reviewed research publications. • Contributor of the last three editions of the WHO Classification of Tumours of the Female Reproductive Tract. Ovarian cancer: understanding better borderline cases Diana Lim Diana Lim, MBBS, FRCPath, FRCPA • Senior Consultant, Department of Pathology, National University Health System, Singapore • Assistant Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore • Laboratory (Section) Director, Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Centre, Singapore • Published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles, abstracts and book chapters related to gynecological and molecular pathology Endometrial carcinoma: recent development Philip Ip Dr. Philip Pun Ching IP • Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong • Honorary Consultant, Department of Pathology, Queen Mary Hospital • Board member of Asian Gynecologic Oncology Group (AGOG) and pathologist representative at The Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup (GCIG) for international collaboration of cancer research • Editorial board member, International Journal of Gynecological Pathology • Editorial board member, Acta Cytologica • Authored of book chapters including the 4th Edition of WHO Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs (2014), and the 5th Edition of WHO Classification of Female Genital Tumours (2020). Triple negative breast cancers: pathology and treatment Gary M Tse Recent trends in endocrine carcinoma of the breast Tan Puay Hoon Bone and soft tissue Cytology Sjahjenny Mustukoweni Sjahjenny Mustokoweni,dr.,Sp.PA(K),MIAC • Dosen Departemen Patologi Anatomik FK. Unair • Publikasi: 29 topik meliputi bidang Patologi Anatomi, Obstetri Ginekologi, Orthopedi, Bedah Onkologi, Bedah Plastik, Mata, Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin • Wakil Ketua Pengurus Pusat IAPI SPEAKERS DAY TWO Hall B Endometrial curretage: common misdiagnosed entities and strategies to recognize hallmark diagnostic features Blake Gilks Dr. Blake Gilks • Professor in the Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia (UBC) • Co-founder of OvCaRe, a multidisciplinary team studying ovarian cancer; co-founder and co-director of the Canadian Immunohistochemistry Quality Control program • Past-president of the International Society of Gynecological Pathology. • Author of more than 400 peer-reviewed research publications. • Contributor of the last three editions of the WHO Classification of Tumours of the Female Reproductive Tract. Gestational trophoblastic diseases: morphological-based and molecular tests to a precise diagnosis Dik Puspasari Dr. Dik Puspasari, SpPA(K) • Head of Anatomical Pathology Medical Staff Group at dr. Kariadi Central Public Hospital, Semarang • Peminatan: breast pathology The use of special staining and biomarkes in problematic gynecological pathology cases Philip Ip Dr. Philip Pun Ching IP • Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong • Honorary Consultant, Department of Pathology, Queen Mary Hospital • Board member of Asian Gynecologic Oncology Group (AGOG) and pathologist representative at The Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup (GCIG) for international collaboration of cancer research • Editorial board member, International Journal of Gynecological Pathology • Editorial board member, Acta Cytologica • Authored of book chapters including the 4th Edition of WHO Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs (2014), and the 5th Edition of WHO Classification of Female Genital Tumours (2020). Ovarian neoplasm: common problems in frozen section specimen and histopathology examination Hartono Tjahjadi dr. Hartono Tjahjadi, Sp.PA(K) • Dosen Departemen Patologi Anatomik, RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, FKUI • Mengikuti lebih dari 20 pelatihan/kursus di dalam dan luar negeri SPEAKERS DAY TWO Hall C Recent trends in endocrine carcinoma of the breast Tan Puay Hoon WHO 2019 update-topical issues (papillary lesions, FEL) Gary M Tse Benign mimickers of breast carcinoma Bethy S Hernowo Prof. Hj. Bethy S. Hernowo, dr., Sp.PA(K), Ph.D • Profesor di Departemen Patologi Anatomik Univeritas Padjajaran Bandung dengan kepakaran Patologi Sistem Hematoretikuloendotelial • Ketua IAPI 2012-2015 • Ketua INA IAPI 20-12-2014 • Menulis lebih dari 20 publikasi terindeks scopus • Penulis Buku Ajar patologi Clinicopathological significance of Indonesian TNBC and prognostic implication of TILs Irianawati Dr. Irianiwati,SpPA (K) • Dosen Bagian patologi Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran UGM/ RSUP Dr. Sarjito Yogyakarta • Keminatan: breast pathology SPEAKERS DAY THREE Lung Cytology: Pitfalls and mimickers of lung cancer Heriawaty Hidayat Dr. Heriawaty Hidajat, SpPA • Lulus Spesialis Patologi Anatomi 1999 • Patologis RSUP Persahaban • Keminatan: lung pathology Preparation of specimen and molecular targeted terapy for lung cancer: pathologist role and responsibility Didik Setyo Heriyanto dr. DIDIK SETYO HERIYANTO, Ph.D., SpPA(K) • Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada • Anggota International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer • Anggota International Academy of Cytology • Menjadi pembicara di lebih dari 30 seminar dan temu ilmiah • Mempublikasi 10 jurnal internasional Pap smear: do not fall on these traps Etty Hary K dr. Etty Hary Kusmastuti, SpPA(K), FIAC • Kepala Departemen Patologi Anatomik RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya • Keminatan: cytology • Fellowship of International Academy of Cytology Salivary gland Cytology: Update according newest consensus Lisnawati Rachmadi Dr. dr. Lisnawati SpPA(K) • Ketua Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM • Peminatan: sitopatologi • Pembicara dan pengajar pada lebih dari 20 symposium nasional dan internasional • Publikasi lebih dari 10 jurnal terindeks scopus Pancreas Cytology: EUS-FNA pancreatic cytology-sytematical approach to proper diagnosis Marini Stephanie dr. Marini Stephanie, SpPA • Dosen Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM • Keminatan: cytopathology dan GI pathology • Publikasi lebih dari 10 jurnal Efusion Cytology: 101 tricks for diagnosing efusion cytology sample Hasrayati Agustina Dr. Hasrayati Agustina, SpPA, MKes • Dosen Bagian Patologi Anatomik FK Unpad • Peminatan: Dermatopathology dan Cytology