Transfusion Reaction and Coombs Test: Moderator:-Dr Sanjay Agrwal Presenter: - DR Pratima Singh PG Jr-1
Transfusion Reaction and Coombs Test: Moderator:-Dr Sanjay Agrwal Presenter: - DR Pratima Singh PG Jr-1
Transfusion Reaction and Coombs Test: Moderator:-Dr Sanjay Agrwal Presenter: - DR Pratima Singh PG Jr-1
• Stop the transfusion and keep IV line open with normal saline in another site.
Maintain airway and give high flow oxygen by mask.
• Give adrenaline 0.01mg/kg body weight by slow IM injection.
• Give IV corticosteroids and bronchodilators.
• Give diuretics: eg frusemide 1mg / kg/IV .
• Notify the senior doctor attending the patient, and blood centre.
• Start a 24 hr urine collection and record all intake and output.
• Asses the bleeding from puncture sites or wounds.if there is clinical or laboratory
evidence of DIC , give platelets (4-6 unit) and either cryoprecipitate ( adult: 12
unit) or FFP ( adult:3units)
• Continued……..
Reasses . If hypotensive _ give further saline.
Give inotrops, if available.
If urine output falls or :- maintain fluid balance accurately .
Give further diuretics:eg frusemide 1 mg/kg IV or equivalent.
Consider dopamine infusion , if available.
If bacteremia is suspected ( rigor,fever,collapse,no evidence of a
hemolytic reaction), start a broad – spectrum antibiotic IV.
Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction:- results from destruction of
transfused RBC by preformed antibodies in the recipient.
Occur during immediately.
Common error are collection of blood ( grouping &cross matching) from the wrong
patient, incorrect labeling of sample , transfusion of blood to the wrong patient and
issue of wrong unit from the blood bank.
Sign&symptom:- fever,pain at the infusion site,loin or back pain ,oozing from
venepuncture site , tachycardia, hemoglobinuria , hypotension.
Laboratory studies:- hemoglobinemia , positive direct anti globulin test ,
hemoglobinuria, schistocytes, increase indirect serum bilirubin.
Febrile Non – hemolytic transfusion reaction
• Most common transfusion reaction.
• It is defined as unexplained rise of temperature of at least 1°c during or shortly
after transfusion.
• It is caused by release of pyrogenic cytokines from white cells.
• Sign & symptom:- fever , chills and tachycardia, headache, vomiting.
Management:- Antipyretics ( acetaminophen).
Prevention:- Use leukoreduced blood components.
Bacterial contamination of donor unit:- contamination of donor unit
are transient bacteremia in an asymptomatic donor .
Allergic reactions
This result from type 1 hypersensitivity reaction to some donor plasma
Sign & symptom:- mild urticaria, rash, pruritus develop within seconds.
Management:- Antihistamines.
Transfusion associated circulatory overload:- it is occur if transfusion rate is
too rapid ,excessive cardiac & renal impairment is present.
• It causes cardiac failure and lung edema.
Sign & symptom:- Dyspnea, peripheral edema, cough, tachycardia, hypertension.
Management:- upright posture oxygen, diuretics.
Donor platelet posses high incidence HPA-1a antigen while this antigen is
lacking on patients platelet.
Mechanism of destruction of HPA-1a negative platelet is not known
Management:- give the high dose corticosteroids.
Give high dose of IV immunoglobulin 2g/kg for 5 days.
Plasma exchange.
Monitor the patient platelet count.
Recovery of platelet count after 2-4 week is usual.
Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction:- occur after several days or weeks
after transfusion. Who have been sensitized to a red cell antigen by previous transfusion.
• On exposure there is a secondary IgG immune response & mainly extra vascular
Sign& symptom:- fever ,mild jaundice, mild anemia , hypotension, oliguria.
Laboratory features:_ raised indirect serum bilirubin, spherocytes on blood smear,
decreased Hb level , positive anti globulin test.
Management:- identification of implicated antibodies and transfusion of antigen-
negative units.
Complications associated with massive transfusion:- massive
transfusion Refers to transfusion of stored blood equivalent to patients blood
volume in 24 hrs.