Assessing Learner'S Progress of Learning in A Flexible Class
Assessing Learner'S Progress of Learning in A Flexible Class
Assessing Learner'S Progress of Learning in A Flexible Class
Learning Experience through Assessment Activities
Minimum Standards
1. Communication Skills “What in the long
2. Thinking Skills run after completing
(Critical and Problem Solving) the course can
3. Technology Skills learners do on their
4. Communication and Technology own with what they
Skills ( Creative & Innovation) learned?”
5. Problem Solving Skills
6. Collaboration Skills “What in real life
situation can
learners put
themselves in
Which of these shall be where they can
championed by the core perform the
transfer goal?”
Which of these skills do you
think we should prioritize in our
core subject? Why?
Combined K-12 Outcomes and 21st Century Skills
Communication Skills
Technology Skills
Collaboration Skills
Learning Experience through Assessment Activities
P Doing Understanding
E “What in the long
R run after completing Evaluating Applying
Performance Analyzing Understanding
F the course can Checks Remembering
O learners do on their
R own with what they
M learned?” Enabling formative
A assessment activities Knowing
N That ensure the Written Works
C “What in real life successful completion
E situation can of the Performance
Task Formative questions
learners put
T That lead to the
themselves in
A completion of
where they can
S performance checks
perform the
K transfer goal?”
Assessment Feedback of Learning in a Flexible Class
Why assess? To certify learner’s proficiency To enable teachers to determine next To guide and provide opportunities for
steps in advancing learner’s learning. each learner to monitor and critically
reflect on his/her learning and identify
next steps.
Actions to take Learner The Teacher The teacher guides the learner to:
with the • Competencies Checklist with 1. Reminds the student 1. Identify the difficulties and
Learner metrics 2. Points out the competencies expectations of the learner
• Quantitative Equivalence 3. Provides recommendation 2. Define the response mechanism to
improve progress of learning
Guardian) 3. Appropriateness of the response
4. Implement the response mechanism
5. Effect of the response mechanism
Activities without Digital Tools
How to make a Flexible
Class Assessment
Activities Map?