Introduction To Project Management: Syed Momin Ali Shah
Introduction To Project Management: Syed Momin Ali Shah
Introduction To Project Management: Syed Momin Ali Shah
What is a Project? (Contd)
The Scope Triangle: Time, Cost, Resources
Cost Time
Classification of Project Types
Projects can be classified as social sector and infrastructure.
Some examples are:
Transportation Highways, mass transit, airports
Utilities Electric, power, gas, telephones
Education Schools, colleges, dormitories
Public Safety Police, fire, National guard
Recreation Parks, playgrounds, historic sites
Development Harbors, dams, irrigation
Research Health, space, agriculture.
Defense Military equipment and systems
Conservation Forests, shorelines, pollution.
Project Management
Project Management is an organized venture for
managing projects. It involves scientific
application of modern tools and techniques in
planning, financing, implementing, monitoring,
controlling and coordinating unique activities or
tasks to produce desirable outputs in
consonance with predetermined objectives,
within the constraints of time, cost and quality.
Modern Tools - Technique
PERT/CPM (Program Eval & Review Tech)
VERT/GERT (Venture/Graphical)
Linear Responsibility Charts
Gantt Charts
Milestone Charts
Work Breakdown Structures
Project Action Plans
Project Life Cycle
Project Selection Models
Non-numeric Models
The sacred cow
The Operating necessity
The competitive necessity
The product line extension
Comparative benefit model
Numeric Models
Payback period
Discounted cash flow, NPV
Benefit Cost
What is Project Planning?
It is complete road map to go from point A to B.
Project planning is a rational determination of how
to initiate, sustain, and terminate a project.
Project planning starts with the development of a
vision - the ability to see something that is
invisible to others.
Why Plan a Project?
To eliminate of reduce uncertainty.
To improve efficiency of the operation.
To obtain a better understanding of the objectives.
To provide basis for monitoring and controlling
Project Management Processes
Initiating Planning
Processes Processes
Processes Executing
P ro g ra m M a n a g e r V . P . M a r k e t in g V . P . M a n u fa c t u r in g V .O R & D
M a n a g e r , P r o je c t A M a n a g e r , P r o je c t B
M a r k e t in g M a r k e t in g
M a n u fa c t u r in g M a n u fa c t u r in g
R &D R &D
F in a n c e F in a n c e
P e rs o n n e l P e rs o n n e l
Pure Project Organization (Contd)
Pure project groups seem to foster
inconsistency in the way in which policies and
procedures are carried out.
In pure project organizations, the project takes
on a life of its own. Team members form strong
attachments to the project and to each other.
Worry about “life after the project ends.”
Causes of Project Failure
Projects that have failed generally display
several of the following characteristics:
The customer’s conditions of satisfaction have
not been negotiated.
The project no longer has a high priority.
No one seems to be in charge.
The schedule is too optimistic
The project plan is not used to manage the
Sufficient resources have not been committed.